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Number Of Pakistanis Looking For Opportunities Abroad Surges

damn, I have been trying as well.
are Pakistani degrees, especially engineering ones recognized abroad?

Yes. Apply for a masters in European countries like Germany, you should be able to get a visa. UK accepts them too but i think its more expensive.

Estonia is a popular destination too.
I am always surprised when rich Pakistanis choose to live in the West. The luxury available to the rich in Pakistan is far greater than anything in the West.

Yes, give a 'patriot' a Western visa and he'll be on the next plane out. Yes. yes I know there are exceptions.
It is called safety and sense of law. That is it. Nothing more - that is the difference. People can even withstand dirt, heat, lack of electricity etc. What people cannot stand is lack of respect, lack of safety and lack of equality of law for all.
Yes. Apply for a masters in European countries like Germany, you should be able to get a visa. UK accepts them too but i think its more expensive.

Estonia is a popular destination too.
I meant, for employment.
Nothing new . Everybody has the right to move in search of better opportunities. This will bring increase in remittance also, if there families are in Pakistan.
There have been alot of non Muslims Pakistanis who’ve come to Thailand as refugees.

A stop gap before they go to Canada.

Also, a few years ago, you’d see alot of ex MQM guys coming to Thailand and South Africa to escape prosecution.
Emigration is not necessarily a bad thing. If at all it denotes a population which is educated and healthy enough to find employment in the global market; and aspirational enough to want to tap into the global labour market to enjoy a better life.


@Muji.Iqbal @RiazHaq
You don't understand how important expatriates are. India understands very well. Don't you think Indian CEOs of Google, Microsoft, IBM and many others work towards directing investment and manufacturing to India?

Do you know this year had a record number of Indians in the US Senate and Congress? The Vice President is half-Indian. There are two Indian candidates running for President on the Republican side alone. The US state department and DC-based think tanks are filled with Indians to guide US policy towards Pakistan.

Here your sold out army is selling the country, its people, its leader for a billion dollars and a hopeless pursuit of "friendship" with the west simply because some diplomat who no one had even heard of told them "all will be forgiven" if Imran Khan is removed. You really think those Indians in the US government are really going to allow US-Pakistan ties to improve?

Do you really believe in what you wrote above ?
damn, I have been trying as well.
are Pakistani degrees, especially engineering ones recognized abroad?

If your university is recognized by HEC, you should get ECA from WES or IQAS.

Start preparing for IELTS. If you can score 6-8 band, you can easily apply for Saskatchewan PNP through express entry. Its cold but way easier than some of the other countries.

After 3 years, you can move to any part of Canada.

I meant, for employment.

You will start small i.e odd jobs / part times.

If you are single, can easily survive and work your way up.
I am always surprised when rich Pakistanis choose to live in the West. The luxury available to the rich in Pakistan is far greater than anything in the West.

Yes, give a 'patriot' a Western visa and he'll be on the next plane out. Yes. yes I know there are exceptions.

It is called safety and sense of law. That is it. Nothing more - that is the difference. People can even withstand dirt, heat, lack of electricity etc. What people cannot stand is lack of respect, lack of safety and lack of equality of law for all.

@akramishaqkhan stated it's the piece of mind in that the law is applied evenly and without favoritism. Just look at the current state of Pakistan's judicial system; how can one expect justice in this jungle? Granted, I come from a wealthy family in the millions living in the US, and if I were in Pakistan, I would have drivers, cooks, cleaning maids, etc., and enjoy a better style of life in Pakistan. But knowing if something goes wrong, my next four generations will be fighting it out in court doesn't give me enough confidence to put my eggs in that basket. We already went through a case in Sahiwal started by my grandfather, then my father, and then I decided to cut the losses and walk away; our case reached the Supreme Court, and the only way to get the case in our favor was by paying some bribe. Our case went over 40+ years for 4 acres of land.

Then, as the brother mentioned, there is a lack of respect and equality. The entitlement attitude is sickening in Pakistan, from Marasi who suddenly become wealthy and act as if they own Pakistan, cut in line, and throw abuses. I could be standing in line with a billionaire and be afforded the same respect as he is, regardless of our financial standing.

I can go on and on, and the list will be endless.
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