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Pakistan Navy Should Create it own Independent Air wing

Instead of getting some Crap F-16s Ask US to give you one Nimitz Class Super-Carrier to you with 2 Squadrons of F-35s:azn:

I think wait till 10 Years that will do the work.:hang2:

Man don't flame for no reason. This creates needless confrontational comments.
I totally agree with you. Navy really needs to enhance its air strike capability. But still I think that the options you gave are still expensive as we are already spending too much on War Against Terror.:

PN air strike capabilities certainly needs massive upgrades and improvements. in the form of new jet fighters and anti aircraft missiles(SAM) along with radars and AWACS network to safeguard its installation along the shore.

PN needs to provide effective and effective air cover to its installations and assets concenterated in just 3 locations (KARCHI, OMARA and GAWADAR). Unlike IN we dont have a very strethced coast line and cities to defend along the arabian sea. PN and its installations are concentrated in Karachi and OMARA. So 2 squardons of fighter jets will be a decent number (1 dedicated to defend intruding planes at Karachi and 1 sqd. dedicated for the balochistan coast (Gwadar and Omara).
naval air arm is useful when navies have aircraft carriers - since the PN cannot afford one, a land-based attack sqn dosnt make sense - in any case the PAF has a dedicated sea-strike sqdn based at masroor which is providing adequate service.
naval air arm is useful when navies have aircraft carriers - since the PN cannot afford one, a land-based attack sqn dosnt make sense - in any case the PAF has a dedicated sea-strike sqdn based at masroor which is providing adequate service.

Interesting a dedicated sqd. of PN , i didnt heard of it before. Please share some more details if you have. If there exist any such land base strike jet sqd. than its clearly negates our statement that "land based attack sqd doesnt make sense". If PN has any such dedicated jet fighter sq. for naval role, than it is just a matter of upgrading that sqd. I mean a dozen or 2 dozen new fighter jets (may Jf-17 naval version) and upgrading the SAM facilities.

An aircraft carrier does not fits in to PN strategy and ofcourse the finances available to PN.

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