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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

"A KKK type racist machinery is responsible for implementing the Iraq and AFPAK policies."


You cheapen your dialogue with this pap. Take it to your high school friends and toss this rhetoric there.

Americans practice daily a multicultural, multiracial experiment which exceeds any known by modern man. Maybe any in the history of man. We take a back-seat to nobody when matters of skin-color emerge.

Check our legal immigration figures to note how many and from where we PERMIT annually into our lands, Mr. Racial Equality.:lol: They can't get here quick enough and there's always more wishing in than we've room for at any given time. Keeps demand UP, don't you know?

Sadly, that can't be said in other parts of the world. Walk the walk because we do every day. It's part of the reason, btw, we are a hyper-power and you aren't. We make full use of our human resources of any color or gender to best effect...

Wish I could say the same for Pakistan.

Get it?;)

Good. Of course, you knew all that but chose to spew venom in any case as is your tiresome wont. So be it.
"I though waterboarding, other torture and detention without charge in Gitmo was illegal?"

Get real. Do you really care to go there with YOUR history of detention and the attitudes I seen displayed here of late about the disposition of these men were it boardmembers who'd make such a decision?

Were I you, I'd tread carefully with your smarmy pap, especially when that was then and this is now. What your retort seems to suggest is you're unwilling or incapable of better?

Don't worry. That behavior in your jails is already well-documented and known. Care for me to display the litany of abuses under Pakistani detention?

It makes for horrific and sick reading. Trust me. Lydie England and her frat boys have NOTHING on you guys.

True pros.:angry:

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A Taliban spokesman has denied Pakistan's claims of battlefield victories in an offensive in tribal South Waziristan, saying the militants are drawing government soldiers into a trap.
Azam Tariq says the militants are purposefully withdrawing from some areas to bring government soldiers further into Taliban territory.
He said in a telephone call Tuesday with The Associated Press that "We are prepared for a long war."

Tariq also denied army claims that dozens of militants have been killed, saying only 11 have died so far.

In mid-October, the Pakistani government launched an offensive in the South Waziristan tribal region, viewed as the main stronghold in the country of both the Taliban and al-Qaida. The offensive has drawn retaliatory militant attacks across Pakistan.

The Associated Press: Pakistan Taliban: 'We are prepared for a long war'
I don't know if devoting our entire treasury or Armed Forces will, but recognizing the State of Israel will surely do the trick....
"I don't know if devoting our entire treasury or Armed Forces will, but recognizing the State of Israel will surely do the trick..."

I doubt it. Now RESEMBLING the state of Israel might just gitterdun.:lol:

That, of course, would mean a questioning and critical Knesset, a first-class judicial system, a world-class educational base with the attendant research by-products, and a private-sector commercial and agricultural system that's the envy of the middle-east.

Oh yeah, and a military that's never lost a fight that matters.

"I though waterboarding, other torture and detention without charge in Gitmo was illegal?"

Get real.

Get real?

Suggest that to your fellow countryman wailing about 'blindfolds' and 'US superiority in judgment to Pakistan'.

The rest follows from there.
"A KKK type racist machinery is responsible for implementing the Iraq and AFPAK policies."


You cheapen your dialogue with this pap. Take it to your high school friends and toss this rhetoric there.

Americans practice daily a multicultural, multiracial experiment which exceeds any known by modern man. Maybe any in the history of man. We take a back-seat to nobody when matters of skin-color emerge.

Check our legal immigration figures to note how many and from where we PERMIT annually into our lands, Mr. Racial Equality.:lol: They can't get here quick enough and there's always more wishing in than we've room for at any given time. Keeps demand UP, don't you know?

Sadly, that can't be said in other parts of the world. Walk the walk because we do every day. It's part of the reason, btw, we are a hyper-power and you aren't. We make full use of our human resources of any color or gender to best effect...

Wish I could say the same for Pakistan.

Get it?;)

Good. Of course, you knew all that but chose to spew venom in any case as is your tiresome wont. So be it.

Why US is using green card soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan , can you win war with daily wages workers:D
"Suggest that to your fellow countryman wailing about 'blindfolds' and 'US superiority in judgment to Pakistan'.

The rest follows from there."

Yes it sure does. Well, now my fellow countryman can wail about a bit more than blindfolds, eh?

Video Shows Pakistani Army Abuse-BBC 1 Oct. 2009

Gee, at least we've the good sense to waterboard foreigners. Do you REALLY have to kick and beat your own citizens this way?

Worse, I fear that where there's smoke...:disagree:

Practice your self-righteous sanctimony elsewhere. Boardmembers openly call for torture and outright executions without trial or due process of ANY kind. You've a LONG history of serious detention abuses. Now a war to unleash all that behavior and do so with a sense of justification?

We haven't even gotten into the tribal lands to see the effects of your bombing and artillery much less how your IDPs are being handled. MUCH less how the detainees from there are treated and processed.
"Why US is using green card soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

That's the SHORT line to citizenship.

You'd do it too if any young man found a reason to immigrate to Pakistan.

Mostly they look to LEAVE if possible. Some of our best soldiers are...sorry, WERE Pakistani.

Now they're red-blooded Yanks just like me. Or at least soon will be.:lol:

I know of at least two, a lieutenant and a captain, who died for our country. God bless their souls and may their families find some comfort in our deep appreciation for their loss.

Some here disparaged one of those men on this board. May their souls burn in hell.:angry:

"Suggest that to your fellow countryman wailing about 'blindfolds' and 'US superiority in judgment to Pakistan'.

