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Pak Army Lt.Col Abducted and Reportedly Martyred by BLA in Balochistan

Update 5.0
Operation Hot Pursuit

Pakistani Security Forces have eliminated total 11x terrorists & have recovered huge amount of weapons & ammunition.
Unfortunately the terrorists killed Mr. Omar Javed shortly after the abduction, Shaheed has been found in a nearby Nullah, 5 Kms from Warchoom towards Khalifat Mountains.

As per assessment, terrorists had killed Mr Omer Javed immediately after abduction.
The sanitization operation however, continues in the area to apprehend remaining 3-4 perpetrators
Here bro, right from the horse's mouth.

Though i know, even in juistice naseem's court, a general may get convicted, but in @Signalian 's he can't, even if general himself confesses his crimes.

PS. Plz ignore the person tweeting this clip. He doesn't deserve attention.
You still haven't learnt how to present your case. Justice Naseem Hussain Shah is himself controversial as he made the statement which echoes the background of the Bhutto case. However, I was searching for him and forgot his name as he falls into the motivational category for many people owing to his height and stature which couldn't stop him from rising in ranks and life.

Here are a few books I read, which have anti-Pakistan Army context in them. Christine Fair has done a tremendous job of bringing forth quotes from statements of Army Generals to create a tangled web against Pakistan Army . Then there are other authors too.

1. The Army and Democracy_ Military Politics in Pakistan
2. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate_ Covert Action and Internal Operations
3. Pakistan Under Siege_ Extremism, Society, and the State
4. War, Coups, and Terror_ Pakistan’s Army in Years of Turmoil
5. Fighting to the End The Pakistan Army’s Way of War
6. Military Inc. Inside Pakistan Military Economy

These books have sufficient material for any lawyer to take military's personnel to ICJ, if Pakistan's court cant stand against the might of Pakistan Army, however, it was the lawyer's movement itself that weakened Musharraf's regime in more than one way so going fairly and squarely by Justice Naseem's statement becomes contentious.

I am considered Pro-Army but I look at both sides, otherwise I wouldn't have read those books. A book cannot be based on a 100% lie. There are things done by Army in the past and even done by Musharraf and Kiyani which I know without reading the books but again my point stands on current scenario, Army and PTI as well as Bajwa. A simple rather straightforward factor can be, if Bajwa is making all the moves against the interests of Pakistan through the power of uniform, then wouldn't he be extending his term indefinitely. We have to wait and watch. Should PTI bring up proofs to impeach him through those proofs and if its stated that supreme court of Pakistan bows under Army then dharna, riots, tweets, vlogs by journalists etc, are the only methods to stand against Military. Stability of the country is paramount, not PTI, not Bajwa.

The emotional and blind hatred created through the current atmosphere can be seen in this thread also which is about a fallen Army officer victimized in the current war which Pakistan has been facing since 2 decades now.
You still haven't learnt how to present your case. Justice Naseem Hussain Shah is himself controversial as he made the statement which echoes the background of the Bhutto case. However, I was searching for him and forgot his name as he falls into the motivational category for many people owing to his height and stature which couldn't stop him from rising in ranks and life.

Here are a few books I read, which have anti-Pakistan Army context in them. Christine Fair has done a tremendous job of bringing forth quotes from statements of Army Generals to create a tangled web against Pakistan Army . Then there are other authors too.

1. The Army and Democracy_ Military Politics in Pakistan
2. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate_ Covert Action and Internal Operations
3. Pakistan Under Siege_ Extremism, Society, and the State
4. War, Coups, and Terror_ Pakistan’s Army in Years of Turmoil
5. Fighting to the End The Pakistan Army’s Way of War
6. Military Inc. Inside Pakistan Military Economy

These books have sufficient material for any lawyer to take military's personnel to ICJ, if Pakistan's court cant stand against the might of Pakistan Army, however, it was the lawyer's movement itself that weakened Musharraf's regime in more than one way so going fairly and squarely by Justice Naseem's statement becomes contentious.

I am considered Pro-Army but I look at both sides, otherwise I wouldn't have read those books. A book cannot be based on a 100% lie. There are things done by Army in the past and even done by Musharraf and Kiyani which I know without reading the books but again my point stands on current scenario, Army and PTI as well as Bajwa. A simple rather straightforward factor can be, if Bajwa is making all the moves against the interests of Pakistan through the power of uniform, then wouldn't he be extending his term indefinitely. We have to wait and watch. Should PTI bring up proofs to impeach him through those proofs and if its stated that supreme court of Pakistan bows under Army then dharna, riots, tweets, vlogs by journalists etc, are the only methods to stand against Military. Stability of the country is paramount, not PTI, not Bajwa.

