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Our Love with Conspiracy Theories

zeenat shehzadi


New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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We have terrorism, insurgency, and religious intolerance, a conspiracy ... We got our school-going kids attacked by the Taliban , it’s also a conspiracy ...... whether be it Fall of Dhaka or arrest of over 90,000 troops in 1971 war............

A worth reading blog . Must read
TheNews Blog » Our Love With Conspiracy Theories
An extract from the link...

It’s an alarming and dangerous trend in the Pakistani society that we just hide behind the conspiracy theories and make it an excuse for everything, instead of accepting our failures. With this approach, I’m afraid, we are going nowhere but to meet the tragic end in shape of a failed state. If we are to live, then we have got to learn accepting responsibility and weakness so that we can become a vibrant nation instead of one that is looking of lame excuses.

How true! But then conspiracies are everywhere. Americas think 9/11 was a conspiracy of galactic proportions! Whodunnit? No one knows the real truth they say. The Iraqis think that the Iraq invasion using the 'WMD excuse' was a conspiracy for grabbing their oil and to establish a firm foothold in the Middle East. The Russians contend that the Velvet revolution was a conspiracy to reduce their influence over the CIS republics and hem in Russia.

Conspiracy theories related to the causes of the devastating 2010 Pakistan floods abound, with even mainstream newspapers repeating allegations that India and/or the US are responsible!! :woot:
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