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Pakistan to arm village militias to fight terror.


Dec 10, 2008
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Pakistan to arm village militias to fight terror

By ASIF SHAHZAD, Associated Press Writer Asif Shahzad, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 50 mins ago

ISLAMABAD – Authorities in a Pakistani border province plan to arm villagers with 30,000 rifles and set up an elite police unit to protect a region increasingly besieged by Taliban and al-Qaida militants, an official said Sunday.

Stiffer action in the North West Frontier Province could help offset American concern that a peace deal being negotiated in the Swat valley, a Taliban stronghold in the province, could create a haven for Islamist insurgents only 100 miles (160 kilometers) from the Pakistani capital.

Village militias backed by the United States have been credited with reducing violence in Iraq. Washington is paying for a similar initiative in Afghanistan.

The United States is already spending millions of dollars to train and equip Pakistani forces in the rugged region near the Afghan border but there was no sign it was involved in the militia plan. A U.S. Embassy spokesman could not be reached for comment.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said Saturday he will try to "remove the apprehensions of the world community" about the Swat deal when he meets U.S. officials in Washington next week, state-run media reported.

But it was unclear if Sunday's announcement had the backing of national leaders or the powerful army — or if handing out more guns in an already heavily armed society was wise.

Mahmood Shah, a former head of security for Pakistan's tribal regions, said arming civilians could trigger civil war in the northwest, where tribal and political tension is at fever pitch.

Shah said authorities should focus on bolstering existing security forces.

"This is Pakistan, not Iraq or Afghanistan. There is complete anarchy in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that is not the case here," he said. "It is not going to help.".

Haider Khan Hoti, chief minister of the provincial government, said authorities would distribute the guns only among "peaceful groups and individuals" so they could help police to guard their villages.

Officials would consult with local police chiefs before handing out the arms and would take them back if they were not used against "terrorists and troublemakers," Hoti's office said in a written statement.

Hoti said the guns were on hand, having been seized from "terrorists and anti-state elements." He said the province would meet the $40 million bill for the elite provincial police unit of 2,500 officers.

"The purpose of setting up this force is to combat terrorism and extremism effectively," he said.

The militia plan raises doubts about the coherence of Pakistani efforts to counter Taliban groups who have seized growing pockets of the northwest, forged links with al-Qaida and carried out a blur of suicide bombings.

Pakistani officials have encouraged residents to establish militias in the semiautonomous tribal areas sandwiched between North West Frontier Province and the Afghan border.

The pro-Western central government says it will come down hard on groups who refuse to renounce violence and stop supporting cross-border terrorism in return for reconciliation.

Federal officials insisted they have not handed out any weapons in the tribal areas, and appeared to be caught off guard by Sunday's announcement.

Army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said it had not been consulted about giving weapons to village militias. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry, supposedly in charge of national law and order issues, also was unaware of the plan.

The provincial government did not say when the weapons would be handed out, or if villagers would be armed in the Swat valley, where security forces and Taliban militants are observing a week-old cease-fire while seeking a peace accord.

Earlier Sunday, Taliban gunmen abducted a senior government official and six of his security guards in Swat, demonstrating their unbroken hold in the valley, where they have defied an army offensive, beheaded political opponents and torched some 200 girls' schools.

A Taliban spokesman said the official, Khushal Khan, would be freed "soon," but that his abduction was a warning to the provincial authorities, who he alleged had arrested two Taliban members in violation of the cease-fire.

"We wanted to show the government that we can also taken action against it," spokesman Muslim Khan said.

He declined to comment on the village militia plan.

The provincial government has sent a hard-line cleric to try to persuade the Swat Taliban to renounce violence in return for the introduction of elements of Islamic law.

Officials say the legal concessions meet long-standing demands for speedy justice in Swat and fall far short of the harsh version of Islamic law favored by Taliban militants.

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Is there still some doubt that Army has failed? There are number of analysts who were saying from the very beginning not to send Army in the area. It was not the job of the Army to restore law and order, it was the job of the Police and after them, Paramilitary forces. I was born in Quetta and lived there for almost 25 years. I know the mentality of these tribesmen. Have you heard 'Zameen Junbad Na Junbad Gul Mohammed'? this hard headed these people are. There is a lot of hateret in Sawat against the Punjabi establishment and the Army. And it is not new, it started in the time of Ayub Khan. By sending troops, the matters were bound to get only worse. The GoP has to understand that it is an uprising against the ruling elite class, the select few who have all the wealth, and captured all the resources of Pakistan. If it was not Taliban, there was some other force with a different name. But it was bound to happen. We need a thorough overhaul of our system, and if God forbidden we get fail in this, civil war is not far away from the major Pakistani cities. People have really reached to a breaking point. The similar (though worse) circumstances had given a chance to Taliban in Afghanistan.
* Guns will be recalled if not used against ‘terrorists and troublemakers’
* Hoti approves raising 2,500-strong Elite Force in NWFP

PESHAWAR: NWFP Chief Minister Ameer Haider Khan Hoti has directed officials to distribute 30,000 rifles among ‘patriotic people’ and ‘peace loving groups’ to guard their villages and help the police tackle terrorism.

