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Pakistan stops Al-Qaeda offensive?


Feb 21, 2009
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Didn't see it posted here. If this is really true, this is going to make the game more interesting for sure.

Pakistan hits back at American support for India by stopping al-Qaeda offensive - Telegraph

Pakistan hits back at American support for India by stopping al-Qaeda offensive
Pakistan has indefinitely delayed an offensive against insurgents along the Afghan border in protest at American backing for India to win a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, military officials said.

Washington has been pressing Pakistan to clear out al-Qaeda and Taliban groups from safe havens in North Waziristan, from where insurgents can attack Nato forces in Afghanistan.

Relations between the US and Pakistan have soured in recent weeks with a series of diplomatic wrangles over cross-border raids by US forces, drone strikes and President Obama's focus on India.

Pakistan has also rejected an American request to allow drone strikes around the city of Quetta, thought to be home to the Afghan Taliban's senior leadership.

The latest snub comes at a time when the US is determined to show signs of progress in the war against insurgents ahead of a long-awaited military review of its strategy in Afghanistan.

But Pakistan military chiefs say they are unable to open a fresh front while they are still heavily committed to operations elsewhere in the country's lawless border regions.

Barack Obama's recent support for India's UN bid has compounded Pakistan's fears over its rival's designs in Afghanistan.

"The main reason is that they would need about three divisions to be successful, and there would be political and terrorist attacks to deal with," said a military official.

"How many more problems can Pakistan cope with?

"On top of that, Obama's recent trip to India is rather unhelpful and has dampened any enthusiasm there might have been."

Mr Obama rattled already jittery Pakistani nerves by paying glowing tribute to India's economic development at the end of a three-day visit.

The government in Islamabad is already anxious at its nuclear-armed rival's growing role in Afghanistan and fears its enemy is trying to gain a foothold along its western border.

General Hamid Gul, former director of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, said: "This tilt to India has been very heavily felt here."

Last month Pakistan shut a transit route to Nato supplies crossing into Afghanistan for 10 days after US helicopters killed two of its soldiers after mistaking them for militants.

Meanwhile, CIA drones have been keeping up an almost daily blitz on North Waziristan.

The region hosts the Pakistani Taliban, which attacks targets in Pakistan, alongside al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups and the Haqqani network, viewed as the most deadly threat to international forces in Afghanistan.

A drone attack yesterday killed five militants, according to a security official, who said two missiles were fired on a vehicle about 15 miles to the east of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan.

Pakistan has so far resisted American demands for an offensive, saying it will only act when conditions are right and other regions are pacified.

Officials now say they are unlikely to be ready to move into North Waziristan within the next four to six months.
I mean, what the heck? How are these two things related even remotely?

And strategically speaking, using your 'ace card' (read blackmailing technique) again & again makes it lose its worth. What does Pakistan want in return to start the offensive again? An assurance that it will get the permanent seat too?

Personally me thinks this was always coming this war being so unpopular in Pakistan. The UN seat is just an excuse they got.
These are just excuses, all they're doing is buying time. They aren't prepared to deal with the repercussions of such an adventure as yet. Sooner or later, either through economic 'compulsions' or major terrorist attacks, they'll lose any remaining leverage they have left and charge into NW. Its only a matter of time, there's no getting out of it.
These are just excuses, all they're doing is buying time. They aren't prepared to deal with the repercussions of such an adventure as yet. Sooner or later, either through economic 'compulsions' or major terrorist attacks, they'll lose any remaining leverage they have left and charge into NW. Its only a matter of time, there's no getting out of it.

It is really funny to find people like you discussing stuff you have no idea about.
It is really funny to find people like you discussing stuff you have no idea about.

What makes you say that?

Pakistan has been dilly dallying on the NW op for quite sometime now. Sooner or later, the PA will be sent in. I can't speak for others, but I'll be watching with great interest :tup:
What makes you say that?

Pakistan has been dilly dallying on the NW op for quite sometime now. Sooner or later, the PA will be sent in. I can't speak for others, but I'll be watching with great interest :tup:

Indeed sooner or later we might have to go to NW, but simply put we lack the resources to fight the battle hardened guerillas that are present over there. The US is yet to provide us with additional gunships and utility helicopters which are extremely vital in an operation like that. They did provide us with 4 MI17's but they were in such **** condition that PA Aviation said "Thank You, but we don't need another liability on our hands". We just suffered the worst natural disaster in our country's history and the economy is only growing at 2-3%, opening up another operation will only invite trouble.

As General Kayani made it clear, we will have an operation in NW but according to our time table. This whole notion that Pakistan is not going after the terrorists because of India is Pure BS, the two are not even related, just another attempt of India's self importance. Besides NATO is in no position of lecturing us about conducting operations against the terrorists, their operation in Afghanistan has been an absolute disaster.
Pakistan would require access to Reaper drones , Apache Gunships with full financing of the war cost along with efforts from NATO and the US to completly seal of the border with Afghanistan only then will Pakistan be in a postion to to conduct any more offensives effectively.

Without these provisions , it just looks like an attempt to hamstring Pakistan.

Hypocracy and duplicty on part of the US/NATO has brought them to the stalemate they are currently facing in Afghanistan had they looked out for Pakistan's interests instead of swallowing what ever the indians fed them , the results would have been far better.
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Indeed sooner or later we might have to go to NW, but simply put we lack the resources to fight the battle hardened guerillas that are present over there. The US is yet to provide us with additional gunships and utility helicopters which are extremely vital in an operation like that. They did provide us with 4 MI17's but they were in such **** condition that PA Aviation said "Thank You, but we don't need another liability on our hands". We just suffered the worst natural disaster in our country's history and the economy is only growing at 2-3%, opening up another operation will only invite trouble.

