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Obama whining a result of US decline

Yeah, US history recorded Mr.Deng came to US, bowed down and begged for protection, they also took a picture when Mr.Deng bowed down to Mr. Carter

No use for Chinese here to twist the Truth. U can change ur history book, but u can not change US history one :pop:

Yeah, Mr. Obama should have more VN generals like Mr. Luong Xuan Viet in US army, VNese is the only race who wanna fight with China to the end, we r also very brave soldiers in war too.


He is an American General. An American soldier. He may have historical relations with Viet Nam, but trust me, he is as American as any other GI Joe. His Loyalty is to the Red White and Blue.
Big country like China also dare not take back TW to avoid anger from US, so dont try to mock some Germany who dont wanna have trouble with US.:pop:

Interesting point. But wait, just wait, there will be Chinese who will say, "In 2020, 2030, 2040..Taiwan will be united already...ya! :victory1:"


These next 1-2 decades will be very interesting in Asia. I sense so much dynamic already. ^^,
Better to turn their cities into the ruins than to physically occupy it.
Do it if ur leader Xi has the guts to put his rich family and beautiful wife in stupid war just to make some low-life dumb peasants like u feel happy :pop:
Yeah, Chinese here will say 'we will wait and wait until we r stronger than US !', but they try to ignore that China may collapse ( like many times in history) before they have a chance to become stronger.:laugh:

It will be used by the great powers to manipulate control of Asia-Pacific. China will never be allowed to have domination of Asia-Pacific. The Great Powers will maintain close links with China in trade, but, in military designs, we will never allow them to have hegemony.

Yeah, US history recorded Mr.Deng came to US, bowed down and begged for protection, they also took a picture when Mr.Deng bowed down to Mr. Carter

No use for Chinese here to twist the Truth. U can change ur history book, but u can not change US history one :pop:

Yeah, Mr. Obama should have more VN generals like Mr. Luong Xuan Viet in US army, VNese is the only race who wanna fight with China to the end, we r also very brave soldiers in war too.


Congrats to our Chinese huaqui Mr. Luong.

he will never miss Vietnam after all that is why his family left. They and millions huaqui knew that Vietcong will bring economic disaster and poverty. Those who left had good hindsight.
LOL. It's a famous pic used by our Viet friends to show--I don't really know what they're trying to prove with the pic other than their low IQ for not being able to counter argue with facts.

The owner of the pic should charge them a royalty fee for using the pic so often.
Bcz u try to ignore the truth that Mr.Deng came to US bowed down and begged for protection.

If u can not read that history in China, then u should read it in US history .
Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
9/11 intelligence; China invades Vietnam
The U.S is not in decline, it has never be, its just that other emerging countries led by China are rising so fast it seems the U.S is in decline, however they are not. China can talk about U.S decline or criticize the U.S now , but when they themselves attain U.S strength in a few decades from now, im sure they will understand how hard it is to be so big/be a superpower. with great power comes great responsiblities. China will have to accept this as well whether they like it or not, then we will see if they will still be saying making the same comments they are making now.
But for now,the U.S is still by far the most influential/powerful country on this planet. It sure will take alot for any country to match/overtake that. However, im sure China will overtake the U.S economically at some point(due to Chinas sheer size/relative low GDP per capital which gives them a huge room for growth). But it will take more than a bigger GDP to displaced U.S influence/military/technological and cultural superioity in this world.:usflag::-)

In a competitive world, if you are not advancing forward via your competitors, then you are in fact declining. One can see the decline in the US share of the global GDP over the years. Influence/military/technological and even cultural superiority are all either directly or indirectly related to the size of one's economy.
You make great points mike. People need to understand that the US has total comprehensive power, and that a country having a high GDP alone won't overtake US preeminence. Militarily, forget it....the US black budget alone is the size of France and the UKs defense budgets. US soft power is what will really separate us from a country like China. In terms of influential allies, tech, science, values, popular culture...China lags considerably. The US "decline" is a myth. This is not a zero-sum game.

