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Pakistan alleges role of US behind No Confidence Vote against PTI government

The current and future implications of No confidence movement on sovereignty, National Security and Civil-military relationships in Pakistan.

Lt Gen M.Haroon Aslam (R) knew it all long ago.
This video was published 9months ago on 02-07-2021 šŸ‘‡

Pakistan will fold and give J-10's to America along with all the airbases. They'll come for the nukes next.
not Pakistan but lumber 1 idols of boot lickers will bow down and give away anything amrikay wants!
such big and wild exaggerations...
youthiyas gone patwaris- absolutely disgusting
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Fcking children, why should the military prop up one or the other political party, the Armed Forces have always protected the countries interest and resisted pressure from the US and its allies on the Nuclear Programme, A stan, and also China and they will never be compromised.
Pakistan needs a peaceful revolution of culling without any mercy of certain elements in the Pakistan society of selectors and last 20 years of selectees. Pakistani's have to accept one thing establishment and politics can't go hand in hand and it has only ruined the country and must be stopped if our country have to move forward.
Pakistan needs a peaceful revolution of culling without any mercy of certain elements in the Pakistan society of selectors and last 20 years of selectees. Pakistani's have to accept one thing establishment and politics can't go hand in hand and it has only ruined the country and must be stopped if our country have to move forward.
only protests, SM, demonstrations, public shaming of bad elements can help here
We have seen how our sovereignty is eroded and compromised from the inside by the very people who run this system.

How will Pakistan respond given proven traitors who are involved in foreign sponsored coup are being brought to power against public sentiment and are willing to protect their interests rather than Pakistan?

Everything was going fine till some people were promoted out of turn & out of merit!


I think you are nuts. creating another nationalistic crisis is the last thing nation needs.
He is an indian using Pakistani flages, moron didn't even bother using VPN

In absolute terms he is in fact equating Ukraine and India... while simultaneously calling China and Russia as aggressors... Russia though in a more profound and overt manner and China while mincing his words but not in their intent.
If only some lower level official had read this policy statement to perhaps gauge it's impact would have at least allowed leverage to other state apparatus to minimize the damage.

However it is done and if anything Pakistan must preemptively now try to dampen its fallout... will they?
What do you expect from extension in chief?

Military will keep on living without its fans. Its the fans' choice what they like to think and believe. Haste makes waste afterall.
Disagree. Pakistan military desperately needs fans and support. Its a regime whose power base is tied to its PR.
Why would the western countries pursue Pakistan's support against Russia to the extent of fiddling with Pakistan's domestic politics?! It is not like Pakistan will be able to make a big difference to the sanctions against Russia like China can. This does not make much sense :unsure:
Global media are beginning to recognize foreign countries are attempting to trigger a regime change in Pakistan. And we have Pakistanis who either don't believe, don't care or are batting for the wrong team.

I can see why Pakistan is the way it is. No other country would tolerate it, even the smallest of island countries wouldn't. This is not BAU.

It doesn't matter what you think of IK, this has become a matter of your sovereignty. This is the equivalent of a declaration of war, no difference. Try this stunt in the US and watch you get nuked into oblivion.
It is a national crisis, a huge risk to Pakistan's national security where internal entities conspire with external ones to oust a sitting government, wtf, if this wasn't so serious I would be laughing it as a comedy show. The depth that Pakistan's politics has fallen and the depth the politicians have sold themselves and their country is truly astonishing. We are being set up for civil war by schemers and sleep walking into a dramatic implosion. It's time for Pakistanis to get the flags out and do what they need to do and must do. Standup for your rights and freedom, this is a decisive and most important point for change. Act now and muster the courage to break the status quo or forever more be subjugated by the corrupts.
Then kick the British, American, and Canadian embassy people out, including the consulates. There is no sales negotiation. Can Paks stand up?
no the nation is dead sadly! They will forget this even happen after a week!
not all of the military establishment, it is said a group of selected few.

BTW listen the Bajwa speech which he deliver in Islamabad Security Dialogue, he is deliberately poking China and Russia

In regards to China he remarked "Indo-China Border dispute is of Great Concern to us", I mean why it should be a concern to us ??? China has taken some burden of Indian forces Off from our back, and now engaging Indian forces this thing favor us but NO he want relief for India.

For Russia

his remarks

- Sadly the Russian Invasion against Ukraine is unfortunate

- There is a huge tragedy which must be stop immediately

- Furthermore despite legitimate security concern of Russia its aggression against the smaller can not be condoned

So in short he is delivering message of condemnation which US and EU were seeking and civilian government has refused earlier

He chose this time to deliver this message when voting on foreign sponsored NCM is taking place tomorrow, secondly Russian visit was explicitly mention in that letter as one of the "SINS" Pakistan has done.

He is not only outlining a separate Diplomatic Policy but signaling to USA for some intent & purpose about which we can only make guess

nahi yaar main kaab lar rah hoo have you ever seen me posting aggressively with any Pakistani member ??

kis cheez ka .... ???
Not really.. not condoning is not equal to condemning.. invasion is what it is and technically a violation of International norms therefore it cant be condoned in any way regardless they have genuine concerns which they have...khan has also termed this war unfortunate.
As for indo china he meant to say that the war can spread... theres no guarantee it would remain indo China only once india starts cracking under the PLA..this may involve smaller neighbors for or against them.
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