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'No smoking, no shaving': Taliban restore old rules in newly seized Afghan territory

what does the taliban have to do with muslims and Islam ?

Super shot, sir ! :tup:

Burqa have nothing to do with Islam yes. But the purpose it serves ( I mean parda) have everything to do with Islam. Jewish religion is abrahmic religion just like Islam. So the concept exist in Islam too. Just like prohibition from drugs, alcohol etc.

But the question is the extent of Parda.

The rest of your post I will answer at length in a few days but I must say I did not expect some of that from you. :)

What is wrong with being pious and Islamic

Why should we be so defensive?

Muslims should live their lives for the sake of Islam and not to please non-Muslims.

Nothing wrong in being pious and Islamic but the question is the definition of those two.

What is the obsession of many Muslims of the past twenty years - male and female - to connect being Islamic with a certain oppressive and in-your-face dress code ?

While non-Muslims are building capability to be on Mars by the mid-2030s Muslim men are engaging in competition about how many foot-long the beard is and Muslim women are competing over how big is their veil. Especially in India. Is this what Islam all about ?

Of course beards are not automatic indicators of regressive thought because, if you read this thread of mine ( an article by Nadeem Paracha of Dawn ), Muslim men with beards were engaged in progressive thought in the years after the Russian revolution of 1917. Sad that the face of the active and practicing Muslim man today is not one with progressive thought with grounding in the progressive socio-economic thought of Islam but one who is obsessed with filling his neighborhood mosque 10 times a day for prayer.
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What is the difference between imposed morality and imposed immorality?

Pakistan advocates moderation in tackling challenges faced by the Afghan nation.
But the question is the extent of Parda.

The rest of your post I will answer at length in a few days but I must say I did not expect some of that from you. :)

As I said previously. I am not 100% practicing Muslim, I am a sinful person who seek forgiveness from Allah. I don't force my wife or my sister's to do parda let alone wear burqa. But this doesn't change the fact that these things are part of Islam and Muslim society. Your's and mine opinion doesn't matter. Time stopped when 2 hairs of Bibi Fatima exposed, when she was about to die she asked to be buried in night so that no man can see her. She didn't even allowed any lady to bath her dead body and did so when she was still alive. This is Islam, she was a Muslima, this example is from a Muslim society.

From my minimal understanding of the Durand Line dispute it seems to be a small version of the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan.

But what kind of peace will be that ? No basic human rights.

My personal wish is for Afghanistan to go back to the 1980s but without the Western / Chinese / "Mujahideen" involvement.
How can durand line be compared with kashmir issue

Durand line can be compared to pakistan caimling indian punjab..even though sikhs dont want to join pakistan and its accepted by both countries as an international boarder

Or another example will be britain claiming USA as its part ..

Kashmir is an issue where kashmiris dont want to be part of india and were supposr to be part of pakistan following partition formula(deccan, junagarh formula too) and is an issue accepted by BOTH INDIA AND PAKISTAN

Worse on durrand line, its been made worse by afghans not sure about their own identity..its like irish people start claiming USA as their own and saying they arent irish

People of KPK and pakistani pushtoons outnumber afghans in all four provinces

There are infact more pushtoons in karachi/sindh then most of afghanistan

Basically the durand line issue is nothing but afghans trying to get money from india

The reason why actual patriotic afghans are not really interested in the issue

Maybe so. But what do you suggest Pakistan do at this point in time?
Pakistan is between a rock and a hard place.
It is in a predicament.
A predicament that it's past policies has contributed to.
It has no choice but to support the Taliban and hope they stay onside in the future.
That's geopolitics.
I understand that.
But that is not the same as individual Pakistanis supporting the Taliban and condoning their ideology and practices.
My reply was to those Pakistanis who are pretending that, somehow, the Taliban have changed and softened.
They haven't, and while they are in existence, they will be a regressive force for the people they rule and will be a constant threat to the stability of their neighbourhood.
you have near enough 1.4 billion zombies in modern bharat. majority of whom are embracing RSS and Yogi terror willingly. before long all dissenting voices will be purged unless lord vishnu sends another avatar to wreak havoc. it seem he failed last time when he came as Corona.

