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Pakistan Digging Its Own Grave: U.S. Congresman

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Jul 17, 2010
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(RTTNews) - With the "destructive role" of the Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) agency standing exposed in the wake of WikiLeaks revelations of classified intelligence documents, a prominent American law-maker said that Islamabad's obsession with New Delhi was leading it to "dig its own grave."

The ISI's attempt to distinguish good from bad militants will spin out of control; and, with its India-phobia, "Pakistan is digging its own grave," Congressman Ed Royce, told news agency Press Trust of India (PTI).

The Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian- Americans was reacting to the WikiLeaks revelation, which showed that the ISI continued to help and assist al-Qaeda and the Taliban all along.

"I've been speaking about the destructive role of Pakistan's ISI for many, many years. I've read this headline before," Royce added, responding to the posting of more than 92,000 classified documents on the war in Afghanistan.

Several Congressmen condemned the publication of the highly-classified documents, but expressed concern over the continued covert links between the ISI and the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Senator Russ Feingold said the documents, in particular, highlighted a fundamental strategic problem--elements of the Pakistani security services being complicit with the insurgency.

"That, combined with competing agendas within the Afghan security forces, makes it clear that there is no military solution in Afghanistan," he added.

Incidentally, during an open Senate Intelligence Committee hearing earlier this year, Feingold asked the then Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair about Pakistan's "continued support to militant proxies and about the assistance provided by some of those groups to al-Qaeda".

Echoing Feingold views, Senator Carl Levin said some of the leaked documents reinforced his long-standing concern about the supporting role of some Pakistani officials in the Afghan insurgency.

During his recent visit to Islamabad with Senator Jack Reed, said Levin, they had strongly urged Pakistan officials to take forceful action against militant networks using Pakistan as a base to attack Afghan and American troops.

Senator Ike Skelton, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the leaked documents, though troubling, reinforced what he was asserting for years: "the war in Afghanistan was not going well, and we needed a real strategy for success."

However, he said the leaked reports---covering the period from 2004 to 2009--pre-dated the Obama administration's new strategy in Afghanistan and should not be used as a "measure of success or a determining factor in our continued mission there."
Calling the release of the secret documents as "deeply troubling and a serious breach of national security," Senator John McCain, the unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate of 2008, said those responsible for the leak should be punished.

"The materials reflect the reality, recognized by everyone, that the insurgency was gaining momentum during these years while our coalition was losing ground," Senator Joe Lieberman (Ind.-Connecticut) said.

He called for full support and time to be given to General David Petraeus and American troops on the ground to succeed in Afghanistan.

Acknowledging the the path ahead was difficult, Lieberman warned that the "consequences for our national security will be catastrophic if we abandon this effort and allow the Taliban and its allies to regain a safe haven in Afghanistan. That is the path back to 9/11."

Expressing shock that an American, that too someone in the Pentagon, could betray his country and possibly put soldiers at risk by leaking information on the ongoing war in Afghanistan, Senator Kit Bond, Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the "damage to U.S. national security caused by leaks like this won't stop until we see more perpetrators in orange jump suits."

by RTT Staff Writer

For comments and feedback: contact editorial@rttnews.com

India-Obsessed Pakistan Digging Its Own Grave: U.S. Congresman

its not a Indian Source
Indians have been shouting this truth for many years for now.

Now lets see how the world reacts to this disclosure.

Thanks to wikileaks.
(RTTNews) - The ISI's attempt to distinguish good from bad militants will spin out of control; and, with its India-phobia, "Pakistan is digging its own grave," Congressman Ed Royce, told news agency Press Trust of India (PTI).

I think you guys don't know what a congressman is.......and what his credibility is.....

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(RTTNews) -
The ISI's attempt to distinguish good from bad militants will spin out of control; and, with its India-phobia, "Pakistan is digging its own grave," Congressman Ed Royce, told news agency Press Trust of India (PTI).

its not a Indian Source

Please read the article your self first..........

We all know how India twist the news and change its meaning to serve its own purpose.......
Indians have been shouting this truth for many years for now.

Now lets see how the world reacts to this disclosure.

Thanks to wikileaks.

American law-maker on Indian payroll said that Islamabad's obsession with New Delhi was leading it to "dig its own grave.":rofl:

World will not React to this news at all other then few in India who will do there best but will fail as they have in the past everybody in the world can sees Indians obsession with Pakistan i wonder when will this inferiority complex will end i guess never.

India Abroad
California Congressman and former co-chairman of the Congressional Caucus
on India and Indian Americans Ed Royce said the United States erred in
imposing sanctions on India in the wake of the May 1998 nuclear tests.

'It made little sense to punish India with sanctions when China supplied
Pakistan with weapons,' Royce said. 'We should have placed sanctions on
China... [Secretary of State] Colin Powell said India has the power to keep
peace in South Asia and plays a key role in the stability of that region.'

Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans
US Representatives Jim McDermott, Washington Democrat continues to be the Co-Chair of the Caucus in the 111th Congress. On the Republican side, Edward Royce, California has joined as the new Co-Chair. The India Caucus is the largest country caucus in the US Congress.

The objective of the Congressional Caucus on India & Indian Americans is to push the Indian American community's agenda on the Hill.

The Caucus was founded in 1993 by Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Bill McCollum (R-FL), who served as a Cochairmen until October 1998. They were succeeded by Gary Ackerman (D-NY) and James Greenwood (R-PA).

In the 108th Congress (2002-2004), the CO-Chairs were Joe Crowley (D-NY) and Joe Wilson (R-SC).

A politician on Indian payroll talking against Pakistan based on intelligence provided by pro India Fired Afghan clearly shows how Pakistan is obsessed with India

I like to Thank Google for exposing Politician saying any thing for a bone:)
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Indians have been shouting this truth for many years for now.

Now lets see how the world reacts to this disclosure.

Thanks to wikileaks.

After those huge disclosure against Pakistan 16 pages out of 92000 the world will come with all their bombs and planes and ships......They take their 10 Kadam and Pakistan will be Khatam.......

Jeez.....Wake up....No one in the world bothers to reply to those reports....The US replied because people were critisizing that how these reports got "leaked". And most of the reports focus of bad planning of Mr. Bush............
We can say the same thing about USA, they are digging their own grave in Afghanistan. Congressmen what the hell do they know, apart from their greediness.
Well this Senator has said very anti Pakistani things before.He is Indian lackey.No wonder he is head of Indian Calcus in Congress.Thank god we still have some powerful pro Pakistani Senators in there and well for Indian Friends ;) Pakistan will take you into grave as well ;) so don't play any dirty game.
"DENVER — A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons."

"Well, what if you said something like — if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered.

"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.

"Yeah," Tancredo responded."

Tancredo: If They Nuke Us, Bomb Mecca - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - FOXNews.com

Some of these congressmen are dumb as shhhit.
"DENVER — A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons."

"Well, what if you said something like — if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered.

"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.

"Yeah," Tancredo responded."

Tancredo: If They Nuke Us, Bomb Mecca - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - FOXNews.com

Some of these congressmen are dumb as shhhit.
That shows how mentally stable they are......

US Congressman = PDF Fanboys

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