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Pakistan Army trainers helping forge the Saudi Army into a fighting machine.

3 out of 4 Caliphs were murdered.

We the MUSLIMS need a lot of training.

quit the latent racism; and please do not talk about one set of people or other.

Talk about only one set of people, i.e Muslims.

What has this anything to do with Arab military history which is among the very best in history and only matched by few other people?

Which latent racism? Last time I checked it were those two trolls that started their nonsense. Nowhere is there even 1 gram of racism in my post. That's a ridiculous accusation.

Nor were I the one that felt the need to post nonsense and go off-topic in a constructive thread.
What has this anything to do with Arab military history which is among the very best in history and only matched by few other people?

Which latent racism? Last time I checked it were those two trolls that started their nonsense. Nowhere is there even 1 gram of racism in my post. That's a ridiculous accusation.

Man, leave the trolls .. don't feed them.

However my comment was about US the MUSLIMS.

I hope and want you too to address every thing as US the Muslims; please do not differentiate and refer to US the Arabs.

There is no use, and no profit in that.
Man, leave the trolls .. don't feed them.

However my comment was about US the MUSLIMS.

I hope and want you too to address every thing as US the Muslims; please do not differentiate and refer to US the Arabs.

There is no use, and no profit in that.

Mate, read those two post that I replied to. Nowhere is there any racism nor any insults. In fact if anything it is the opposite way around. In a thread of this nature. Can you imagine? Where no Saudi Arabian or Arab user yet had even written a single comment.

I enter this thread and expect an interesting thread until I see that nonsense which I then reply to.

You have no idea how annoying it is when ignorants are not aware of simple military history, history overall yet are busy commenting on it or when people are telling you how to live etc. and try to come off as being more knowledgeable or knowing more about KSA, it's people and what we as Saudi Arabians want or do not want.

Imagine if I or anyone else did it the opposite way around?

Thank God that this is a Pakistani forum otherwise those people would not have survived for long on an Arab forum.

Sometimes I ask myself why I bother but I would not bother had their likes not been obsessed about spamming threads on the Arab Section, ME section etc. with such comments.

At least keep it among their little clique or something.

If those are the Muslims that we are apparently "allies" with then I almost prefer some non-Muslims to be honest with you. At least there is no trolling from their part here on PDF.
Paiso ki kami hai warna Pakistanio ki bhi achi army hai

Shortage of money doesn't matter for us. See what Mujhaideens are doing to NATO in Afghanistan and to Israel in Gaza. Imagine what Pakistan can do with its armed forces :D
Hope so, but previous experiences are contradictory. Our army has trained emarati army too, but their foreign policy is always pro other side of our border.

Thats not true. UAE has a fairly balanced foreign policy towards Pakistan given the desparity in the volumes of trade they have with us compared to India.

Saudi's are training their army to confront any sort of anti regime situation in the kingdom. The Saudi govt. is very scared after the Arab spring.

On the other hand, they did not want to make their army stronger enough to topple the government.

Any more conspiracy theories Professor?
The Arabs are famous for back-stabbing their benefactors so keep that last trick for yourself. A wise teacher knows precisely what he ought not to offer his student. Remember the story "The Tiger's Teacher".

Thats a load of balony.

If one country has stood with Pakistan under all circumstances, natural calamities, floods and earthquakes, wars and sanctions, its Saudi Arabia.

Using the term 'Arabs' is like generalizing an entire region with dogmatic logic. Arabs are not one people, they are different, distinct and often at the odds.

When was the last time Saudis backstabbed us? - Never!

I have studied with the Saudis and have met dozens of them. I didn't find a SINGLE Saudi who was even SLIGHTLY anti Pakistan or was 'conspiring' to backstab us. That too in times when frankly no one even talks to Pakistanis easily.

You cant give sweeping statements about a people without knowing them. If as you say that Saudis are knoen for backstabbing, i can safely say that we Pakistanis too have a rather pathetic habbit of blaming our ills on others.
Great to see our Warriors helping each other.....


Muslims helping Muslims matters. Forget about the rest and move forward guys.

Exactly and very well put.

Thats not true. UAE has a fairly balanced foreign policy towards Pakistan given the desparity in the volumes of trade they have with us compared to India.

Any more conspiracy theories Professor?

Thats a load of balony.

If one country has stood with Pakistan under all circumstances, natural calamities, floods and earthquakes, wars and sanctions, its Saudi Arabia.

Using the term 'Arabs' is like generalizing an entire region with dogmatic logic. Arabs are not one people, they are different, distinct and often at the odds.

When was the last time Saudis backstabbed us? - Never!

I have studied with the Saudis and have met dozens of them. I didn't find a SINGLE Saudi who was even SLIGHTLY anti Pakistan or was 'conspiring' to backstab us. That too in times when frankly no one even talks to Pakistanis easily.

You cant give sweeping statements about a people without knowing them. If as you say that Saudis are knoen for backstabbing, i can safely say that we Pakistanis too have a rather pathetic habbit of blaming our ills on others.

Equally excellent and well said.

Thats a load of balony.

If one country has stood with Pakistan under all circumstances, natural calamities, floods and earthquakes, wars and sanctions, its Saudi Arabia.

Using the term 'Arabs' is like generalizing an entire region with dogmatic logic. Arabs are not one people, they are different, distinct and often at the odds.

When was the last time Saudis backstabbed us? - Never!

I have studied with the Saudis and have met dozens of them. I didn't find a SINGLE Saudi who was even SLIGHTLY anti Pakistan or was 'conspiring' to backstab us. That too in times when frankly no one even talks to Pakistanis easily.

You cant give sweeping statements about a people without knowing them. If as you say that Saudis are knoen for backstabbing, i can safely say that we Pakistanis too have a rather pathetic habbit of blaming our ills on others.


I have studied with all kind of Arabs...and to my surprise, Saudis have been most "pro-Paksitan" and most "friendly" towards Pakistanis amongst ALL other Arabs.

Pakistanis need to be more balance when they look at Saudi Arabia and Arab World. All of them have faults, so do we, but don't just start blabbering out of no where
SSGN with Saudi Saqeah:


Al SamSam ex:


PA officer with Saudis:


really old pic:

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