@my stalker: this is NOT a religious insult but a decree from Hindu mahasabha which says that it was Lord Vishnu come to punish the wrongdoers

Hindu Mahasabha says coronavirus an 'angry avatar' to ... - Mint
You must be looking for this islamic viewpoint-
Coronavirus Punishment From God, Will End if Muslims Allowed to Offer Prayer at Mosques, Claims Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqur Rahman Barq

Seems the wuhan virus is a punishment from Allah. I am not saying it but a respected Muslim figure is saying it.
This is not a religious insult but a decree from a prominent Muslim figure who says the wuhan virus is the wrath of Allah and can be cured by praying in crowded masjids.
You must be looking for this islamic viewpoint-
Coronavirus Punishment From God, Will End if Muslims Allowed to Offer Prayer at Mosques, Claims Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqur Rahman Barq

Seems the wuhan virus is a punishment from Allah. I am not saying it but a respected Muslim figure is saying it.
This is not a religious insult but a decree from a prominent Muslim figure who says the wuhan virus is the wrath of Allah and can be cured by praying in crowded masjids.
why would the illiterate followers of india-made versions of Islam be any different than their brothers in the hindu mahsabha?
Durrand line is an obstacle in the manifest destiny of Pathans to live together

it gives the Pakistani establishment enough fits that they choose brain dead groups like the Taliban to support
You are talking to a pushtoon who barely understands afghani pushtoo, pushtoo lanuguage have 100s of dialect some so difficult that it is heardly understandable.

This shows how naive you are.

Over 100s of year of boarder has made huge difference between afghan pushtoons and pakistani pushtoons.

Regardless a combined pushtoon(looks stuoid but lets for argument sake accept it) will be basically mean a bigger pakistan because more pushtoon live in pakistan then in afghanistan

Infact more pushtoon live in pushtoon minority provinces of sindh(karachi) balochistan and punjab then all afghanistan where tajik and uzbeks are almost half the population

Under no scenrio is pushtoon threat to pakistan.
As you can build pushtoonistan simply because after 80 years of pakistan the pushtoon population has gotten deeply inbeded within sindh and punjab

Reciporacal is possible. It is possibel then afghan boarder pushtoon belt is simply swallowed in pakistan (what amer saleh VP afghan is now claiming)

So why do pushtoon support talis then????

Its simple during 1990-1996 we had several bomb attack in peshwar and school bus hijack

1996-2002 ---nothing

2006-2021-- school attack and several bombing

So who did these bombing--liberal afghans

So you wont find a single logical ANA supporter in pakistan for same reason why you wont find a single supporter of terrorists in any other country
As you are an indian, i will give u an example
U wont find a terroist supporter or kashmiris or sikh supporter in india so why do u expect pakistanis to support people who bombed them back in the day
You must be looking for this islamic viewpoint-
Coronavirus Punishment From God, Will End if Muslims Allowed to Offer Prayer at Mosques, Claims Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqur Rahman Barq

Seems the wuhan virus is a punishment from Allah. I am not saying it but a respected Muslim figure is saying it.
This is not a religious insult but a decree from a prominent Muslim figure who says the wuhan virus is the wrath of Allah and can be cured by praying in crowded masjids.
Prominent and respected Muslim figure saying the first thing that comes into his head in an attempt to become relevant.
Why am I not shocked.
Prominent and respected Muslim figure saying the first thing that comes into his head in an attempt to become relevant.
Why am I not shocked.
by what standard?

they seem to own many sarkari musalmans, not just the adherents of their own home-made Islams but they also have one who they pretend is the follower of fiqh e jafriah. little devil not only makes movies extolling the virtues of hendi gods and worshiping them but also goes to court to have Quran edited.

there is nothing too low for these chanakya putras

I am having difficulty finding the right words to use and am losing the ability to string a sentence together hence so many edits.
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