Hoti’s office said in a press statement that the move had been proposed by the police.

Officials will consult local police station house officers and seek approval from the district coordination officers before handing out the arms and will take them back if they are not used against “terrorists and troublemakers”, it said.

The statement said the chief minister had ordered the officials to “take proper guarantee from people” before issuing the ‘village defence rifles’ that they would be used “against miscreants and anti-state elements”.

It did not say when the weapons would be handed out, or if villagers would be armed in the Swat valley, where security forces and Taliban militants are observing a ceasefire while seeking a peace accord.

Military spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas told the Associated Press the army had not been consulted about arming village militias. Interior Ministry spokesman Shahidullah Baig was also unaware of the plan.

Such village militias, backed by the United States, have been credited with reducing violence in Iraq, and a similar initiative is underway in Afghanistan.

Hoti also signed a summary for the establishment of a 2,567-strong Elite Force in the NWFP. staff report/agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Did you know funds for provinces have been halted?

Yes, no thanks to the frauds sitting in Federal Government. I am going to take this report with a pinch of salt and wonder who is going to bank roll all this? Afterall the Nawab's of Hoti carry a lot of weight in Government so lets see what goes on here.

One thing to note, with all the gheratmand Malik's killed by the Taliban, will these weapons end up in the wrong hands? Scary thought... Looks like PakOmar will get his wish of Civilian Sniper Training after all... :partay:
i like the sound of rising the elite force may be it will to da par of the elite force of Fc that has been raised with american help and is very well trained and equiped , on the guns for civilian issue .. m8s NWFP is full of Gus nearly every house has a ak47 or some kind of automatic rifle some even have lmgs and rpg which i think is more then enough to defend a whole street if not town and then isnt tht why police is there for .?? so wht is mr Hoti gona give them now .. may be 50 caliber machine gun with couple of gavilin >??? who knws LOL God why do even bother !!
And whats the gurantee that ANP is not arming its own nationalist Thugs ..
p.s i am a open and a total supporter of ANP secular polices and manifest !
Taliban is nothing new in Swat, many people are blowing this all out of proportion. Remember the SWAT insurgencies of 1970's? People forget the actions of Maulana Sufi Mohammed the I and the Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-i-Mohammadi (TNSM)?

What the so called "Taliban" are doing now is no different to what the TNSM did in the early 70's = useing a clever strategy to win the hearts and minds of the local population by offering them a banner to rally behind and gain access to their just rights under a united islamic system of governance, especially after the aboloishment of the PATA or Provincial Traibal Areas Regulation ( a law which was in-force Malakand, Malakand Division was formed to be an administrative structure in which the Swat State was placed after its merger with Pakistan in 1969 along with District Dir, District Buner, and District Chitral.

The PATA Regulations had allowed all executive, judicial and revenue powers to be exercised by the local administration alone and especially a deputy commissioner.

In 1994, TNSM demanded the enactment of Sharia Law, in a matter of a week the managed to take control of the entire area of SWAT including government offices, police stations and the local airport, in november 1994 a peace deal was struck with the federal government in which the maulana was detained by the government and sent to prision, in-exchange sharia law was enacted in the area.

Since 1994 till present day the already conservative muslims of the area were faced with hardline sharia law which allowed the entrenchment of fundementalist islam to spread within the local population, many local gangsters and the underworld benifited greatly by sponsoring the TSNM the underworld supports such millitant movements with funds in-exchange for weapons and ease of movement/protection.

So you see, this is nothing new... Just re branded and blown out of proportion to scare the hapless middle-class into fear and submission.
And whats the gurantee that ANP is not arming its own nationalist Thugs ..
p.s i am a open and a total supporter of ANP secular polices and manifest !

Exactly, but is that not similar to what the MQM is doing in Karachi? If retribution comes based on Provincal petty pride then it will be bad... But i am sure we will see these baby's end up in Faqirabad like everything else... :enjoy:
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This is already being discussed under "Pakistan to arm village militias to fight terror". Mods may want to merge the two threads.

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Sorry bahi... :enjoy:
I don't know if any of you guys have seen the episodes of brass track zaid hamid talking about how Serbia and related areas were broken into parts by west by installing weakest government and policies made in west for govt the first step was to halt total funds of provinces and arming groups to destabilize and make groups fight each other...same is book is being used for Pakistan...It really does make sense and is not conspiracy theories by zaid hamid fact and realities what he talked about..
Did we learn anything from the past?

Setting up killing squads will not solve the problem.......expand the FC and make everything pass through it,we must have total govt control.
What are those rifles? Its not a bad idea, but one needs to be doubly sure as to those who hget recruited into these civil defence groups.

The number seems too big, 30000.

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