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Pakistan Should End Child Marriage

Useless Debate... Give them Education...and many thing will change.
16 or 18 is not important, just make sure none get married under that limit...
Islam allows marriage at puberty, which can come as early as 9 for a girl and 11 for a boy.
With puberty comes hormones and with hormones comes urges. Thats why Islam allows marriage at puberty whenever it comes and has no age limits.
Puberty is the beginning of sexual capabilities.
The girl who has just attained puberty is not fit to bear a child- even if you're talking just about the physical aspects. Such young girls suffer from a very high incidence of maternal and infant mortality.
Pfft what tosh. At 16 it's hardly child marriage, the title makes it sound like Pakistan legalises paedophilia.

Anyway, I think marriage should be allowed the moment kids develop urges, and to facilitate this we need to teach kids to act mature at an earlier age, and stop letting them be giant babies till they hit 18.

Puberty is the beginning of sexual capabilities.
The girl who has just attained puberty is not fit to bear a child- even if you're talking just about the physical aspects. Such young girls suffer from a very high incidence of maternal and infant mortality.

Age of marriage has varied for different societies and times, back in the day marrying the moment you hit puberty was considered the norm, and even desirable in many cultures.
People identified themselves Brits, living in UK, have problem with Pakistani laws and culture, why they concern so much about foreign land?

In UK girls as young as 12 got pregnant and boys age 10 fathered child...kindly do something for your homeland first then shows your concern about former colony.

We can raise our concerns and we have those privileges. There’s no permission required. Thanks

Yes. Because once a girl hit puberty she wants a d1ck in her? Islam also tells you of solutions to "urges".

Same here in the US. Some States go as low as 14 if iirc.

The issue isn't getting married at 18. It's selling your 9 y/o daughter to settle a debt to a 50 y/o man pervert.

I can’t emphasise how correct this is.
Do you people realise that puberty is the point at which the human body begins to change into that of an adult and is not actually that of an adult. It is possible for an 11 year old girl to get pregnant - ask any doctor the damage pregnancy and giving birth will do to a child of that age.

Child marriage is not a joke. You need to be mature to get married. Maturity is not having a period or getting a voluntary erection. This includes the physical and mental capacity of an adult, awareness and acceptance of responsibilities and the knowledge of all matters related to marriage - including how to raise a child, not just how to breed one.

I propose a novel solution.
1. Raise the marriage age to 18.
2. Malaysia has a pre marriage course. We should also introduce one. Anyone under 21 who wants to get married should be obliged to attend one AND pass an exam.
3. Anyone over 21 who wants to get married should only have to attend the course (its 2 days in Malaysia).

This was the concerns around physical and mental maturity are addressed.
What you just wrote doesn't comply with nature.
A girl's hip bone isn't wide enough to give birth right after puberty and causes complications. But usually becomes so after few years, say aged 12-13. Sometimes even later or earlier.
Its different from person to person and there are no set ages for that to happen.
Thats the reason why Islam does not bar marriage before certain age and only standard is puberty.
The rest of the things you wrote are the responsibility f the parents. To observe and decide whether their daughter or son is need of a marriage or not?
Sometimes urges are too strong in the adolescent boy and girl or there ma be other reasons , and they have to be married just after puberty.
Otherwise we end up n the mess Europeans created.They banned marriage before a certain age but couldn't ban rampant sex their teens engage into.
Being a Pakistani-British, i regularly see teeny teens doing things they shouldn't be doing as "Legally a child". And 13-14 year old girls getting pregnant is not very uncommon here, and 16-17 year old is very common and we see moms with prams of that age. But they cannot marry at that age because they are legally barred. The down side of not having a legally,morally and culturally binding contract of marriage with the boy is that the young teen moms come under immense pressure and most of their kids are brought up by grand parents not own parents.
Thats why Islam has the logical thing. Allowed to marry at puberty, but not mandatory.

Puberty is the beginning of sexual capabilities.
The girl who has just attained puberty is not fit to bear a child- even if you're talking just about the physical aspects. Such young girls suffer from a very high incidence of maternal and infant mortality.
Muslims are called "Pedophiles" and what not for our religion allowing but not making it mandatory the marriage of anyone entering puberty, but also look at USA laws.
Most US states have no minimum age for marriage, they don't even have puberty as criteria. Read their marriage law. They only say that a child can marry with parental consent. In some states the minimum age is 12.
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Marry your child off before 15
> She has like 12 children because for some reason a dozen kids show prosperity
> Oops a dozen kids but now you can't feed them or give them education.
>They're now doomed to work as bonded labour for the rest of their lives.
>Repeat ?

Islam allows marriage at puberty, which can come as early as 9 for a girl and 11 for a boy.
With puberty comes hormones and with hormones comes urges. Thats why Islam allows marriage at puberty whenever it comes and has no age limits.

A 10 year old bride and a 12 year old groom. Sounds like a smart and healthy family they'll be able to raise.
When a boy or a girl becomes adult, parents should get them married before they get involve in indecent acts.

While in hot climate, teens tend to become adult quickly than teens living in cold/humid climate, there should not be any issue regarding the age of children to get married. Its not a social issue but total science.
Marry your child off before 15
> She has like 12 children because for some reason a dozen kids show prosperity
> Oops a dozen kids but now you can't feed them or give them education.
>They're now doomed to work as bonded labour for the rest of their lives.
>Repeat ?

A 10 year old bride and a 12 year old groom. Sounds like a smart and healthy family they'll be able to raise.
I should Ignore "Jazbaati" morons.
Why don’t we ask Pakistani Men on here how ready they thought they were for Marriage not through their own understanding but through the pressure of their Parents? And maybe some females too? How many are actually vocal about their choices? Lol very little. Yet funnily enough it’s their legal right.
What you just wrote doesn't comply with nature.
A girl's hip bone isn't wide enough to give birth right after puberty and causes complications. But usually becomes so after few years, say aged 12-13. Sometimes even later or earlier.
Its different from person to person and there are no set ages for that to happen.
Thats the reason why Islam does not bar marriage before certain age and only standard is puberty.

Brother which part of what I wrote doesn't comply with nature? I thought I was trying to make the same point as you about teenage pregnancy (ie it being physically unsafe).
16 should be minimum

or 17

but also 16 or 17 arent children
16 should be minimum

or 17

but also 16 or 17 arent children
Many, if not all, of people at their 16-17 are still childish, not mature enough to make a decision on an important matter like marriage.

May i ask, how old you were when got married?
Many, if not all, of people at their 16-17 are still childish, not mature enough to make a decision on an important matter like marriage.

May i ask, how old you were when got married?
not married but have been observing my relatives got married in their 20s. then 18 or 20 is fine
If you marry late then most probably you have too many baggage from your past failed relationships :)
Lifelong healthy relationship is really rare these days.
Either marry young or don't marry at all.

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