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Pakistan delivers Al-Talha APCs to Iraq


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Iraqi Army receives Talha APCs

Grzegorz Holdanowicz JDW Correspondent

The Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I) recently finalised the distribution to the Iraqi Army of Pakistan's Heavy Industry Taxila (HIT)-manufactured Talha tracked armoured personnel carriers (APCs).

HIT signed a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Defence in November 2004 for delivery of 44 Talhas, 60 Al Mohafiz Security Vehicles and 300 Aahan Armoured Guard Posts.

The total value of the contract is about USD31 million.

Following initial deliveries in March 2005, the Iraqi Army distributed 14 Talhas to its 3rd Division, which is responsible for security in north-western Iraq, while the remaining 30 vehicles have been issued to 9th Mechanised Division based in Taji near Baghdad.

Iraq is the first export confirmed customer for the amphibious Talha. Equipped with mounts for 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine guns, the Talha APC was developed by HIT based on the BAE Systems Ground Systems Division (formerly United Defense) M113 APC manufactured in Pakistan on licence.

HIT said it has introduced about 90 design changes to increase the vehicle's capabilities. Reports from Pakistan suggest that the Pakistani Army placed a contract in 2002 for 250 Talhas that were to be delivered in 2005 and 2006. Until recently no confirmation of the Talha APC's production had been available.

In the interim, an undisclosed unit of the 1st Division, Iraqi Intervention Force (IIF) has become the first confirmed foreign user of the Mohafiz 4 x 4 armoured cars, also developed and manufactured by HIT. An MNSTC-I spokesperson confirmed to Jane's that the Iraqi Army has received an initial 20 Mohafiz vehicles, although deliveries of the remaining 40 vehicles have been delayed or cancelled for unspecified reasons.

Although the first example of the Mohafiz was based on a Toyota Land Cruiser chassis, the vehicles for the IIF were built on a Land Rover 110 chassis.

The overall shape of the hull also differs slightly from that of the Toyota Land Cruiser chassis. The Mohafiz can carry eight people and is equipped with up to 10 firing ports in its welded aluminium hull. The vehicle has a bulletproof windscreen and run flat tyres. A manually operated one-person turret armed with a 7.62 mm PK machine gun and a two-part roof hatch are mounted on the forward part of the roof.

Iraqi Army divisions have also received some 100 Aahan Armoured Guard Posts, while the remaining 200 will be distributed over the course of the next couple months, MNSTC-I sources said.

So quick to sell the 21st century occupational forces who are involved in killing muslims in Iraq for personal capitals, I am a proud pakistani nationalist. :idiot:

2 million children died under the brutal sactions by americ and britian, 3 ambassadors resigned from the oil of food program as it was declared a genocide of iraqi children?

Why cant we just sell something to the israeilis so they can occupy Jerusalem completely and expel the muslims from their land, look on the bright side our economy grew on the expance of facilitating foreign invasions and profiting from wars... a fine example.... :crazy2:
InsightDubai If all the people we morally right then there will be no war in first place, not to mention this war was about oil profit to begin with.

I really hope that APC's will be used to provide security and protect civilains against bombings.

If they will be used to kill our muslim brothers, then we will also be commiting sin, but it dosnt says anywhere in the article that US will command them

Why cant we just sell something to the israeilis so they can occupy Jerusalem completely and expel the muslims from their land, look on the bright side our economy grew on the expance of facilitating foreign invasions and profiting from wars... a fine example....

Dont worry uncle sam is taking care of it :wink:
this contract may have been finalized recently but a year ago when iraq was still fresh the so called puppet iraqi government ambassadar came to pak to lure its greed to the pakistani people for defence contracts. This is teh result of that deal, economy to keep ypur mouth shut and censor the iraqi slaughter house going on....

the war was for oil, everbody knows that, we can only assume that we are doing good for the people of iraq is nothing but hypocracy, wthat they need is food and medicine....... This was nothing far from a good jecture from the Pakistanis but for personal capital gains.....

these kind of arms deals ebing finalised when there ia aoccupation going on, children lying dead in the roads, which cnn and bcc declined to show... When the country is at abrink of civil war? half of the population of fallujah massactred not long ago. and we think our arms will be used for the best?.... I am ashamed of being a Pakistani nationalist we are not better than the aggressors of the middleeast who are reshaping the map with brutal occupation, starvation, and brutality just like the under the rule of the Facist leader Mussocilini of Italy who occupied Libya nd murderd million muslims in the concentration camps. would we have armed the italians under the guise of arming the libyan army.......?
I am speechless how nationlist's defend their corruption with lies. i left the western ideology of nationalism long ago after 911. How the Pkais muslim sare ready to fight the Bangali Muslims, accusing each other of aparthel and murders and rebellions. that happened cause of the evil seed of Nationalism....

their these are my thought..... May god guide us and i pray for the millions of little souls lost in iraq, palestine, chenchya, east turkistan, kashmir, somalia. May allah grant these sacrifices with the highest honour cause they lost their lives only for believeing in Allah, not for defending Oil.
Sell to any tom dick and harry except israel and India who are sworn enemies of your state.

Why bother if angola or Iraq is buying it. Money is what matters and thats what all that counts.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 29 2006, 02:56 AM
Money is what matters and thats what all that counts.
[post=8056]Quoted post[/post]​

Muslims are not suposed to think like that. But politics is politics.
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Mar 29 2006, 12:37 PM
Muslims are not suposed to think like that. But politics is politics.
[post=8061]Quoted post[/post]​

NO ONE is supposed to think like that.But still politics is politics!!!

The demands of life is such that u have to manoeuvre thru these
Ok folks, thats the end of that. Now get back to the topic!
Sell to any tom dick and harry except Israel and India who are sworn enemies of your state.

Since when did Israel become a hit list of ours, or since when Israel consider Pakistan a threat? There is no strategic threat to Israel from Pakistan or does Israel have from Pakistan. This has to be seen in the future, weather would Pakistan take the side of Iran or United States. Most likely Pakistan will remain neutral and that would be the ideal choice.

Regarding the topic. I think its good that our country has the ability to make top class APCs, they will play a major role during the war with any country.
Zeeshan S. said:
Since when did Israel become a hit list of ours, or since when Israel consider Pakistan a threat? There is no strategic threat to Israel from Pakistan or does Israel have from Pakistan. .

Havent u read abt Israel planning to strike pakistans nuclear est???
Zeeshan S. said:

Was that story/news/analysis posted on wikipedia? :angel:

No it wasnt...i dont know where to search for it.

I think that article has been posted here in this forum itself.Can somebody pls post it for zeeshan if they have it.
Al-Talha - Iraq.jpg

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