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Pakistan to face travel ban if fails to control polio

Pakistan is full or resource as far as I know. if they develop some technology to explore them, they can have their world within Pakistan. why to go outside?
To isolate an entire country sounds like utter BS and bordering on racism.

If WHO really said this--then it is obvious that the Americans are pulling the strings.

It sounds like "pay-back".
These people are already costing Pakistan a lot. How can a govt. can provide resources that people protest to get at the first place, where groups like these have so much influence. India has its corruption too but it doesn't stop it to eradicate Polio. These polio camps in India might have been used to spy on but should we allow our children to suffer.

Pakistan needs a revolution where learned and capable people can have the power to take rational yet decisive actions at vast level.

Make or support NGOs, ask people to visit nearby hospitals rather than going home to home which is middle way for these groups too. Spread awareness and what's better than social media. Today's networking provides each individual to make a difference.

Stop blaming others and start on your own. Why not give this task to security forces for a couple of years? I know they can't do all the work but you need a strategy and plan rather than sitting back and seeing your children suffer.
so polio is contaigeous?

Its not...

And 'international community' is dying to enforce polio vaccine on pakistan?
This is unusual to propose travel ban for a non infectious disease...
Goes to show the strange and suspicious desperation of USA anout this polio game.

Why you have to comment on every thing and anything.
Keep an eye on the children coming from pakistan here ...
india is giving polio vaccination to every pakistani children below five years of age at the border posts itself both at LOC and at Wagha-atari and airports entering india.

Also keep an eye on those sikhs who came here to visit the shrines of guru nanak and ranjeet singh and now returned to india.
no need to worry indi does care about its citizens so before sikh jatthas cross into pakistan through wagha children get the doses on indian side same way all pakistani children coming or leaving india are given polio doses.

Pakistan is full or resource as far as I know. if they develop some technology to explore them, they can have their world within Pakistan. why to go outside?
They need not to look for help outside but problem here is they dont trust their own ngos for fear of CIA spy as happened in Dr.Afridi case.
They need not to look for help outside but problem here is they dont trust their own ngos for fear of CIA spy as happened in Dr.Afridi case.

don't give me lecture on What Pakistan should do or not. Pakistan has been standing alone for long and is doing good. its now that they are threatening to make this isolation 'official'. as much as i respect America, I do not agree with whatever UN says. Pakistan with enormous resource and strategic location is impossible to be avoided by international community and if they do isolate Pakistan, its good for Pakistani people. they can prosper in isolation much better taking the example of Iran.
india is giving polio vaccination to every pakistani children below five years of age at the border posts itself both at LOC and at Wagha-atari and airports entering india.

If you dont mind please provide a source for the same. Thks
Also keep an eye on those sikhs who came here to visit the shrines of guru nanak and ranjeet singh and now returned to india.

For ur kind information POLIO vaccination boots has been setup in wagah border for people travelling in out of india..
From my understanding USA had polio strains the must have reintroduced them into environment to do their campaign

Polio had been eradicated
Ohh, so is Pakistan the next North Korea.... or a Polio-public, pathetic the way these thugs have taken a whole nation hostage...
From my understanding USA had polio strains the must have reintroduced them into environment to do their campaign

Polio had been eradicated

Where did you get this understanding Dear sir . Please Don't tell me it was in Nooristan :lol: .
I think Polio was erradicated even in Pakistan , but it resurfaced around 2007 and it as later stated that it as due to floods but in reality its quite possible that it as reintroduced by USA so the Great Afridi doctor could launch his Sinister plan to collect DNA samples from ordinary Pakistani families.

I mean dead virus strains do not just pop out of no where USA and Russia have labs were every known virus is saved even the ones from 1912 Epidemic .. which killed 1/3 of human population at one time

I have a strong huntch this Polio Virus came back so that the CIA could run their DNA sample collection scheme
I think Polio was erradicated even in Pakistan , but it resurfaced around 2007 and it as later stated that it as due to floods but in reality its quite possible that it as reintroduced by USA so the Great Afridi doctor could launch his Sinister plan to collect DNA samples from ordinary Pakistani families.

I mean dead virus strains do not just pop out of no where USA and Russia have labs were every known virus is saved even the ones from 1912 Epidemic .. which killed 1/3 of human population at one time

I have a strong huntch this Polio Virus came back so that the CIA could run their DNA sample collection scheme

conspire much?:rolleyes:

even if we are to believe your ridiculous statement . does it change the fact that polio does exist in Pakistan and need eradication?

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