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Pakistan lifts sanctions on Iran

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Buwhahahahaha. Where did you pull that one Pakistani mercenaries are in Yemen ? From where sun doesnot shine I guess ?

You are embarrasing yourself along with Kollang now. How much did you know about Pakistani Special forces efforts about eliminating those Shia killers and the head of those organizations ? Nada zilch. Hence your pathetic assumption that they are fed up with those other Pakistanis. Your logic is laughable actually. Any person who has a little shred of dignity will join Pakistani Forces to eliminate those shia killers instead of running away to syria for large sum of money !
sorry to say but there is some truth there
TTP members have been spotted among the ranks of Daesh and Al Nusrah specially dedicated in culling of minorities. they were even blamed for bringing Polio virus with them which only exists in Pakistan.

some videos and pictures are actually really graphic in their nature just like they behead our soldiers .. they are doing similar things to Syrians. for a start there is a link below about the news
Pakistan Taliban 'sets up a base in Syria' - BBC News

few of our Lal Masjid female students who famously offered themselves to be Jihadi wives for Daesh are rumoured to have already made that fateful journey..

I understand where you are coming from. sometimes such news are exaggerated and Pakistan is seen with middle eastern context. we have seen worse for sure but we will never be Syria or Iraq and will come out victorious from this religious madness just like you noted, killers of our people and children are being hunted and put down like pests they are.
Thats is because we are programmed with this power belief of Arabs and Iranians being holy!

False...US clearly said dealing with the IP pipe line would bring Pakistan under sanctions too.

your highlighted line contradicts your verdict and and supports my claim of threat of sanctions on Pakistan
.the Qatari gas is cheaper than IP..KSA does not care we getting some Gas from Iran...even the Qatar deal is going to serve only 20% of our needs...KSA does not have gas..it cannot offer anything else..beside liquid fuels..

the highlighted line is shocking and shows your lack of understanding and ignorance. Qatari brothers have ripped us off together with their Sherif Partners we are tied for 15 years and will pay through our noses. Ishaq Dar the Banya is alredy planning a Levy already on fuel.

The sanctioned were imposed by UN and we are obliged to follow them unless we want our institutions to be cut off from the global system..
America IS United nations and bends it to its will. again you confirm what I said. its America and its 2 or 3 allies that declare wars and sanctions on the world with or without UN cover
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