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Pakistan totally failed to capitalize the technology transfer of the Agosta-90B Submarines.


Nov 29, 2014
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We didn't construct a single submarine after the initial three. Instead we are buying eight more Chinese submarines. What was the whole point of wasting resources for building future submarines that we will never build?
We didn't construct a single submarine after the initial three. Instead we are buying eight more Chinese submarines. What was the whole point of wasting resources for building future submarines that we will never build?
exactly.... there was none. you would have thought more would be constructed.
We didn't construct a single submarine after the initial three. Instead we are buying eight more Chinese submarines. What was the whole point of wasting resources for building future submarines that we will never build?

Midget Submarines inducted by Pakistan. Karachi Shipyard.
This type of Mini Submarine can be used for various purposes like attacking enemy units in harbour with Frogmen/Charriots, at sea with torpedos, at shore installations by commandos etc. Other uses include mine laying, defensice barrier in shallow waters, advance pickets duties, intelligence gathering etc.



But the Agosta 90B was one of the finest in its class at that time---so---kickbacks aside---pak navy got a great product---.
With out TOT Pakistan cannot fit it with Babur missile.
Not making 1 Submarine per 3 year cycle is a question that no one can answer specially since we allegedly had the Transfer of technology

We let 20 years past , and alot of engineers who were trained on the platform may have now retired

In all honesty no one can answer for sure why we don't have 10 Agosta Subamarines in 2018
with our national resources we could have enhanced our Navy with a Submarine every few years or so

Agosta arrival was a quite a celebrated move back in day and certainly French have to be thanked but we did not capatalize on this and ordered more

TOT was seen as a gateway to construct more submarines and sell to other regional countries with Pakistan acting as a development hub. That did not happen
We missed a golden chance to develop a industry with sustained projects for Agosta and it is 100% our own fault

Anyfuture project will involve relearning the skills and it will take time

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