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Pakistan does not need Nuclear weapons

anyone who talks sense does not survive long in Pakistan....Imran khan is perhaps an excepton

If Pakistani nukes are such a nuisance, why did India get them in the first place. The only reason why Pakistan got nuclear weapons is because India acquired them first, and please dont insult me by giving me the usual old B.S that India acquired them because China had them. China had only 12 nukes and they were going to be used against the Soviets whom had stock piled 30 000 nukes, more than enough to annihilate China.
If Pakistani nukes are such a nuisance, why did India get them in the first place. The only reason why Pakistan got nuclear weapons is because India acquired them first, and please dont insult me by giving me the usual old B.S that India acquired them because China had them. China had only 12 nukes and they were going to be used against the Soviets whom had stock piled 30 000 nukes, more than enough to annihilate China.

"The sum of all fear"
If Pakistani nukes are such a nuisance, why did India get them in the first place. The only reason why Pakistan got nuclear weapons is because India acquired them first, and please dont insult me by giving me the usual old B.S that India acquired them because China had them. China had only 12 nukes and they were going to be used against the Soviets whom had stock piled 30 000 nukes, more than enough to annihilate China.

you know our history good!
at that time, Soviet union were our no.1 enemy. and most of our nukes were targeted on Soviet union.
we increased our nuke als every year at that time. and we never planed to threaten india with nukes.
If Pakistani nukes are such a nuisance, why did India get them in the first place. The only reason why Pakistan got nuclear weapons is because India acquired them first, and please dont insult me by giving me the usual old B.S that India acquired them because China had them. China had only 12 nukes and they were going to be used against the Soviets whom had stock piled 30 000 nukes, more than enough to annihilate China.

going by your reason i too can state why did Pakistan go for nukes . we only had them from china not you . after all they had 12 .:)
Nukes provide a strategic leverage - for instance, lets look at the case of North Korea. When North Korea acquired nukes, and announced it out loud, they knew one thing for sure: No Western force will dare attacking it, fearing North Korea will use it nukes as a last resort, using the reputation of the NK regime being illogical and 'insane'. Pakistan's nukes are a warning sign for all it's enemies: Do not dare attacking us, and if you'll attack us - and we'll have no choice, we will use of 'doomsday weapon'. It's pretty much the same doctrine held by many countries, like Israel and Iran (Iran wants to get nukes in order to enlarge it's field of influence without fearing a military strike).

Pakistan getting rid of its nukes is really silly, and therefore, unlikely.
anyone who talks sense does not survive long in Pakistan....Imran khan is perhaps an excepton

Its not been long for IK as well.. Lets see how long he lasts.. (I mean as someone with a voice)

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

Rather than posting nuke-obsession listen to him 1:00 to 2:00 . He said "If Pakistan would have not imposed war in 1947-48, J&K would have be part of Pakistan" .

I believe the same, pakistan could have negotiate well with Hari singh, Indian policy was clear "No princely state", While Pakistan could have grant hari singh "princely status" and in exchange accessesion to Pakistan.

Pakistani generals did blunders in history..

Karan has said the same in multiple posts.. The 2 biggest blunders by Pakistan wrt Kashmir have been the 1948 mistake by Jinnah and 1999 debacle by Musharraf. The 1st one gave most of J&K to India and the second one finished what ever credibility Pakistan had on the issue in International politics.
you know our history good!
at that time, Soviet union were our no.1 enemy. and most of our nukes were targeted on Soviet union.
we increased our nuke als every year at that time. and we never planed to threaten india with nukes.

Yeah soviet being your enemy no 1 you did what Indians know as 1962, the only time Indian forces held their head in shame!
For Pakistan, please tell me when did we Initiate a war with Pakistan?

Maybe the Pakistani's feel that Israel is also a threat to Pakistan but India... please grow up guys. The first time we became militarily aggressive was when our parliament was attacked and that too India was not prepared for a limited war, it took a whole month to mobilize India troops along the border.

Now, Pakistan needs nuke might be justified in some cases but then treating India as its biggest threat is not, the only thing Pakistan has to ensure is stop the insurgents and even the small reasonable threat which now India is for you will be erased.
If Pakistani nukes are such a nuisance, why did India get them in the first place. The only reason why Pakistan got nuclear weapons is because India acquired them first, and please dont insult me by giving me the usual old B.S that India acquired them because China had them. China had only 12 nukes and they were going to be used against the Soviets whom had stock piled 30 000 nukes, more than enough to annihilate China.

U might care to remember that China attacked India IN 1962
why just pakistan - we all dont need nukes.

these hypothetical scenarios are bull crapp .

reality is pakistan got the nukes and so did other nations.

now the aim remains not to use them.
U might care to remember that China attacked India IN 1962

And what does that has to do with anything? The war in 1962 was a conventional one and there was no intent to make the war a nuclear one. But lets for argument sakes say that China was going to nuke India, do i need to remind you that the Soviets were waiting for an opportunity to annihilate the Chinese and the Chinese did not stand a chance against the Soviets with their 12 nuclear weapons which could not even be delivered properly. The Indians would have been supported by the Americans and the Soviets in this case, so its 50 000 nuclear warheads compared to 12 which the Chinese had.
If Pakistani nukes are such a nuisance, why did India get them in the first place. The only reason why Pakistan got nuclear weapons is because India acquired them first, and please dont insult me by giving me the usual old B.S that India acquired them because China had them. China had only 12 nukes and they were going to be used against the Soviets whom had stock piled 30 000 nukes, more than enough to annihilate China.

There is no doubt that Pakistan's nukes were driven by India's, and it was a good thing to achieve a credible deterrence.

However, once that has been achieved, the economy comes first. Otherwise, Pakistan runs the risk of following USSR into oblivion. Recent trends are worrying indeed, but there is still time to arrest them.

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