As General Kayani made it clear, we will have an operation in NW but according to our time table. This whole notion that Pakistan is not going after the terrorists because of India is Pure BS, the two are not even related, just another attempt of India's self importance. Besides NATO is in no position of lecturing us about conducting operations against the terrorists, their operation in Afghanistan has been an absolute disaster.

I don't buy that for a single second. Pakistan has the 7th largest armed forces on the planet, nuclear weapons and the firepower to take on India yet you can't launch an op against a bunch of jihadi types? I think all that the PA is really doing is buying time as of now. They have everything they need to vaporize those jokers so it clearly isn't for a lack of resources.

I agree that any undertaking will be solely Pakistan's decision, IMHO its probably going to be sometime next spring. Lets wait and watch.
I don't buy that for a single second. Pakistan has the 7th largest armed forces on the planet, nuclear weapons and the firepower to take on India yet you can't launch an op against a bunch of jihadi types? I think all that the PA is really doing is buying time as of now. They have everything they need to vaporize those jokers so it clearly isn't for a lack of resources.

I agree that any undertaking will be solely Pakistan's decision, IMHO its probably going to be sometime next spring. Lets wait and watch.

This thread is dubious in nature and I do not want to go on and on on Telegraph said this and said that. When the PA thinks it is the right time, they will level NWA.
How our operation in waziristan related to India US relations?? The heading shows the level of article.

Our army is stretched thin. Economy growth 2%. Why would we start another major operation in such condition? Seriously after reading some comments of serious members above i really feel the criteria of senior member should be changed.

@ Spitfighter.

US have the best army and tech in the world. Still why aren't they able to control whole Afghanistan? Those 'bunch of jihadis' are fighting US for last ten years. US got much more than what Pakistan have. Really you have no idea what you are talking about.

Operation in Waziristan will start when we'll think its beneficial for Pakistan. Right now is not the right time.

Indian members please continue your troll
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I don't buy that for a single second. Pakistan has the 7th largest armed forces on the planet, nuclear weapons and the firepower to take on India

Be that as it may, this is not your decision to make, nor are you privy to the facts on the ground. Thus far, Gen. Kiyani has demonstrated exceptional ability in navigating the situation both in terms of military ops and negotiations. His track record is better than any NATO commander's. Despite your kindness in dispensing free advice, I think we'll take his judgement over your opinion.
I don't buy that for a single second. Pakistan has the 7th largest armed forces on the planet, nuclear weapons and the firepower to take on India yet you can't launch an op against a bunch of jihadi types?

This bunch of jihadi type is also giving US-NATO a tough time in Afghanistan. Why do you think the US and NATO haven't been able to finish these people off despite their military might?

This is not a conventional war my friend. Neither are these jihadists. They do not confront the army in an open offensive. Plus, the gains made by army recently must be consolidated before moving into NWA otherwise the elements present there will simply shift bases somewhere else as we saw in South Waziristan. Also, no doubt the army needs additional resources in terms of equipment, supplies. It may be a ploy to get military equipment but that's not unfair.
I don't buy that for a single second. Pakistan has the 7th largest armed forces on the planet, nuclear weapons and the firepower to take on India yet you can't launch an op against a bunch of jihadi types? I think all that the PA is really doing is buying time as of now. They have everything they need to vaporize those jokers so it clearly isn't for a lack of resources.

I agree that any undertaking will be solely Pakistan's decision, IMHO its probably going to be sometime next spring. Lets wait and watch.

US has the world # 01 armed forces, quality wise and quantity wise, while quality wise they have no match, but still they are getting a good beating at the hands of the Taliban and we know the story in Iraq too.

We may be world's 7th largest military, but its just quantity wise, not quality wise. Quality wise and equipment wise, we may be much lower in numbers.

And with the level of US/NATO presence and the will they have shown, even any operation in NW would have no major results, as majority of the militants would cross over the border, settle there and be back and create more problems for us as well as the US/NATO are gonna take a bit of their anger. We saw this thing happening many times. SW operation was launched, militants crossed over and are having a good time there, similarly when operations in Bajaur and Mohmand Agency were launched, the militants crossed over and took refuge in areas which were vacated by the US forces. We have deployed more soldiers in a very tiny area compared to what US/NATO has deployed in whole of Afghanistan, so the serious to be shown is on the Afghan side by the US/NATO to control the border effectively and when we launch an operation, instead of emptying their border posts and bases, should hunt down the crossing militants.

Pakistan has shown its resolve in taking on these militants, US/NATO needs to show that resolve and the will, which we have not seen in the past decade of occupation from them.

And yeah another thing, conventional war and COIN/guerrilla war are totally different things, both needing different set of operational requirements, men wise, training wise and most importantly, material wise and we are not well equipped for COIN operations on a larger scale, but US/NATO is, still we see negligible efforts from them, rather we find NATO troops paying Taliban to not attack them.

So US/NATO needs lecturing and not us, but may be its futile to tell you guys, as you side with Americans thus won't see their mistakes and then we see the Indian flag too.
I don't buy that for a single second. Pakistan has the 7th largest armed forces on the planet, nuclear weapons and the firepower to take on India yet you can't launch an op against a bunch of jihadi types? I think all that the PA is really doing is buying time as of now. They have everything they need to vaporize those jokers so it clearly isn't for a lack of resources.

I agree that any undertaking will be solely Pakistan's decision, IMHO its probably going to be sometime next spring. Lets wait and watch.

Lets leave that to the Pakistani Army, Pakistani Government shall we General.

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