The emotional and blind hatred created through the current atmosphere can be seen in this thread also which is about a fallen Army officer victimized in the current war which Pakistan has been facing since 2 decades now.
Blind following leads to nowhere when you follow too much biased narratives the outcome is obvious.

I remember a funny story where a guy used to watch these Indian propaganda videos where they portrayed the Kabba as some ancient Hindu structure nauzubilla and with time you become spellbound.
Its seriously time for total/full elimination of all such terror orgs in the entire country. Eliminate them all. Make it safe.

May all the innocent departed souls be forgiven and placed in jannah. Extremely sad news

Mr. X and Mr. Y first raise these elements and use them in some abc place and then leave them unattended in Balochistan, Fata etc.

These elements become criminals and terrorists hurting Pakistan for money, some are used by politicians and then new Mr. X and Mr. Y send armies to kill them. It leads to insurgency and chain of revenge starts.

This is how it is!
You still haven't learnt how to present your case. Justice Naseem Hussain Shah is himself controversial as he made the statement which echoes the background of the Bhutto case. However, I was searching for him and forgot his name as he falls into the motivational category for many people owing to his height and stature which couldn't stop him from rising in ranks and life.
Accepting mistakes done in pasts (by individuals or institutions), to avoid repeating them doesn't make them controversial. It requires lot of courage to do so (one more thing you can learn from NHS, certainly more important than his career success in spite of his short height). He could have chosen to live abroad after retirement (say in UAE, in some middle eastern king's gifted apartment, or in Australia, or saudi arabia etc.). He chose to talk to his people, confess his mistakes before masses who suffered the consequences, all make him more of a man.
Good to know i am talking to a well read person. Books must have enhanced your capacity to think,argue and contribute. One thing we can't expect from books (or intellect, in general) though, is to enable us to choose sides, at very basic levels of right and wrong. I really hope and wish, to develop that muscle, you have mechanisms/resources in place.
Taking generals to ICJ seems wrong on so many levels. a- Having some people with ordinary intellectual capacity at positions of extraordinary power does limit us establishing our own acceptably functional judicial system (besides secondary reasons), it doesn't mean we are savages as nation who should be borrowing judicial resources, after begging for dollars to run economy for decades (or renting out our space or military resources for that matter). We are a nation of 220 million, capable of establishing our judiciary (and then a civilised society). b- ICJ or even UN, practically are not there to resolve inhouse conflicts of countries like Pakistan (I don't know technically, it falls in their scope or not, to address this issue). c- Even if you get few individuals convicted by ICJ, which doesn't seem practical, what ill it would resolve?
but again my point stands on current scenario, Army and PTI as well as Bajwa. A simple rather straightforward factor can be, if Bajwa is making all the moves against the interests of Pakistan through the power of uniform, then wouldn't he be extending his term indefinitely. We have to wait and watch. Should PTI bring up proofs to impeach him through those proofs and if its stated that supreme court of Pakistan bows under Army then dharna, riots, tweets, vlogs by journalists etc, are the only methods to stand against Military. Stability of the country is paramount, not PTI, not Bajwa.
Let me say it in military terms, as it may be more productive. The bold part of your argument equates to saying couldn't US just bomb all of Afghanistan and avoided the embarrassment it faced (it almost did in Vietnam, and got even worse results.)
a- Raw power gets consumed at unexpected rates, once you start using it. b- It is catastrophe, bringing out consequences, unforeseeable.
Having said that, going by the system dynamics, a direct martial law or extension through parliament or judiciary, would still be an option in case things go more unforeseen way, though less likely considering the current convenience level of ruling setup. Also, self imposed extension depends on lots of other if-else conditions, as a signalian may prefer to say it, but a mazdoor like myself feels a bit insecure and unsafe to describe them here.

You still haven't learnt how to present your case.

Har aik baat pe kehtay ho tum ke tu kia hai
Tumhi kaho ke ye andaz e guftagu kia hai

The emotional and blind hatred created through the current atmosphere can be seen in this thread also which is about a fallen Army officer victimized in the current war which Pakistan has been facing since 2 decades now.
Its sad to see people dying. May Allah ji keep the brother happier, where he is now.
Obviously we don't know intensions of individuals showing anger here. The question is whether those calling shots even realise the importance of understanding why people are getting angry. We don't need to be extraordinarily smart to understand that if people and army start having their separate shaheeds, its not a question whether we would sustain or not, the question is, how long more. May Pakistan in its current form, outlive us. May it live for ever.
July 17, 2022


For years such images of "terrorists" killed been shared by army, but never wver given any proof. Why not arreat some alive and bring them to justice like honorable nations do???
Then they created excuses that the coirts let them free while the courts open up in thw middlw of the night on their orders, doesn't it sound fishy? There is a reason terrorism is growing, the lumber 1 kills ppl and tags them as terrorists and ridicule them without concrete proof, those ppl then have relatives that turn to terrorism for revenge.
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