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Pakistan Is the Enemy - More Xenophobia and Hate from Hitchens

---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------

We are NOT the USSR. The Afghan war is a small percentage of our GDP. We'll just take increased expenses out of social entitlement spending, I guess.

Which the U.S., with its extreme diversification and idling infrastructure, should weather better than anyone else.

Nuts. Global economy crashes, so do oil prices.

Maybe fighting the wrong enemy?

And you think the ISI manufactured this as well? I don't. And if not, it has no issue in our discussion here.

Any more distractions from the thread topic - Pakistani misgovernance and treachery?

- new year approaches, gotta go - back Sunday.


So it takes 10 years and killing two and a half million muslims the u s finds out that the enemy is some where else---. Ain't we the superstars of the 21st century----. Don't hide behind GDP----the expenses are tremendous as well---the highest GDP ain't gonna get you anywhere.

U S has no infra structure left---it has been taken over by the chinese and the indians----yes there is a skeleton left---.

Once the global economy crashes----there will be terrible times ahead for the west----oil prices coming down won't make any difference then----the damage would have been done-----.

Just like in 2008 price hike-----the destruction the hike caused 3 1/4 years ago---the u s ain't even recovered from that devastation----the loss it suffered in 2008----.

The problem is with pakistan---they don't know how to address this issue---they need to learn to talk just like the u s does---in open and in public---. Pakistani general needs to get on the tv and talk about the deception that american millitary has maintained in afg---.

He needs to be concerned that the u s is extremely desperate to get out of afg----and it does not know how it is going to do that---.

Solomon---you may speak strong words and have all the u n sanctions and resolutions in your post----but it won't do anything to the shame that the u s millitary will face when it leaves afg---because they would have been defeated by the poorest of the poorest ragtag militias of the world----not even an army.

How does that sound to be in the books of history----the world super power got defeated by the worlds poorest of the poor in 10 years time----after all there is a GOD that overlooks us----justice maybe late in coming but it does come some times----.

The GOD is not only a rich man's GOD---it is also a poor man's GOD as well---Solomon---sometimes the poor man's GOD wins too----.

So---bottomline----regardless of sanctions or strikes in paklistan---the u s millitary will leave the arena as a loser---and it is a shame----because the american troops did not deserve what their generals got them into----. American troops are dedicated, god fearing, hard working, loyal to the bone, self less, honest, sincere give their lives for the right kind of cause type of troops----and build hospitals, roads, schools.

They are men who have served this lost cause right from day one with out any excuses---they have served under extreme duress and made the country proud but only for the generals to have them fail.

The U S lost the war---the day it let OBL escape at TORA BORA----that day of infamy will forever live in the annals of historyand will come to haunt them forever----.

That intentional escape and this defeat will always go hand in hand---. So---it is okay---you can use all the tough words---but itain't gonna change the results.

The missile issue has nothing to do with pak----but it is interesting that when things start to go bad----there is a ---what do you call that effect---when the blocks start falling over.
The "are" has already been answered by Abu Zolfiqar, so it is futile to discuss this further

Not really.. All he has quoted is Kayani's words and today Pakistani Army's statements dont have much credibility as far as their links with terror groups go.

It truly is a masterpiece of u s diplomacy---all these statements coming in against pakistan----the majority of pakistan is still moderate and the americans are pushing them with all their might to join the right wing fundos----.

What a masterpiece by Mullen and Panetta----they truly know how to not form the future allegiances and alliances---without doubt----this act of non diplomacy is worth an ACADEMY AWARD entitlement to these two gentlemen----.
Pakistan has been USA's best ally in its war against terror but alas! US couldn't recognize its best allys sincerity.
in the struggle between moral and material, moral always wins in the end....contrary to popular belief
yes we are your enemy jo ukharna hai ukhaar lo we hate you
you have no option than hate you were taught from your birth that hate India,hate jews,hate cristians,hate Indians,love terrorists,love guns this is the your future always fight for Religion.
you have no option than hate you were taught from your birth that hate India,hate jews,hate cristians,hate Indians,love terrorists,love guns this is the your future always fight for Religion.
Oh boy another looney idiot on the forum!

---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------


So it takes 10 years and killing two and a half million muslims the u s finds out that the enemy is some where else---. Ain't we the superstars of the 21st century----. Don't hide behind GDP----the expenses are tremendous as well---the highest GDP ain't gonna get you anywhere.

U S has no infra structure left---it has been taken over by the chinese and the indians----yes there is a skeleton left---.

Once the global economy crashes----there will be terrible times ahead for the west----oil prices coming down won't make any difference then----the damage would have been done-----.

