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Pakistan Using Heavy Shells - a First Since Ceasefire Agreement: Sources


Apr 28, 2011
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Villagers look on as Pakistani shells from across the border land in Poonch.

SRINAGAR: Over 100 heavy mortar shells have landed in Jammu and Kashmir's border village Balakote since Saturday afternoon. This was the first time since the 2003 ceasefire agreement that Pakistan has used heavy shells -- 120 mm - which explains the high civilian casualties, army sources told NDTV.

Since Saturday, six people have died and nine have been injured - the highest single-day casualty in a long time.

Among the dead was Karamatullah Khan - the head of the Balakote village - who was trying to evacuate villagers to safety. A 17-year-old who tried to save him died too. The shell had landed on the car which was carrying a group of villagers.

"There was very heavy shelling from Pakistan - one shell hit the vehicle in which the sarpanch and six others were travelling," Rasheed Ahmad, one of the injured from Balakote village, had told NDTV.

Indian forces have been retaliating. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said, "We are giving them (Pakistan) a befitting reply. Our response is double-triple (in intensity)," he said.

But unlike in other border areas, the government has not constructed underground bunkers in Poonch -- the locals say this is why they have become sitting ducks for shelling from across the border.

Among yesterday's casualties were a 12-year-old child and a 40-year-old woman.

Three villages -- Shahpur, Mandhar and Kerni -- bore the brunt of the shelling, but the administration has asked people of all border villages to stay indoors. The administration has ruled out evacuating people till the shelling stops.

The ceasefire violations began in Poonch and Rajouri sectors yesterday even as Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif sent his greetings to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Independence Day and called for amicable relations between the two countries.
Story First Published: August 16, 2015 22:46 IST
Pakistan Using Heavy Shells - a First Since Ceasefire Agreement: Sources
Ironical that Pakistanis are killing Kashmiris who they call their brethren and never hesitate to brandish that line of 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'!

This is hypocrisy at its height. The fact is that Pakistan and its rulers, the PA and ISI care two hoots for the people of Kashmir. They are actually interested in controlling the rivers that flow through Kashmir into Pakistan. All this so-called love for the Kashmiris is nothing but a sham.
As i always say, Pakistan Kashmir game is just the power game, There is nothing called love towards Kashmirs. Or rather muslims of Kashmir. PA is targeting civilians again and again in this side of the border killing innocent people.
I remember in one of the TV show with couple of Pakistani guests...one of them was very vocal and threatened as well, come Sept and we will show India what is shelling....

Well, they dont know its easy to chest thumping but sooner or later you will loose all the support..By killing the civilians in shelling you are just dragging them away from your cause and that will help India as always.
when will this madness meaningless cycle of violence stop, its sickening.....

Shelling and befitting reply both senseless
Ironical that Pakistanis are killing Kashmiris who they call their brethren and never hesitate to brandish that line of 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'!

This is hypocrisy at its height. The fact is that Pakistan and its rulers, the PA and ISI care two hoots for the people of Kashmir. They are actually interested in controlling the rivers that flow through Kashmir into Pakistan. All this so-called love for the Kashmiris is nothing but a sham.

I don't agree with your post of the emotional outburst. You've been doing the same....I've seen a UN observation report from the Eed day. So when your army targets their civilians, do you care if your shells are hitting a Sardar family or Hindu or Muslim family? Putting pictures of Kashmiris ONLY shows the sick mentality and propaganda.

The reality is the same for you, when your Army fires shells across the border, its firing at the enemy. They don't care or have 0 respect for ordinary humans. Both of you are just fukked up and the blame can't be thrown to one side.

I just hope there are some sane heads who'd wake the fukk up one day and be like, no more madness. Let's try to build over 1.5 Billion people's better future together through trade, no wars, or anything. Not sure when that day will come.

India should also target pakistanis with Bofor guns and MBRLs.

Wait, they haven't already? You must not follow news or know a soldier. A month or so ago, ago when your Army chief said "they'll get an unexpected response", what do you think he was referring to? It's been heavy shelling since the Eed day. A day when irrespective of the tensions, Pakistani soldiers would give sweets to the Indian side as a goodwill gesture.

No firing out of courtesy on Eed, Diwali and the likes. This was the FIRST year since 2002, that this didn't happen. Why? You guys fired and killed innocent Pakistanis, without being in a war, on their Christmas day if you will. And everyone knows, when there is no war, Christmas is a holiday!!!

I'd suggest both sides stop this craziness as what you are really killing is, ordinary citizens who are caught in the middle because they've always lived there!!!
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I don't agree with your post of the emotional outburst. You've been doing the same....I've seen a UN observation report from the Eed day. So when your army targets their civilians, do you care if your shells are hitting a Sardar family or Hindu or Muslim family? Putting pictures of Kashmiris ONLY shows the sick mentality and propaganda.

The reality is the same for you, when your Army fires shells across the border, its firing at the enemy. They don't care or have 0 respect for ordinary humans. Both of you are just fukked and the blame can't be thrown to one side.

I just hope there are some sane heads who'd wake the fukk up one day and be like, no more madness. Let's try to build over 1.5 people's better future together through trade, no wars, or anything. Not sure when that day will come.
THere is a difference. India never said they want kashmir solution on the religious lines but its always pakistan who is desparate to solve Kashmir on religious lines only. Their main agenda is to cleanse Kashmir of non-muslims thats why there was late 1980s kashmir insurgency of killing non-muslims including sikhs as well.

They are not even allowing to build Pandits colony in kashmir who were original occupants of kashmir and due to spleen less attitude of then J&K and Indian government had forced Kashmiris pandits to flee their birth place.
THere is a difference. India never said they want kashmir solution on the religious lines but its always pakistan who is desparate to solve Kashmir on religious lines only. Their main agenda is to cleanse Kashmir of non-muslims thats why there was late 1980s kashmir insurgency of killing non-muslims including sikhs as well.

They are not even allowing to build Pandits colony in kashmir who were original occupants of kashmir and due to spleen less attitude of then J&K and Indian government had forced Kashmiris pandits to flee their birth place.

You know, I am not sure if you know the breathe of my knowledge on this subject. So PLEASE, try not to take me as a fool. I've studied your region for 3 decades, I know stuff like you don't know your India's history. I am actually meaning every word I say.

They are not allowing to built a "Pandits" Colony? India didn't allow 91% POPULATION's RIGHT TO VOTE when India overtook Kashmir. Do you think you have have a 1% comparison here to your "not letting them build a Pandits colony" case????

How do you overwrite 91% of a state's population's voting right and call yourself a "democratic India"???? The Kashmir is an issue, and it is where it is today due to India not respecting the 91% populations voting right in the elections before the occupation.

How does ONE King (a Hindu Maharaja), overwrite 91% of his population's right to chose their government, and calls his Hindu affiliated state to take over his state and kill all voting and democracy rights and its been the case since 1948?????? Had you people let the REAL Kashmiri's vote, today, Kashmir would be a bridge between Pakistan and India to establish peace. One of the gorgeous places for both the countries tourists to visit and enjoy, meet each other and have great people to people relationships. And, there wouldn't be these so many wars, terrorism and all the drama going on for 70 years. ALL because the rights of the people weren't respected!!!!

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