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Pakistan to remain in FATF grey list

All comes down that it is arm twisting done by US!
No worries we will survive - insha'Allah!

On one hand Pakistanis are dying due to foreign sponsored terror and on other hand Pakistan remains on grey list despite fulfilling 26 out of 27 points

Let me post this verse once again:

Verse (2:120): And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.

Keep struggling for approval from the white masters Pakistanis. This would surely acknowledge your efforts :lol:
Actual spelling of FATF :
Also it is a return salvo of , "Absolutely Not".
And since filthy rich Pakistanis dont pay taxes, thanks to PMLN and PPP and all previous govt policies, Pakistan always needing a bigger Bowl and remain financially delinquent!
We need to focus on our own economic progress. Raise up the poor, tax the wealthy, encourage businesses. We are a quarter of a billion people. If we are self reliant then we can continue to be independent. No amount of arm twisting will work.

We need to focus on energy independence, food, water, and R&D. Iran is a good example in the field of research and development. Cuba is an excellent example in healthcare.

We need to focus on standing on our own feet in every field and not falling into bad habits.

We have strong allies, we aren't alone, we have access to new and emerging markets - our business community needs to diversify.

The arm twisting of the West is only effective whilst we rely on them for financing and for trade.
Here is my take on FATF from what I posted on a slightly different topic in another forum.
Please push all Afghan refugees back into Afghanistan. Close the border. Locate all Afghanis with Pakistan NIC and cancel that status. Locate and hang the people who issued NIC and nationality status to the people who would spit on Pakistani flag and talk about Durand line while gaining all the benefits in Pakistan with their drug money (BTW enjoy a permanent FTF grey list. Not in black yet because.... Can change as required, but Pakistan does not have the guts to say screw you and stop presenting itself in meetings like a beggar on its knees. Some things definitely genuine like WHY WE WERE NEVER ABLE TO PERSECUTE MONEY EMBEZLERS LIKE ALTAF AND NAWAJA but that is an exploit that west will use while providing protection to the stolen assets and that is a discussion that merits several pages on its own).
Wake up and realize what is coming in the next few years.
Bhai Chara and Ummah u say ?
What kind of Bhai Chara and brotherhood has those refugees brought into Pakistan ? What were the statistics of drug addicts in Pakistan before those Afghanis started pouring in ?
More refugees as Taliban take over forcefully, more propaganda from dying degenerate current Afghan government, more finger pointing from the West towards Pakistan as a scapegoat, more clueless and ignorant/ illiterate Pakistani policy makers who will sell their mothers errr motherland (or both) for a few cents.
Feel free to send some hate comments. Reality sucks !
Agreed and well said. A new investment based (not interest based) financial system led by China & Russia along with Pakistan, Turkey and most if not all of the african and south american nations that will have its own watch dog organizations that will not only check corruption and western havens for money laundering but also check racism and bigotry is a must and a need of the hour.

Imagine all the money laundering to western banks, tax heavens and real estate from these exploited countries come to halt. Ironically, that was the main purpose of this so called FATF.

These bastards have got zero concerns about countries where this looted wealth is getting parked.
Imagine all the money laundering to western banks, tax heavens and real estate from these exploited countries come to halt. Ironically, that was the main purpose of this so called FATF.

These bastards have got zero concerns about countries where this looted wealth is getting parked.
It's time the victimized world starts calling these so called western liberal "democratic" regimes as the root cause of money laundering and also call out these so called "independent watch dog" bodies like fatf as the front henchmen of these regimes. I'm sure great powers like China & Russia would join the calls prosecuting these regimes and their henchmen organizations.
It's time the victimized world starts calling these so called western liberal "democratic" regimes as the root cause of money laundering and also call out these so called "independent watch dog" bodies like fatf as the front henchmen of these regimes. I'm sure great powers like China & Russia would join the calls prosecuting these regimes and their henchmen organizations.

About time the vary exsistance of FATF should be called into question. If they cant put the countries who are safe heaven of looted money from developing world in grey/black list, instead, going against the nations who are already reeling due to corrupt leaders (mostly installed as puppets by same countries where stolen wealth is parked), there is no logical reason for FATF to exist.
About time the vary exsistance of FATF should be called into question. If they cant put the countries who are safe heaven of looted money from developing world in grey/black list, instead, going against the nations who are already reeling due to corrupt leaders (mostly installed as puppets by same countries where stolen wealth is parked), there is no logical reason for FATF to exist.
Agreed. Knowing PMIK, he will take this approach in coordination with like minded allies like Turkey, China, Russia and many others.
hm... which of the above 2 statements is correct??

Somebody's paying close attention......

It's touch n go, ain't it. Depending on the US whims or Indian PM at the time, either could be correct. India was indeed under Soviet sphere which was why the Soviet Union threatened the US CBG with her Nuclear Armed Submarines in '71. Apparently, China was also threatened by the Soviet Union which was crucial in their decision to not support Pakistan militarily.
what is the one point that Pakistan failed on and what are the 6 new ones ?
something ive been saying since 2018.

FATF is nothing but economic black mail , but PTI fanboys like @Norwegian kept telling us about the holy grail of wealth once we go in the white list
It will change soon. Let the Taliban capture the entire Afghanistan first. There won't be anything called FATF non sense as far as Pakistan is concerned.
Pakistan should contact Black lives matter movement as being Black Listed is considered to be worse, its Racism, Grey List matter, White List Matter, All lists matter :astagh:

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