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Pakistan target of Economic Hit men


Dec 19, 2014
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New Zealand
It is my opinion that after the failure to break up Pakistan through TTP and BLA, the international establishment has shifted to the alternative model of targeting the country by its economic Hit Men. The objective is to make Pakistan so weak that it will follow all the dictates of the international establishment, end its Nuclear Program and recognize Israel. Imran Khan has been a main pawn in this game who has gutted Pakistan on the inside and now we have the State Bank Governor as Country Representative of the World Bank and IMF. Now the next step is to swindle the gold in every household. After that they will go after the Bank Accounts.

We should remember that Pakistan was the last name in the list of seven countries selected for destruction by the Conservatives in their Crusade agenda. Only Iran and Pakistan are the two countries left intact in the list.

If Pakistan becomes bankrupt, it will be easy for Afghanistan to take KPK on one side and India on the other side to take Azad Kashmir and Gilgit.
I have never seen you posting realistic threads....

Only if it was so easy for a country of almost 300m armed to teeth with nukes? to BE destroyed with economy no wars would have ever happened.... everything would have been ended cartoonish tom and jerry way.. Example the afg-war would have never taken place... As some bogus organistation will buy IEA? Are you even for real:lol:

Pressure pak with economy or lets assume there economy collapse? That is the exact scenerio the world doesn't want to find themselves in... Pakistan will go on the offensive an start WW3 unilaterally.. As THEY WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AT THAT POINT..

They will come out like mad-dogs.. imagine 300m armed to teeth fighting for the right to eat... They will unilaterally declare war if economy collapses and the world won't allow THEM to collapse economically..

The only reason there is no WW3 today is because of the world economy once that goes kiss goodbye to this world order as the whole world will enter ww3 in every single corner
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I have never seen you posting realistic threads....

Only if it was so easy for a country of almost 300m armed to teeth with nukes? to BE destroyed with economy no wars would have ever happened.... everything would have been ended cartoonish tom and jerry way.. Example the afg-war would have never taken place... As some bogus organistation will buy IEA? Are you even for real:lol:

Pressure pak with economy or lets assume there economy collapse? That is the exact scenerio the world doesn't want to find themselves in... Pakistan will go on the offensive an start WW3 unilaterally.. As THEY WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AT THAT POINT..

They will come out like mad-dogs.. imagine 300m armed to teeth fighting for the right to eat... They will unilaterally declare war if economy collapses and the world won't allow THEM to collapse economically..

The only reason there is no WW3 today is because of the world economy once that goes kiss goodbye to this world order and as the whole world will enter ww3 in every single corner
To know reality, you should read the recent request by GHQ to the government to decrease the electricity bills by 15% for the army.

To know reality, you should read the recent request by GHQ to the government to decrease the electricity bills by 15% for the army.
Pakistan had its tail between its legs on a phone call that did not actually occur and it will start unilateral WW3 when the money is finished? Secondly attack everyone like a mad dog is actually the Israeli strategy against its neighbours and if I remember correctly, the saying of its leader. I have doubts about you now.
To know reality, you should read the recent request by GHQ to the government to decrease the electricity bills by 15% for the army.

You don't need to be math genius to understand..

1. die by starvation meaning if you stay passive you will die anyways..

2. Take it by force (offense and helps distract the locals gives them a nobel patriotic emotion)

The choice is simple you ride out like there is no tommorrow and rip thru anything in your path.. There is only one option by default out of circumstance...

it is like having only one card on the table solely where all other cards magically vanished leaving you only with that one card
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You don't need to be math genius to understand..

1. die by starvation meaning if you stay passive you will die anyways..

2. Take it by force (offense and helps distract the locals gives them a nobel patriotic emotion)

The choice is simple you ride out like there is no tommorrow and rip thru anything in your path.. There is only one option by default out of circumstance...

it is like having only one card on the table solely where all other cards magically vanished leaving you only with that one card
In which direction are we going to ride? East,West or South West because North and South are out of the equation.
Or rather inwards which is the most likely case.
Reminds me of the joke about the king who ordered some pathans to f@#k everyone entering the city ...
Looks like you fell prey to those Pathans. These unreal scenarios can’t bear fruit until or unless every Pakistani is dead.
It is a joke, no need to apply on anyone. If u look at increase in prices of foodstuffs, consumer goods, petrol, electricity, gas then you will realize that they already bouncing bottoms of every safedposh since the last 3 1/5 years.
I am sorry for using crude jokes in a most serious discussion.
It is my opinion that after the failure to break up Pakistan through TTP and BLA, the international establishment has shifted to the alternative model of targeting the country by its economic Hit Men. The objective is to make Pakistan so weak that it will follow all the dictates of the international establishment, end its Nuclear Program and recognize Israel. Imran Khan has been a main pawn in this game who has gutted Pakistan on the inside and now we have the State Bank Governor as Country Representative of the World Bank and IMF. Now the next step is to swindle the gold in every household. After that they will go after the Bank Accounts.

We should remember that Pakistan was the last name in the list of seven countries selected for destruction by the Conservatives in their Crusade agenda. Only Iran and Pakistan are the two countries left intact in the list.

If Pakistan becomes bankrupt, it will be easy for Afghanistan to take KPK on one side and India on the other side to take Azad Kashmir and Gilgit.

Very informative article written with the proper research and day dreaming. Wish you good luck, but once you come out of day dreaming Pakistan will still be standing taller then before you went into your day dreaming.
Watch out China is taking your country bit by bit away. before Some other states may declare independence too and nothing of India will be left. So Sheikh Chilli have another dream.
As long as Pakistan lives in our minds, it will never die. We are modern day Sparta.
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There will always be external forces wanting to destabilize Pakistan. Same goes for most countries.

But we've done ourselves more damage than anybody else. We haven't reformed, the quality of people entering all services (mil and civ) has been consistently going down, and the leaders our general population likes to elect are only competent at being thieves. You don't need economic hitmen when you have vision-less, corrupt leadership and a system (representative democracy) that is not conducive to rapid growth and security in a developing context (it's great for developed countries that have the luxury of security, etc.)

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