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NYT: China Antisemitism Surges Online

Song Hong

Jan 4, 2020
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Viet Nam
I have been predicting this will be coming.

China will go head on collision with Jews.


China’s state-run media has blamed the United States for deepening the crisis, while perpetuating tropes of Jewish control of American politics.

As the Israel-Hamas conflict intensifies, raising the prospect of a wider war, China has stepped up efforts to pitch itself as a neutral broker for Mideast peace.

Beijing’s top diplomat called his Israeli and Palestinian counterparts on Monday, urging restraint. A Chinese envoy is traveling in the Middle East, pledging to help avert a wider war. At the United Nations on Wednesday, China vetoed a resolution on the war that did not call for a cease-fire.

But even as China seeks to turn down the temperature diplomatically, a surge of antisemitism and anti-Israeli sentiment is proliferating across the Chinese internet and state media, undermining Beijing’s efforts to convey impartiality. China has already come under pressure from the United States and Israel for its refusal to condemn Hamas for its Oct. 7 attack that started the war.

On China’s heavily censored internet, inflammatory speech critical of Israel is rampant, with commenters seemingly emboldened by that refusal. And China’s state-run media is seizing on the conflict to accuse the United States of turning a blind eye to Israeli aggression, while perpetuating tropes of Jewish control of American politics.

China Daily, a state-run newspaper, ran an editorial on Monday declaring that the United States was on the “wrong side of history in Gaza.” It said Washington was exacerbating the conflict by “blindly backing Israel.”

Hu Xijin, an influential commentator and a former editor in chief of Global Times, a Communist Party newspaper, responded to hawkish statements from an Israeli minister directed at Hezbollah, the powerful militia in Lebanon, writing on Chinese social media: “Oh, calm down, Israel. I’m worried you’ll wipe the Earth out of the solar system.”

At times, the anti-Israel comments took on a nationalist tone. In a widely viewed post, an influencer with 2.9 million followers on the Chinese social media platform Weibo said that he would opt to call Hamas a “resistance organization” instead of a “terrorist organization,” in keeping with China’s own labeling of the group. He went on to accuse Israel of being a terror organization because its airstrikes on Gaza had caused civilian casualties.

A Chinese state broadcaster recently hosted a discussion page on Weibo stating that Jews controlled a disproportionate amount of U.S. wealth. Many of the responses were replete with antisemitic stereotypes and comments downplaying the horrors of the Holocaust.

Shen Yi, a prominent professor of international relations at Fudan University, likened Israel’s attacks to acts of aggression perpetrated by Nazis. Among the comments on recent posts from the official social media account of Israel’s embassy in China were similar comparisons of Israelis to Nazis.

It is hard to say whether the anti-Israeli positions in state media and antisemitism on the Chinese internet are part of a coordinated campaign. But China’s state media rarely veers from the official position of the country’s Communist Party, and its hair-trigger internet censors are keenly attuned to the wishes of its leaders, quick to remove any content that sways public sentiment in an unwanted direction, especially on matters of such geopolitical importance.

After the family member of an Israeli diplomat was stabbed in Beijing this month, Chinese censors limited the spread of the news by restricting hashtags from search results on social media. Chinese police said the victim was stabbed by a foreign man. It was not clear why the restrictions were put in place.

“If China felt that it was dangerous and problematic to allow antisemitic comments to flourish, the censors would stop it. Clearly, the government is conveying the message that it’s tolerated,” said Carice Witte, the executive director of SIGNAL Group, an Israeli think tank focusing on China.

The official Weibo account for the German Embassy in China rebuked people posting references to Nazis, noting that “casually calling people Nazis only reveals your own stupidity.” It added that people combining the Israeli flag with Nazi symbols in their profile pictures are “either ignorant idiots or shameless bastards!”

Ms. Witte said China might see the spread of antisemitic sentiment as well as hostility toward the United States over the conflict as geopolitically useful, as it works to foster stronger ties with Arab nations and deepen its foothold in the Middle East.

In recent years, China has sought to play a bigger role in the Middle East, looking to fill a power vacuum after the reduction of U.S. troops from the region. China helped broker an agreement in March to restore diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, two archrivals that are both key trading allies for Beijing.

In June, China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, met with the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and offered a proposal for a two-state solution for an independent Palestinian state. China’s proposal didn’t go anywhere, but Mr. Xi did score a victory when Mr. Abbas condoned China’s repression campaign against Muslim minorities in the far western region of Xinjiang, saying in a joint statement that Beijing’s actions “had nothing to do with human rights.”

While China and Israel maintain some economic ties, Israel’s close alliance with the United States remains an obstacle to a closer relationship between the two countries, and the growing anti-Israeli sentiment in state media and on the Chinese internet will not help.

“This is likely to reduce Israel’s willingness to trust China as an ‘honest broker’ in the current war,” said Gedaliah Afterman, head of the Asia Policy Program at the Abba Eban Institute for Diplomacy and International Relations at Reichman University in Israel.

Mr. Afterman said that China did have the opportunity to play a big role in advancing regional stability, for instance by helping secure the release of some of the more than 200 hostages that Hamas holds.

He added that China seemed to be using the war as a way to “shape an anti-American narrative among the Chinese public,” while the online vitriol seemed partly rooted in confusion, conflating denunciations of Israel with those of the United States, and the criticism of Jews with that of Americans.