The rest follows from there."

Yes it sure does. Well, now my fellow countryman can wail about a bit more than blindfolds, eh?

Video Shows Pakistani Army Abuse-BBC 1 Oct. 2009

Gee, at least we've the good sense to waterboard foreigners. Do you REALLY have to kick and beat your own citizens this way?
The PA indicated that if that was done it was done against orders, and that it would investigate the issue and take action against the perpetrators.

AFAIK, Gitmo, waterboarding and renditions with the knowledge that torture would occur were done as a matter of US government policy under the Bush administration at least.
Practice your self-righteous sanctimony elsewhere. Boardmembers openly call for torture and outright executions without trial or due process of ANY kind. You've a LONG history of serious detention abuses. Now a war to unleash all that behavior and do so with a sense of justification?
The PA has come out clearly against even the 'kicking and shoving' seen in the video - not so the case with your government during the Bush years. And yes, I will point out the abuses and torture committed by the US when your countrymen have fits over 'blindfolds' used by the PA on captured terrorists.

We haven't even gotten into the tribal lands to see the effects of your bombing and artillery much less how your IDPs are being handled. MUCH less how the detainees from there are treated and processed.
I'll go by how the IDP's in Swat were handled, since we heard much the same tripe from you guys when that occurred - handled very well, most repatriated, minimal damage to most structures etc.

Thanks for being concerned.
"I don't know if devoting our entire treasury or Armed Forces will, but recognizing the State of Israel will surely do the trick..."

I doubt it. Now RESEMBLING the state of Israel might just gitterdun.:lol:

That, of course, would mean a questioning and critical Knesset, a first-class judicial system, a world-class educational base with the attendant research by-products, and a private-sector commercial and agricultural system that's the envy of the middle-east.

Oh yeah, and a military that's never lost a fight that matters.


And occupying someone else's land and then oppressing those people. :taz:
And occupying someone else's land and then oppressing those people. :taz:

That the Indians and Israelis blatantly violate UNSC resolutions and perpetuate the occupation of people matters little to the US.

Didn't you hear Hillary Clinton's statement on the Israeli governments proposal that they would try and reduce the amount of criminal and illegal activity they engage in?

She was positively rapturous - imagine a criminal suggesting that he will try and reduce the amount of people he robs, kills, violates ...


US foreign policy is constructed entirely on an edifice of hypocrisy, double standards and immorality. The only time they remember any of that is when they think it suits their interests - and then sanctimonious BS pours forth.
"Thanks for being concerned."

Trust that I shall remain so as your dismissal of SWAT extrajudicial killings remains behind closed doors-

HRCP demands independent inquiry into extrajudicial killing in Swat

Lahore, August 17: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has rebutted the denial of extra-judicial killings by security agencies in Swat operation by ISPR's Swat Media Centre and has demanded of the government to hold a transparent and impartial inquiry into this issue by a multi-party parliamentary committee in collaboration with the representatives of the civil society.

In response to ISPR's statement published in a section of the press on August 16, a statement issued by the HRCP said on Monday: “The Commission reiterates that it has come across credible accounts of extrajudicial killings and complaints of reprisal attacks by the security forces during the operation in Swat.

Some of the better known instances include the death of militant leader Maulvi Misbahuddin –credible evidence shows he had been apprehended by the security forces and later the bodies of Misbahuddin and his son were found in Bacha Bazar. The government claims that they were killed in an encounter while eyewitnesses hold that they were arrested by the police in Mardan. Amir Izzat, spokesperson for the Swat militants, was arrested from Amandara. Two days later the authorities claimed that Izzat was killed allegedly by militants trying to rescue him when they attacked the vehicle taking him to jail. Independent journalists claim that the targeted vehicle shown to them did not even have an engine. The most harrowing reports were of dead bodies strewn upside down by the military with notes attached to the bodies warning that anyone supporting the Taliban will meet the same fate.

In its statement the ISPR has conceded the presence of mass graves in the conflict-hit area. However, HRCP believes that this is not enough and the government must conduct a transparent inquiry into this issue to ascertain the circumstances under which the bodies were buried. The military cannot simply explain the existence of these mass graves by alleging that the bodies were of militants buried by other militants. HRCP has knowledge of other versions to the contrary. HRCP suggests that a multi-party parliamentary committee should be formed to conduct an inquiry into this issue as well as into the reports of extrajudicial killings to which HRCP will extend its cooperation.

HRCP also demanded of the government to clarify whether the government considers it as an internal law and order situation on which human rights are applied or does it treat it as an armed conflict that comes under humanitarian law.

HRCP will be happy if an impartial inquiry proves that extrajudicial killings did not take place in Swat but this sensitive matter cannot be disposed of through off-the-cuff statements by intelligence agency's denial-writers.

Asma Jahangir

We are openly confronting our mistakes. You appear more inclined to sweep under the rug. I know that HRCP feels this way.

Thanks for YOUR concern to this pressing matter of basic human dignity for your own citizens.
The HRCP has every right to be concerned and err on the side of disbelief. However, little credible evidence indicating this is a policy of the PA exists.

The PA has arrested hundreds of suspected militants - you would be finding a lot more bodies if this was the preferred mode of disposal. Furthermore, posts on this forum from people in the region have suggested that the accounts that locals are involved in these killings are true.

Do I deny the possibility of atrocities by PA troops? No, just as it is possible in any Army, including the US Military. But there is no evidence that this is a widespread practice condoned by the PA.

In any case, we have gone far afield over my response to one of your compatriot's fit over 'blind folds'.

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