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Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

Women should not be recruited in the army of any muslim country. This is serious violation of hijab. Women are by nature weak and are not supposed to fight. They are not able to protect themselves as well.
I came across an article about women in US army where the lady officers stated that they even feel fare to go to bath room because many 'rape' incidents take place there.
Tell this to your bangali women and if you had nothing to contribute positive then better mind your own business.
Excellent news.. @Aeronaut...

@Zarvan...I believe that fighter pilot females must be allowed for defensive wars..ie to defend Pak territory.
where as our whole proud past is filled with brave women like Hazrat bibi Khawla etc..
We really need women in our army...to show that Pakistan is really Democratic Islamic repubic,our women are as tough as our men.
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Proud of her.....next time indian voilate the airspace....send her in....may be they will fell embarissed after getting shot down by a lady.
Excellent news.. @Aeronaut...

@Zarvan...I believe that fighter pilot females must be allowed for defensive wars..ie to defend Pak territory.
where as our whole proud past is filled with brave women like Hazrat bibi Khawla etc..
We really need women in our army...to show that Pakistan is really Democratic Islamic repubic,our women are as tough as our men.

The reason you told I am against it we need to stop pleasing west forces of kufr and should see what is good for us and what is not not what USA tells us what is good for us and what is not
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The reason you told I am against it we need to stop pleasing west forces of kufr and should see what is good for us and what is not not what USA tells us what is good for us and what is not

Thats why I am saying that women should be restricted for defence of territory,not for offensive war strategies.
and what US has to do with this??
It is our islamic strategy and moral that men and women were both trained.
Remember Gazwa e Khandaq??In which an old aged woman killed a munafiq and said to her fellow lady:
"Sherm ker!iman wali ho ker durti hai??"
Thats why I am saying that women should be restricted for defence of territory,not for offensive war strategies.
and what US has to do with this??
It is our islamic strategy and moral that men and women were both trained.
Remember Gazwa e Khandaq??In which an old aged woman killed a munafiq and said to her fellow lady:
"Sherm ker!iman wali ho ker durti hai??"
They were both trained but women were not allowed to enter war they were trained if the war reaches their houses than they have to enter that and defend it
They were both trained but women were not allowed to enter war they were trained if the war reaches their houses than they have to enter that and defend it

Yes,thats why I focused that women should be given a defensive training.
Yeah, probably just Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) over VAs in their own territory.

But it's ironic that though Muslims are considered more conservative, their women are allowed to fly fighter jets unlike the IAF which has debarred Indian women from flying fighters, relegating them to choppers and transport aircraft only.

I think it's high time the IAF changes its rules. But the main issues dogging the IAF are:

> What would happen to them if they are shot down over enemy territory.
> Family problems including maternity leaves meaning less flying hours.
> Monthly periods. You can't be wearing a g-suit during these periods! That means grounding every month for a week at least!!

I wonder how the PAF is coping with these issues?

I am with iaf in this decision, I myself and I think large majority of our people are not comfortable with the situation where one of our women being captured by enemy. Ofcourse majority of pdf Indians were against my opinion.
woman has no place within fighter pilots, our society and individual thinking far from appropriate bahaviour when a female inducted into business. SISTER/BROTHER CULTURE is very popular in every working fields in Pakistan so PAF should discourage any female training on this level as it may disturb pilots performance.

if you have sister/brother culture, what is wrong with having a female pilot then, she will feel at home in those institutions. :cheers:
All the best to the fighter, she must be supported at every step.

Thank you Pervez Musharraf, despite foreign pressure, politicians cannot undo your reforms.
Women should not be recruited in the army of any muslim country. This is serious violation of hijab. Women are by nature weak and are not supposed to fight. They are not able to protect themselves as well.
I came across an article about women in US army where the lady officers stated that they even feel fare to go to bath room because many 'rape' incidents take place there.

I am not sure if you read Islamic history...There were a number of MUSLIM WOMEN who fought along side the Prophet SAW...when he said nothing....who are we to give such fatwah?! :undecided:

Well, American army system is not the same as that of a Muslim world...Plus, I doubt in Muslim countries, the women are trained with men...I thought we have separate academies! :unsure:
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