Yet when it comes to state security, China regards Israel as a model. The National Police Academy of China, in a research paper published in 2014, discussed the “success story” of Israel’s antiterror strategy. A Chinese official now holding a senior position in charge of ethnic affairs had written in a 2002 dissertation that China should to take lessons from Israel’s deployment of West Bank settlers and infrastructure in Palestinian lands for its own campaign targeting 11 million Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

And Chinese authorities consider anti-Zionist speech — when made by Muslims in China — as extremist, said Darren Byler, a professor and anthropologist studying Uyghur culture and Chinese surveillance at Simon Fraser University, in Canada. Chinese courts used anti-Zionist texts as evidence in a 2018 trial involving a Kazakh Muslim in Xinjiang. He was sentenced to 17 years in prison over extremism charges.

Historically, Chinese people tended to perpetuate positive stereotypes about Jews, according to Mary Ainslie, an associate professor at the University of Nottingham’s campus in Ningbo, a city in eastern China, who has done research on antisemitism in the country. She said they were often depicted as hard-working, influential and financially savvy. For example, the Talmud is translated into Chinese and marketed for its lessons in making money.

But in recent years, she said, the stereotypes have turned increasingly antisemitic because of rising nationalism, a growing mistrust of the West, a worsening economy, and the popularity of conspiratorial discourse on the Chinese internet.

“The current situation is giving this fuel,” she said. “And it is growing.”

Thank CCP. Who protected China from Jewish penetration in both media and financial system. Chinese and Muslims are probably the only two groups of people that are immune to Jewish media and propaganda on the planet. The reason why Muslims don't trust Jews is simple. China is so special all because CCP is really a good political group that cares the country and its people
China is on unavoidable collision path with Jews. Jews may want to use her proxy USA to start a proxy war as if Jews allow things to flow the natural way, jews may loss many things.

First Jews want to control media, so as to lie to the world, to scandalize anyone they like to condition the world to agree a genocide.

CPC controls of media stand in Jews way. And now CPC controlled media is now spilling all over the world, and CPC media is MOST creditable media.

Jews hate truth.
I saw some Jewish discussions, TikTok is considered their biggest threat.

It is just Palestine reviving global south countries their colony memory, similar events happened before in every nation.
Any media not controlled by Jews are a great threat to Jews.

Other than that Chinese not heeding Jews of childhood happinesss, children must not study theory make Jews hate Chinese.

Jews tell whole world not to study BUT-- Jews make their babies study like hell.

We know that Jews has no nation, and their only way to survive is to ace in study. Next Jews produce top scientist and financier.

The scientist create high value product, sell at high price and leech all the other nations.

When PRC making citizens to study, it is an assault to Jewish supremacy.

Jews will now hate Chinese a lot.
This is inevitable. The Zionists have conjured up innumerable fabricated narratives to attack China and slander the Chinese race even. From the Uyghur genocide, to the HK riots, to Covid which was definitely a cia creation, to infinite other ways to slander and create hate against China and its people. Honestly it’s only surprising that Chinese people are not more angry about it. But at least they are smart enough to identify who is responsible.
If China simply hated Jews and was anti-Israel there would be no problem. But the strange thing is that most social media accounts support Palestine and Hamas, and even post false information, supporting Hamas and condemning Israel... This is very suspicious.

This could be part of the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda campaign, or green forces are quietly taking over China and the Chinese don't realize it.

Right now whole non western regime supported Palestine. Those who dont are too stupid, or too brainwash or too evil.

You cannot walk into a land with fairy tale book and say that this land belongs to you.

If that is the case, China can claim Germany because Genghis Khan been there. And China can claim Vietnam belongs to China.

Jews came there last 200 years and start genociding about 80 years ago.

Everyone can see that.
It was started by the Jewish people themselves for being anti-Chinese first.

You hate someone first, and do you think someone will not follow to hate you later?

For decades Chinese people has been silent for all mistreatments by Jewish.

Europeans hate Jewish, Middle Easterns hate Jewish, and now Chinese hates Jewish.

It's European, Middle Eastern, and Chinese fault, not Jewish. lol

According to the prophecy, after spreading hatred against Chinese...

Jewish people will nuke China, lead to the death of billions of people.

God hates Jewish people as well.
Without the cover of media to brainwash people, people will uprise against the Jews.

But CPC wont surrender media.

Jews will hate CPC.
It was started by the Jewish people themselves for being anti-Chinese first.

You hate someone first, and do you think someone will not follow to hate you later?

For decades Chinese people has been silent for all mistreatments by Jewish.

Europeans hate Jewish, Middle Easterns hate Jewish, and now Chinese hates Jewish.

It's European, Middle Eastern, and Chinese fault, not Jewish. lol

According to the prophecy, after spreading hatred against Chinese...

Jewish people will nuke China, lead to the death of billions of people.

God hates Jewish people as well.

Israel's nukes are firecrackers in front of China.

The last person who was considered a nuclear war with China was Donald Trump, but he got immediately wired off by his own military commanders. It is because the US military didn't want a nuclear exchange with China led by a rogue president.

Israel is afraid to confront China or Russia, but they will hide behind USA.
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Right now the many in world are being brainwashed that Palestinian terrorist keep killing Jews.

The fact why Jews having a majority is axxhole like Ben Gurion and Irgun start genociding on a few village, not unlike what Netanyahu is doing today. The Arab flee.

Same thing today, the indiscriminate bombing is to force Arab to flee.

Not gonna work today because Palestinian is now prepared.
I don’t think China is anti-Semitic. Chinese people oppose imperialism, colonialism, neoliberalism, media hegemony, and genocide.
I highly urge all Jews to go scrutinize the Bible to the minutest of details. The Jews think they are the ones chosen to lead the world because they are the descendants of Jacob and Israel is the holy land. Well, fuk that. Isreal just means Isis (mother), Ra (father), El (God the son) -- every religion has a father son mother figure.

The real ruler of the world is the race depicted as "multipliers of grains of [yellow] sand" in the Bible.

The Jews just have to sit down and ask themselves, do they got the skin color of [yellow] grains of sand?
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