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original inhabitants of subcontinent


Dec 23, 2006
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Mohenjo-Daro was a city located on the south of Modern Pakistan in the Sind Province, in the right bank of the Indus River.” Meaning “mound of the dead”, it was one of the major cities of the Harappan civilization. While the city was abandoned around 1,700 bc, around the time of the Aryan invasions, it was thought that the underlying cause was a change in the course of the Indus River.

Was there some catastrophic event? Geologists suggest that earthquakes in southern Pakistan, through rock slides, effectively dammed the Indus River and prevented it from running down to the Indian Ocean. The Indus River would have broken its banks and flooded the surrounding plains, submerging many of the fields.” It may have also drowned the city and people of Mohenjo-Daro.

The Aryans peoples began moving westward from their home in steppes of Eurasia sometime around 4000 years ago. “In Sanskrit they were the “Aryas” (“Aryans”); but that root “ar”, would also serve as the foundation of the name of the conquered Persian territories, “Iran”. They first entered India in the Indus River valley and found huge forests. “Clearing the forests over the centuries was an epic project and one that is still preserved in Indian literature.”
Aryan peoples entered the Punjab about 1500 BC from the grasslands and steppes of central Asia and conquered the darker-skinned Dravidian peoples (and others). Their lifestyle was nomadic, based on raising cattle.

Over time, the Aryans drove further into the subcontinent and pushed the dark-skinned Dravidians, who preceded them, to the south. The Aryans were illiterate, pastoral, spoke an Indo-European language. They created the basis for India’s caste system that favored them over the Dravidians they conquered.

it means whole south indian population in modern terms red indian of subcontinent
You are right. What I read in the English translation of the Vedas ( Indian holy books) refers to various victories of Indra ( King of Hindu Gods) over the local population. It clearly describes the tales of the fights between the invading Aryans over the indgineous population. Historically, most of the invaders were barbarians compared to the conquered people, but they were able to overwhelm the civilised populations. Phillip the barbarian ( father of Alexander) over Greeks, Afghan tribals over Indians and Mongols over the Iranians. In the seventh century, victorious Arab amries were far behind in culture and art compared to the Persians.

As Iqbal says

" Aa tujh ko bataoon main taqdeer-e-umam kiya hai

Shamsheer-o-sinan awwal, tawoos wa rubab aakhir"

There must something in the "Civilised' state that makes people soft.
Hinduism basically was derived from Aryan religions that involved many similar customs. It flourished in the subcontinent later followed by Islam and Buddhism.
even today in india, nord indian consider them selve more superior to that of south indian.poulations of south india lose thier culture thier religions and not get right position in indian society

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