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Pakistan calls for global coalition to counter India's hate-mongering


Mar 30, 2009
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Special Assistant to PM on National Security Moeed Yusuf on Wednesday stressed on the need for a global coalition to counter India’s hate-mongering against the Muslims.

Speaking at an international conference on “Countering Islamophobia”, Moeed Yusuf pressed on the scholars to look into the roots of Islamophobia and how India has operationalised its anti-minorities agenda inspired by Nazism and Hindutva doctrine.

The SAPM said that today’s India reflects Hitler’s Nazism where Muslims are blamed for the spread of COVID-19 and its top officials hurl insults towards Muslims.

The chief minister of India’s biggest province has called the Muslims virus, he said.

“IOJK has been an open jail since 5th Aug 2019 and it wasn’t much better before, Moeed Yusuf told the conference, adding that “a global coalition against such hate is the way forward”.

“We are facing a new India.”

The SAPM said that Indian Register for Citizenship and Citizen Amendment Act will deprive the Muslims of citizenship.

‘Modi a psychopath’

Pakistan has been highlighting the rising trend of Islamophobia in India under the Narendra Modi government and has urged the world to address this issue.

While addressing a public gathering in Azad Kashmir last month, Prime Minister Imran Khan called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a “psychopath” and "a product of the RSS".

"Modi murdered Muslims in Gujarat, pushed them out of their homes, and had women raped," he said. "Modi is not a normal man; he's a psychopath and a product of the RSS.

"His party is a product of the RSS and those belonging to the RSS consider Hitler's Nazi Party a role model. What's being done to the Muslims [in India] was done to Jews by Hitler.

"They are heading towards genocide in Kashmir," the prime minister warned, adding that such tyrants were actually cowards.

He said violence was ongoing in Kashmir earlier as well but under the Modi government, children had lost their eyes due to the Indian Army's use of pellet guns, thousands — including 10- and 11-year-old kids — were taken to jails, and mass graves were discovered.

An 800,000-strong army was committing atrocities on some eight million people in Kashmir in a planned and coordinated manner, the PM said. "I had promised to become the ambassador of Kashmir. I told the world about the RSS and its violence."

The premier said he had apprised the head of every country he met of the issue of occupied Kashmir and would continue telling the world about it.

"I told heads of state about the RSS' dangerous mindset, of how these extremists believe that people of other faiths are not their equals, that they are a special creation of God, like Hitler spoke of the Aryan 'master race', and that others are second-class citizens.

Hindutva extremism in India is a threat to the entire region especially muslim state and people's

It is imperative that we highlight the threat of hindutva extremist India to the wider world and muslim world especially

They may think of Indians as benign but hindutva bakhts are rabid enemies of Muslims and we must target them whenever and wherever we can
Special Assistant to PM on National Security Moeed Yusuf on Wednesday stressed on the need for a global coalition to counter India’s hate-mongering against the Muslims.

Speaking at an international conference on “Countering Islamophobia”, Moeed Yusuf pressed on the scholars to look into the roots of Islamophobia and how India has operationalised its anti-minorities agenda inspired by Nazism and Hindutva doctrine.

The SAPM said that today’s India reflects Hitler’s Nazism where Muslims are blamed for the spread of COVID-19 and its top officials hurl insults towards Muslims.

The chief minister of India’s biggest province has called the Muslims virus, he said.

“IOJK has been an open jail since 5th Aug 2019 and it wasn’t much better before, Moeed Yusuf told the conference, adding that “a global coalition against such hate is the way forward”.

“We are facing a new India.”

The SAPM said that Indian Register for Citizenship and Citizen Amendment Act will deprive the Muslims of citizenship.

‘Modi a psychopath’

Pakistan has been highlighting the rising trend of Islamophobia in India under the Narendra Modi government and has urged the world to address this issue.

While addressing a public gathering in Azad Kashmir last month, Prime Minister Imran Khan called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a “psychopath” and "a product of the RSS".

"Modi murdered Muslims in Gujarat, pushed them out of their homes, and had women raped," he said. "Modi is not a normal man; he's a psychopath and a product of the RSS.

"His party is a product of the RSS and those belonging to the RSS consider Hitler's Nazi Party a role model. What's being done to the Muslims [in India] was done to Jews by Hitler.

"They are heading towards genocide in Kashmir," the prime minister warned, adding that such tyrants were actually cowards.

He said violence was ongoing in Kashmir earlier as well but under the Modi government, children had lost their eyes due to the Indian Army's use of pellet guns, thousands — including 10- and 11-year-old kids — were taken to jails, and mass graves were discovered.

An 800,000-strong army was committing atrocities on some eight million people in Kashmir in a planned and coordinated manner, the PM said. "I had promised to become the ambassador of Kashmir. I told the world about the RSS and its violence."

The premier said he had apprised the head of every country he met of the issue of occupied Kashmir and would continue telling the world about it.

"I told heads of state about the RSS' dangerous mindset, of how these extremists believe that people of other faiths are not their equals, that they are a special creation of God, like Hitler spoke of the Aryan 'master race', and that others are second-class citizens.


We should do our bit on PDF by banning indian racists who spew anti-Pakistani, anti-Islam racism on this forum. Say NO to indian racism against our people and our religion.
Hindutva extremism in India is a threat to the entire region especially muslim state and people's

It is imperative that we highlight the threat of hindutva extremist India to the wider world and muslim world especially

They may think of Indians as benign but hindutva bakhts are rabid enemies of Muslims and we must target them whenever and wherever we can

One thing that unites ALL indian people is extreme, obsessive and visceral hatred and racism towards Pakistan and Pakistani people.

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