Just like in 2008 price hike-----the destruction the hike caused 3 1/4 years ago---the u s ain't even recovered from that devastation----the loss it suffered in 2008----.

The problem is with pakistan---they don't know how to address this issue---they need to learn to talk just like the u s does---in open and in public---. Pakistani general needs to get on the tv and talk about the deception that american millitary has maintained in afg---.

He needs to be concerned that the u s is extremely desperate to get out of afg----and it does not know how it is going to do that---.

Solomon---you may speak strong words and have all the u n sanctions and resolutions in your post----but it won't do anything to the shame that the u s millitary will face when it leaves afg---because they would have been defeated by the poorest of the poorest ragtag militias of the world----not even an army.

How does that sound to be in the books of history----the world super power got defeated by the worlds poorest of the poor in 10 years time----after all there is a GOD that overlooks us----justice maybe late in coming but it does come some times----.

The GOD is not only a rich man's GOD---it is also a poor man's GOD as well---Solomon---sometimes the poor man's GOD wins too----.

So---bottomline----regardless of sanctions or strikes in paklistan---the u s millitary will leave the arena as a loser---and it is a shame----because the american troops did not deserve what their generals got them into----. American troops are dedicated, god fearing, hard working, loyal to the bone, self less, honest, sincere give their lives for the right kind of cause type of troops----and build hospitals, roads, schools.

They are men who have served this lost cause right from day one with out any excuses---they have served under extreme duress and made the country proud but only for the generals to have them fail.

The U S lost the war---the day it let OBL escape at TORA BORA----that day of infamy will forever live in the annals of historyand will come to haunt them forever----.

That intentional escape and this defeat will always go hand in hand---. So---it is okay---you can use all the tough words---but itain't gonna change the results.

The missile issue has nothing to do with pak----but it is interesting that when things start to go bad----there is a ---what do you call that effect---when the blocks start falling over.

Hi Sir,

Just to address your economic disaster part of it. Actually the war will work the other way. The last great depression was overcome due to a single reason = WW1. Public spending incresase during war time is nothing like anywhere else. Actually there is a school of thought that believes that Afghan war is just not big enough currently to bring that stimulus as happened in the last depression.

Secondly, US and Europe will be the least losers due to the next depression. They have been in depression last years. In fact the prime casuality of the next depression will be more China and less India due to the different reliance on foreign consumption of their goods and services.

So technically, America should want this war!!
What hypocrisy!

Did you guys ask for evidence from Mullen when they accused of Pakistan? No!

What hypocrisy!

Did you believe Mullen without evidence as you are easily believing Kayani Saab..?? No..
Hi Sir,

Just to address your economic disaster part of it. Actually the war will work the other way. The last great depression was overcome due to a single reason = WW1. Public spending incresase during war time is nothing like anywhere else. Actually there is a school of thought that believes that Afghan war is just not big enough currently to bring that stimulus as happened in the last depression.

Secondly, US and Europe will be the least losers due to the next depression. They have been in depression last years. In fact the prime casuality of the next depression will be more China and less India due to the different reliance on foreign consumption of their goods and services.

So technically, America should want this war!!


I wish you had dug a little deeper before you posted---those world wars were the reason for industrial revolution----there is no more industrial revolution left----the u s has given away most of its industrial and technical base to china----so there can be no revolution----there is no more industry to produce in the west persay---they have [produced it all----and then given it away.

Afghan war followed up by iraq war as well---and afghan war was not fought in depression ( where did you find that information )---the u s was running a surplus of trillion dollars----economy was booming---businesses were raking in money with both hands---could you please re-check the source of your information---because the last time I checked, recession started in the year 2008---and afg war started in 2002----.

By the by---why don't you share with us in what fields there will be industrial revolution that would help the west----.

You know what happens in AUTO EROTIC ASPHYCIATION ----it is always that little extra pressure around the throat to get that ultimate orgasm----but you what happens sometimes---they have been playing it for awhile and it does not work the same one time and she asks for more pressure to get the high----but then other damage has occured over the last many times they had done it----so either it ends up in heart failure, because the heart muscles had been weakened in that process over the time or it just becomes a case of simple plain strangulation.

And that is where the west is----simply strangulated----
So if army chiefs and officials' words are to be taken on face value then we can also agree that ISI uses terrorists to attack civilians and US forces in Afghanistan..After all Mullen and Panetta both said it..

btw, the photograph in your first link is pretty funny.. Looks like Mullen is about to slap Kayani.. My first impression was that is a photoshopped picture, but doesnt look like...


no, it looks like he is swearing an oath

and yes -- i appreciate your argument. However, ISI and CIA keep contact with the exact same groups (e.g. Haqqanis) so if Pakistan supports ''terrorists'' then i suppose so does the U.S.

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