Your claim on black budget goes back to the economy doesn't it? When your economy is in decline, won't the size of your budget decline as well? And what of your competitors? What do you think will happen when their black budget exceed that of yours?
Well, it is true that China is supposed to take bigger responsibility in South China Sea. Thanks for the supporting from President Obama.:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Your claim on black budget goes back to the economy doesn't it? When your economy is in decline, won't the size of your budget decline as well? And what of your competitors? What do you think will happen when their black budget exceed that of yours?

Sure it does, but the US economy is not in decline, it's actually beginning to rev back up again. It's the Chinese economy that's in decline as we see your growth continue to drop year by year. China also faces an upcoming demographic crisis which will shrink the workforce, and China will have the oldest population in the world by 2030, which puts an immense burden on your health and social programs. My point was that China will never be able to exceed the power of the US military. Money is just one factor in the grand scheme of things. We have the experience, the atmosphere that cultivates innovation and creativity, and the know how to further scientific and technological advancement. China has nothing that can compete with an agency like DARPA. It is agencies like DARPA and our world class universities and defense companies that will always give us the edge.
Sure it does, but the US economy is not in decline, it's actually beginning to rev back up again. It's the Chinese economy that's in decline as we see your growth continue to drop year by year. China also faces an upcoming demographic crisis which will shrink the workforce, and China will have the oldest population in the world by 2030, which puts an immense burden on your health and social programs. My point was that China will never be able to exceed the power of the US military. Money is just one factor in the grand scheme of things. We have the experience, the atmosphere that cultivates innovation and creativity, and the know how to further scientific and technological advancement. China has nothing that can compete with an agency like DARPA. It is agencies like DARPA and our world class universities and defense companies that will always give us the edge.
Yes, U.S. economy is recovering, that is true. But seriously you have very little chance to recover your manufacturing industry, unless you start a socialism revolution to topple down the rule of Wall street...And any reasonable people would never say "never" so assertively, especially when there is such a clear trend to forecast the future.

With economic might comes technological might. Both those things combined gives you military might.

As China rises economically, China will catch up technologically in all areas. Once you have the money, you can develop technologically as you have more money and more companies develop the technologies. Military power is about how advanced you are technologically and how many of each weapon you can afford (numerically).

China will surpass the US economically, financially, technologically and militarily. These combined will give China enormous political power globally just with the hard power alone.

Allies comes from hard power (size of consumer market, investor, financier, technological provider, aid provider, weapons provider). Countries will move towards the country with more comprehensive hard power. Values are not as important when you are outmatched in hard power. Values and culture are like extras added to US hard power. Without hard power, you cannot be influential. Switzerland has far greater values than the US but have no hard power as a foundation.

US will only have the advantage over China in cultural power (movies, tv, music, etc) due to English being the global language as its very easy to learn.

And yes, the US is very much in decline and the process is getting worse for the US. US middle class is shrinking, the debts are mounting, growth stagnating even with loose monetary and fiscal policy, wealth is moving to the top 1% even as a fully developed country, socially being destroyed with crime, drugs, the destruction of the family unit, becoming welfare state, higher population of blacks and hispanics, etc.

No, I'm absolutely right. Money alone will not be able to overcome US preeminence. Money alone cannot foster innovation and the creativity of the individual. Chinas current education system and environment does not support questioning, creativity, and abstract thought. It's why you see so many Chinese wanting to study in our universities. I find it interesting that you believe increasing hard power earns you extra allies. All we hear about is China's "rise", and yet with that "rise" China continues to push its neighbors into the arms of the United States. China has no influential allies to speak of, and let me be clear, business partners do NOT equal allies. Economically speaking, the US will remain a superpower, regardless of China having a higher GDP. China won't pass the US scientifically, technologically, or militarily. You can continue to delude yourself all you want, it ultimately won't change the facts. It also gives me a chuckle that this comes from an American Chinese wannabe.
Hua Qiu=Chinese who lived in Vietnam but never loyal to Vietcong .

or if you can read Chinese, 華橋

Hua qui, or 華橋, it is Hoa Kiều in Vietnamese. Yes, 華橋 is untrusted people.

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