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"Pakistan Is Doing an Excellent Job against Extremism" - Norway


Oct 20, 2008
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United States

Apr 30 2015
By Adnan Siddiqi

In conversation with Norway’s ambassador Leif H. Larsen.

Leif H. Larsen, Norway’s ambassador to Pakistan, opened Lahore’s first Royal Norwegian Consulate, headed by Naveen Fareed, on April 23. We caught up with the envoy and discussed bilateral relations, common security interests, and more. Excerpts:

What would you describe as the biggest strength of the relationship between Pakistan and Norway?

One of the biggest strengths of our relationship is the large population of Pakistanis in Norway. There are around 35,000 Pakistani-Norwegians, a figure which is quite significant in a total national population of 5 million. They now include second and third generation Norwegians who are in many ways more Norwegian than Pakistani. A lot of them are originally from the Punjab; this means there are special links between Norway and Punjab. Many of these Pakistani-Norwegians hold influential positions in the private and public sectors. One example is parliamentarian Hadia Tajik. She is of Pakistani origin, is a former minister of culture, and was recently elected deputy leader of the Labour Party. It is not inconceivable that she, a Muslim woman of Pakistani origin, may become prime minister some day. [Pakistani-Norwegians] have been able to prosper. One reason for this may be Norway’s egalitarian system, including in education, which has made it easier for them to assimilate regardless of religion, ethnicity or race. This underscores the importance of quality education for all, including for women and girls. Of course, the picture isn’t all rosy. There have been problems with Pakistani-Norwegians turning to crime and then running off to Pakistan. This makes it important for us to increase police and justice cooperation between both countries. It is also a fact that some third generation Norwegians of Pakistani origin feel they are neither completely Norwegian nor entirely Pakistani. Some of them have turned to extremism, including providing support to the Islamic State militant group. There are also domestic problems such as forced marriages, with some Pakistani parents getting their daughters married off in Pakistan against their wishes.

What other common interests can both sides work on further?

Security and combating terrorism; a secure and stable Pakistan is a major common interest. Norway has been committed to the NATO mission in Afghanistan and will continue to help in the peace building process, of which Pakistan is a part. Pakistan is doing an excellent job with its operation against extremism, and we hope to see it completed. We also hope that it is followed up with a long-term comprehensive plan that includes reconstruction, jobs, and a political process of reconciliation. Our experience from Afghanistan is that in order to succeed you must give people the hope of a better future for themselves and their families. That is the best way of ensuring that they turn away from extremism.


What other common interests can both sides work on further?

Security and combating terrorism; a secure and stable Pakistan is a major common interest. Norway has been committed to the NATO mission in Afghanistan and will continue to help in the peace building process, of which Pakistan is a part. Pakistan is doing an excellent job with its operation against extremism, and we hope to see it completed. We also hope that it is followed up with a long-term comprehensive plan that includes reconstruction, jobs, and a political process of reconciliation. Our experience from Afghanistan is that in order to succeed you must give people the hope of a better future for themselves and their families. That is the best way of ensuring that they turn away from extremism.

Excerpt: ‘Pakistan Is Doing an Excellent Job against Extremism’ ‹ Newsweek Pakistan
I think the Norwegian Ambassador's remarks are from a more objective perspective. He realizes all the political, security, and military operations Pakistan is conducting against extremist forces. In fact, just today Pakistani Air Force conducted a major airstrike killing 44 enemy militants.
So... Let me take a look at map...

oh, Sup with norway?
You aint even near us <.<
So... Let me take a look at map...

oh, Sup with norway?
You aint even near us <.<

Look at some of the countries that are near Pakistan. Do you think they would offer a more objective view point? The Norwegian Ambassador provides an outsider's perspective in this interview, it's a very interesting read. He doesn't just offer nice words he offers some valid concerns as well.
So... Let me take a look at map...

oh, Sup with norway?
You aint even near us <.<

Norwegian forces are though, in Afghanistan as part of NATO combined operations and they feel the effects of regional tensions, instability and militantism and thus wish Pakistan the best in its fight. Pakistan is doing a wonderful job against its and the region's militant problem. Much work remains, a bit of encouragement from others, in this case Norwegian Ambassador to Pakistan Leif Larson, is never a bad thing. It shows the world outside of Pakistan appreciates the sacrifices Pakistan is making and continues to make to better itself going forwards.








The country of Norway might not be physically near Pakistan, but its people, including our ambassador to Pakistan are and thus we have come to appreciate Pakistan's contributions to regional stability.
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The country of Norway might not be physically near Pakistan, but its people, including our ambassador to Pakistan are and thus we have come to appreciate Pakistan's contributions to regional stabilit

As the ambassador stated there over 35,000 Pakistani Norwegians which is a significant number in a total population of 5 million. Also the Pak Norwegians have done rather well and it is fantastic to see people like Culture Minister Hadia Tajik doing so well. Therefore despite the distance Norway and Pakistan have direct linkage. The world is indeed shrinking.

I want Pakistani's to take note of Norway. I have lot of respect for UK however one of the few countries that I believe tops UK is Norway. A country is not made great by number of guns, number of fighters but it's social structure and progressive humanist civilization. On that score Norway sets a standard for rest of humanity to aspire.

Thank you Norway for being a flashing torch in this often ugly world - You give us hope.

Ps. I intend to visit this fabulous country soon.
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I can't believe I was just discussing the Norwegian Ambassador to Pakistan Leif H. Larsen and few days later he crashed in a helicopter. My condolences to his family and people of Norga.
I am deeply sorry to hear that. May he rest in peace

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