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Pakistani army decorated by UN for congo peace efforts.


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
ISLAMABAD, Nov 29 (APP): Pakistan Army troops serving under UN Flag in Congo were awarded UN Medals in recognition of meritorious services rendered towards restoration of peace and humanitarian assistance, at a colorful ceremony held at Kavumu Airport in South Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of Congo.

Force Commander (FC), Lieutenant General Babacar Gaye who was the chief guest on this occasion awarded the UN Medals to Pakistani troops, said an ISPR release here on Wednesday.

Addressing the parade, Lieutenant General Babacar Gaye, appreciated Pakistan’s efforts and sacrifices for peace around the globe under the UN flag since 1960.

While highlighting the contributions of the Pakistani Contingent, he said it played a pivotal role in maintaining peace in South Kivu which improved the security situation tremendously, thus allowing the successful conduct of a historic referendum and elections in South Kivu with the highest turn out in entire DR Congo.

He paid rich tributes to Pakistan Contingent for social and humanitarian efforts that made the difference in the life of communities by providing clean drinking water, repair and maintenance of roads and bridges and medical assistance.

Force Commander conveyed the deep appreciation of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, his Special Representative Willaim Lacy Swing, and the international community to Pakistani Contingent for the outstanding task done in South Kivu for the noble cause of peace.

Addressing the large gathering on the occasion, Brigadier Maqsood Ahmed, Commander Pakistan Contingent - II highlighted the security environments and challenges faced by Pakistan Contingent - II in South Kivu Province at the time of taking over responsibilities.

While describing the contributions of Pakistan Contingent - II, he spoke about major operations undertaken in collaboration with FARDC (Congolese Army) against Foreign Armed Groups, extensive support provided to the civil sections of MONUC to address the humanitarian issues in the province, CIMIC (Civil Military Coordination) activities carried out to win the hearts and minds of local population, FARDC training to enhance their operational capability and administrative support provided to them during and after operations to enhance their sustenance. He mentioned that the hallmark of the year was the conduct of free and fair elections in South Kivu Province with highest turn out in DR Congo.

Earlier, a smartly turned out Contingent of Pakistan Army led by Lieutenant Colonel Amir Abbasi presented the guard of honour to GOC Eastern Division, and FC on arrival. The ceremony started with the recitation from Holy Quran followed by speeches by Commander Pakistan Contingent - II and FC. Later Force Commander, General Officer Commanding Eastern Division, Governor South Kivu Province, Head of Office MONUC South Kivu and Honorary Councilor of Pakistan in DR Congo decorated the Pakistani Troops with UN medals.

After the award of medals, the parade marched past and saluted the Chief Guest and other dignitaries.

The ceremony was attended by GOC Eastern Division, Major General Patrick Cammaert, Deogratias Buhamba Hamba, Governor South Kivu, Alfa Sow Head of Office MONUC South Kivu, Aslam Rawji, Honorary Councilor of Pakistan in DR Congo and a large number of guests including military, MONUC staff, other UN agencies, NGOs, locals and FARDC (Congolese Army) representatives.


:army: :flag:
The Pakistani army along with their Indian and Bangladeshi counter parts are the largest contributors to UN peace keeping duties in the world.

This particular mission saw Pakistani and Indian troops fighting together against militia forces. The Indians in their gun ships provided fire support whilst Pakistani ground troops went in. It was one of the most successful operations during the time there and was in response to the butcher of 9 Bangladeshi peace keepers.

Here is a little more…

Early last year, a combined force of South African and Pakistani ground troops (with support from Indian attack helicopters) overran a militia hotbed in the extreme northeast of Congo, after the militia in question had ambushed and killed nine Bangladeshi peacekeepers. More than 50 militia fighters were killed, in an operation that finally established the UN as a credible force in the country.

Wasn't there a rumour regarding the Rooivalk?

Plus I am sure that the lack of helicopter cover during the Earthquake, was a major wake-up call for the planners. And they are looking into obtaining some more.
Well webby we did try to buy MI-17 it was in 2001 and Russia was agreed to sell us scores of these MI-171 but unfortunatly Indian pressur resulted in sale of few to us.
And that time aviation have few piolts to fly these new MI 171 though one of the great piolts martyed in crash in Astore in 2003 :(
May Allah rest him in peace, a great officer nice person.
yeah, India is completely removing its old cheetah's and chetak's. These bells are comming for the army.
The iaf gets the Mi's. Not to mentio our ALH which is a great success has also gogtten inducted and more and more are getting produced. ;)
This thread is drifting off-topic. Did you guys know that all countries are paid by the UN to send troops to peace-torn areas? There was a report about how millions of dollars were due to Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan for services rendered by their armed forces. This came as news to me.
On a different note, has anybody played Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. There's a mission in which you have to reinforce and escort a Pakistani UN convoy in Mogadishu which is besieged by rebels in a suburban area.
This thread is drifting off-topic. Did you guys know that all countries are paid by the UN to send troops to peace-torn areas? There was a report about how millions of dollars were due to Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan for services rendered by their armed forces. This came as news to me.
On a different note, has anybody played Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. There's a mission in which you have to reinforce and escort a Pakistani UN convoy in Mogadishu which is besieged by rebels in a suburban area.

Bloody hell did not know that....If there are any payments due i'd expect it to be quite a bit well into the millions. Do you have any links for it?

Take a look at these statistics guys.


Ranked in terms of how many troops the sub continents armies contribute there is not much in it just a few hundred either way.

1. Pakistan 9790

2. Bangladesh 9655

3. India 9276

Combined = 28, 721 troops

Total [all nations] = 80,976

Subcontinent troops = 35% of the whole UN force...God help them if we were not around. What’s also astonishing is looking at the table apart from France the other developed nations contributions are pitiful, France itself is at number 11 as well and most of their troops are assigned to ex colonies of theirs i.e. something they have an interest in. Its all well and good saying they care about Africa and poor nations blah blah but it does not seem to show in terms of boots on the ground.
On a different note, has anybody played Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. There's a mission in which you have to reinforce and escort a Pakistani UN convoy in Mogadishu which is besieged by rebels in a suburban area.

Yes I've played it.
Btw, have you read the book 'Black Hawk Down'?
The Pak convoy saves US troops, a part hardly shown in the movie. :angry:
Yes I've played it.
Btw, have you read the book 'Black Hawk Down'?
The Pak convoy saves US troops, a part hardly shown in the movie. :angry:

Naaah that mission on the game refers to an incident that happened BEFORE the whole Blackhawk down film part. It was PAK tanks with MALAY APC's that came to help them after the helo's were shot down. (depicted in the film)

I believe that 18 PAK soldiers were killed in the ambush depicted in the game.

Oh and there is a bit when a PAK soldier tells Ewan Mcgregor "we'll go when I'm ordered to soldier!"
It is indeed

Jungle warfare school Belize

Pretty good camo job huh??? :lol
Kewl man! :cool:

Haven't been in the jungles of Belize, we just made a stop and a day trip to Belmopan during a cruise I took years ago.

We cruised off from Cancun to Playa Carmen and Yucatan, Belize, Virgin Islands, Montego Bay and some other places.

I boarded the plane from Point-a-Pitre to Paris.

But I'm sure my experience was nothing like yours in the jungle of Belize. :cool:
Well it was pretty cool......six weeks in the Jungle

I also got to go to the keys off the coast with some scuba diving and stuff.

I would reccomend it.....stay away from Belize city though (very dodgy):lol:

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