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Pakistan is a 'black hole' for US aid


Mar 6, 2012
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Pakistan is a 'black hole' for US aid - Times Of India

WASHINGTON: US lawmakers of both Democratic and Republican parties have slammed the Obama administration's request for $2.4 billion for Pakistan, calling it a "black hole" where the US has "sunk" $24 billion over the last decade.

"Pakistan is like a black hole for American aid," Gary Ackerman, top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs panel on the Middle East and South Asia said during a hearing Wednesday.

"Our tax dollars go in, our diplomats go in - sometimes, our aid professionals go in - sometimes, our hopes go in, our prayers go in," he said. "Nothing good ever comes out."

Alleging that Islamabad continues to pursue its national interest at America's expense and that of its allies, Ackerman said: "Pakistan continues to shelter, directly support and sponsor terrorists."

"Officially acknowledging this indisputable fact might be grossly impolitic; but that doesn't make it less true. American standing in Pakistani public opinion is terrible and getting worse," he said.

Similarly Republican Dana Rohrabacher blasted US support for Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who he said was taking "marching orders" from Pakistan.

"We should cut Pakistan off of every cent because it has been used for evil purposes, including killing American troops," he said.

However, a State Department official testifying at the hearing suggested cutting off aid would be short-sighted.

"Our current discussions with the Pakistanis on how best to pursue our common interests will take time to resolve, and it's not easy right now to provide satisfying answers to some questions," Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Daniel Feldman said in written testimony.

But "the fact of the matter is, is that we've been able to kill more terrorists on Pakistani soil than just about any place else," he said citing President Barack Obama's words after the death of Osama bin Laden last May. "We could not have done that without Pakistani cooperation."
aid must be for humanity not for achieving political purpose

after all US has already cut military aid, long time ago, the only aid which is given is the humanitarian aid, it should come with conditions
why a ghairatmannd country like pakistan takes aid from US ?

because we have traitors as our rulers. if you ask this question from a common pakistani he will surely like to die rather then american aid. but you were trolling with this one-liner.

aid must be for humanity not for achieving political purpose

after all US has already cut military aid, long time ago, the only aid which is given is the humanitarian aid, it should come with conditions

Americans will not give you aid when their interest in pakistan is finished they only give us aid for their objectives to be achieved. it is alternative way of bribing.
aid must be for humanity not for achieving political purpose

after all US has already cut military aid, long time ago, the only aid which is given is the humanitarian aid, it should come with conditions

it is naive of you to think that aid is given without conditions . after all if the US is giving the money they will want something in return .
Dear US we dont want you aid as it only breed our corrupt politicians..take it back and shove it where the sun dont shine..
Dear US we dont want you aid as it only breed our corrupt politicians..take it back and shove it where the sun dont shine..

I think you are at right..They need to put aid in Bilateral Mode. And when it will in righteous hand then the desired goals can be achieved..:tup:
because we have traitors as our rulers. if you ask this question from a common pakistani he will surely like to die rather then american aid. but you were trolling with this one-liner.

Americans will not give you aid when their interest in pakistan is finished they only give us aid for their objectives to be achieved. it is alternative way of bribing.

From the day Pakistan born I never saw any statement by an In-power Pakistani politicians stating that Pakistan don need American aid… Corrupt Pakistani politicians…I heard this word many times from so many Pakistani…you mean to say that from last 60+ year Pakistan did not got a single ruler who is not corrupted and want to work for your country Pakistan…???...This is a big question mark…Look around.
I would like to tell you that before raising finger to others looks at yourself…And that corrupt politicians as you says…that guys are among you peoples... They are not imported items….And please my statement is not to hurt anyone this is the fact…Accept it and face the challenge.
To tell u a secret ...all American aid ends up back in America once there leaders are finally exiled..which is Inevitable.

WIn win.:bunny:
Will your traitor ruler give up nukes??? Or Kashmir??? No because they fear the public. But they will take aid because they know public doesn't care much. It is the people who define the red lines.
because we have traitors as our rulers. if you ask this question from a common pakistani he will surely like to die rather then american aid. but you were trolling with this one-liner.

Americans will not give you aid when their interest in pakistan is finished they only give us aid for their objectives to be achieved. it is alternative way of bribing.
why a ghairatmannd country like pakistan takes aid from US ?

why a ghairatmannd country like pakistan takes aid from US ?

your statement is a pure troll, one thing and secondly.. remember ..no country is giving aid.. this is coallition support fund and the price which US has to pay for NATO supply for using Pakistan.. it is unfortunate that because of Pakistan's poor foreign policy this price is being used as barganing chip by US as they want to block the due amount..

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