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Pakistan Ahead of India in Nuclear weapons technology.

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let indians live in their fantasies its hard for them to accept that pakistan a 4 time smaller country posses nukes those are far lethal and superior to their ones , its useless to waste our time on baseless indian arguments these poor people are still solving puzzles with their poor missiles which again and again fails . the only good thing they have is brahmos and thanks to russia for that other wise this would have another dream for india. any waz its crystal clear indian missiles what ever their names are or what so ever indians call it are not at par with pakistani ones even indian media has been several times reported about the incompetency of indian missile .. let these indians live in their dream world .

Can you say any reason why Indian missiles fail and Pakistani missile never ......When when both countries have similar human resources???

Or it is just your army don't let you know about failures?
Can you say any reason why Indian missiles fail and Pakistani missile never ......When when both countries have similar human resources???

Or it is just your army don't let you know about failures?

so you want to say that this is another failure of your army that they cannot stop leakages of these news items :woot:
This one sentence reveals your knowledge about this thing. Indian Army has nothing to do with the missiles until they are handed over to them. Development of missiles, testing are done by DRDO. Whatever news comes out about failures and successes in trials are not leakage but from press realease of DRDO. We are happy that they maintain the transperancy and we know what is our capabilities. If we go by Pakistan Army (who are directly involved in their missile development unlike India) -Pakistan never had a failure in any trial in three decades of development of different Ballistic missiles. now it is upon you how you will take it. I accept they have done good job in the field considering so many hinderance in the path. I just feel irritating when someone starts a dick-measuring contest when he/she has hardly any idea about the top secrets of both nations. I am no missile expert but I know a simple fact that we, the civilians in both countries have no chance to know these secrets. So the forum should stop these types of contests based on reports by self-proclaimed specialists.
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