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Pakistan addicted to using militants against India: Pentagon

The TOI(let) should be not be allowed to be posted on this forum when it comes to Pakistan because it's mainly BS
Your judiciary goes around catching terrorists?

Your statement itself is faulty, when did we establish army is the sponsor of terrorists?

Did you forget your statement about Judiciary being 'free', implying it would have taken action against Army for supporting terror.

We can establish this over and over again, from presidents accepting in open media to UN findings; heck go through the thread and some members have even given an eloquent reasoning for support.

You choose not to believe, I cannot make you.

That's the problem with you guys, no respect for the law, you talk as if you have a problem with terrorists, but are the biggest terror sponsors when you throw rule of law out the window.

If you advocate killing of people through drones without due process and trial then there is no difference in justification of those people going to Mumbai and killing people as they deemed them unfit to live.

Your opening the window towards actions like throwing due process out for one set of people will leave terrorism as the only logical recourse - if the grand scheme of things were anything to go by, with this statement alone, you should be questioned why did you part-take in the killing of 170 people in Mumbai?

But of course, you never think in those terms - in fact you just never think.

You missed a crucial difference there. Innocence.

The people being killed by foreign intervention are a danger to the peaceful society. People like them commit massacres in foreign lands. A danger that your establishment not only fails to control, but materially and morally supports.

One cannot expect a due process where those in power support and are complicit in acts of terror. If Pakistan establishment cannot guarantee prevention of such attacks claiming incompetency and non-state actors, I don't have a moral problem with terrorists being killed without due process. They are Pakistani citizens, it is Pakistan's failure to provide them due process by arresting them.
What else can you expect,trial of Pakistani citizens in Pakistan by foreign judges?

Yes we respect the law in our land and will respect yours too, provided we can see some lawful process there mitigating terror support.
I do not know what is the criteria to become a THINK TANK after seeing this post.

Ashok bhai - do me a little favor and have a look at who and what he was responding to. I find it surprising you once again are selective in picking faults - is it unfair to ask you to judge first who brought the quality of the thread to this level by seeing what the previous post was? I find it immature for you to bring the fact he is a think tank into this - is he not allowed to respond on the same level as the clown that he was responding to? As a think tank you expect him to dit back and absorb the trolls that post low quality posts? Please at least be impartial - i used to value your input as one of the sensible posters.
Sometimes Ashokbhai when making an omlette you have to crack a few eggs. Dont forget think tanks are human and they have to come down to the level of the chap they are responding to - especially when he is responding to trolls.

I really cant see any hard core evidence of Pakistan being "addicted" to using militants. I think perhaps it may be occurring - i would be a fool to disregard it completely but please tell me is this fact unique to our nation or is it reciprical?
Ashok bhai - do me a little favor and have a look at who and what he was responding to. I find it surprising you once again are selective in picking faults - is it unfair to ask you to judge first who brought the quality of the thread to this level by seeing what the previous post was? I find it immature for you to bring the fact he is a think tank into this - is he not allowed to respond on the same level as the clown that he was responding to? As a think tank you expect him to dit back and absorb the trolls that post low quality posts? Please at least be impartial - i used to value your input as one of the sensible posters.
Sometimes Ashokbhai when making an omlette you have to crack a few eggs. Dont forget think tanks are human and they have to come down to the level of the chap they are responding to - especially when he is responding to trolls.

I really cant see any hard core evidence of Pakistan being "addicted" to using militants. I think perhaps it may be occurring - i would be a fool to disregard it completely but please tell me is this fact unique to our nation or is it reciprical?
I regret my action brother, but some one has to back down, I find that some INDIANs here are so stupid that you need to ignore these fools, but being a think tank I thought that he will understand the implied meaning that he should have not gone to that level.
if I had offended him, i feel realy sorry and I hope you understand my post.
Another vomit from a blog.

not surprising you didn't provide any link or source.
Kindly bro, its not wise to reply in such a case, let him enjoy bashing INDIA, HINDUS and he thinks that HINDUS only comprise of BHRAMIS but the reality is only 3% contribute to the strength of BHRAMINS in the super set called HINDUS.
I regret my action brother, but some one has to back down, I find that some INDIANs here are so stupid that you need to ignore these fools, but being a think tank I thought that he will understand the implied meaning that he should have not gone to that level.
if I had offended him, i feel realy sorry and I hope you understand my post.

Thanks for the sane response Ashok bhai - sometimes please trust me its not easy to NOT get annoyed. i guess natural hostility exists from both sides - it perhaps always will but control is something we can all learn about.
Sensitivity of issues like this thread is bringing up gets the juices flowing. "Addiction" is perhaps an extra stong word. I think there is militants used by both parties - only naivity would suggest it doesnt happen.
First off there are very less incidents happened when civilians were mistaken for militants by PA/PAF.

Since there are no independent confirmations from the battle zones in Pakistan, this claim is very difficult to validate/confirm

Secondly, Pakistan's strategy is entirely different from its counterpart in Afghanistan, latter take care of security personnel more than collateral damage. Whereas In FATA, the area to be operated is vacated at first, people are camped in safe areas, IDPs we call them.
Army conducts operation most of the times, look at the numbers of causalities of PA, PAF is called occasionally.
And I am specifically talking about the cases where jets are used to bomb specific regions with bombs and similar munitions

Moreover the bad guys we are fighting with are declared enemy of Pakistan unlike US, listen to Michael Scheuer for once.

So your point is that after declaring some of your citizens as your enemies, you are fine with bombing them into pieces along with any other innocent bystanders who may not have moved along with rest of your IDPs for whatever reason. How come innocent unless proven guilty rule does not apply here?

Number of Taliban arrested are greater than the number of Taliban killed unlike US. We don't consider entities like good Taliban and bad Taliban.

I think the concept of Good and Bad Taliban was propagated by Pakistan only
In Afghanistan, there are U.S and Indian soldiers, both of whom Pakistanis are tired of.

I swear the day the Americans leave Afghanistan, Indians will have to run for their lives. :lol:

If Pakistan is using Taliban against the U.S, then what would happen to India's already 'weak' army claimed by their own army chief :rofl:
There is a remedy called self realization to cure obsession but if its addiction then its very difficult for them!
Nobody defied a UN ban, on UN insistence we banned JuD, we then tried them for the alleged crimes and due to lack of supply of evidence from India we could not implicate JuD.

I mean imagine all that is needed is for Ajmal Kasab to personally state "JuD ordered me to do Mumbai attacks", either in Pakistan or to the Pakistani judicial team that went to India.

Instead India says let us ask the question in our privacy and you will be given a recording of that. In court how do you prove that no one held a gun at him in that recorded testimony?

One small point I would like to make in regards to JUD which has been investigated with witness accounts from former members and even Rana Sanaullah Khan, Punjab's Law Minister have said it is a front for LET is this not deemed as proof?

Unreported World - Series 2010 - Episode 3 - Pakistan's Terror Central - Channel 4
Fake documents "Data Grams". I have my GrandPa's Type writer in the garage too. I can type 200 letters like that too. I also have a stamp from the Dollar Store that can print any date until 2099.
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