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Pakistani included in top 40 analytical scientists

1stly, there is no strict rules and MOST depends on the university! I even know people doing PART TIME POSTDOC...
2) Do a Post doc (2 years Max) (in particular if you are not from US)
There is no such requirement! I know too many who have had 3 yrs postdoc...
3) find a academic tenure track job and make tenure in about 4-6.
or find a industrial job and become group leader in 4-6 years
Depends if you want to do an industrial job!

If neither on of those things happen, and you stuck in titles such a "assistant research professor" or "Research Engineering Scientist V", you are just a glorified post doc end of story
Nope ...It really depends on the university! I know too many people who either do part-time due to personal reasons or have taken breaks also due to personal reasons....
what he where the highlights of his talk and they wer all well outside his grad school work.
Learn English first than brag! :enjoy:

I am pretty sure he probably didnt understand you coz I cant and I have been with too many international people with various accents and grammatical problems!

Lets just say I deflated his chances of getting hired.
Let's just say people saw you as a jealous bitch ...

Again if he was as bad as you claim he wouldnt have been recognized! Quit your propaganda! An accomplished person is not going to troll on PDF or downgrade another fellow scientist! You have no moral ethics! MIND IT!

got all mad at me about my pointed questions.
Maybe just maybe the hiring manager realized what a bitch you are! And probably in the long term you just slaughtered yourself! After all you are an factory worker who isnt even a Chemist and worse yet cant even formulate a proper sentence for an assumed candidate (assuming your story was right that is)!
No I am not a chemist.

that he didn't actually do the primary work and he just used them.
So I assume you have not heard of META-ANALYSIS? None of them do any work themselves and rely on produced work! I am not saying he is one I am saying it is accepted in Science...Grow a pair and worry about your own insecurities please!
1stly, there is no strict rules and MOST depends on the university! I even know people doing PART TIME POSTDOC... There is no such requirement! I know too many who have had 3 yrs postdoc...

3rd year if you have something big lined up. Anything else is red flag.

Depends if you want to do an industrial job!

Most (90+%) American citizens get an industrial job w/o a post doc and most foreigners (90+% do post doc for either path)

Nope ...It really depends on the university! I know too many people who either do part-time due to personal reasons or have taken breaks also due to personal reasons....

Part time? personal reasons? depends on university? talk about clutching at straws.

Learn English first than brag! :enjoy:

Good thing the company worries less about my typing skills more about my technical skill huh?

I am pretty sure he probably didnt understand you coz I cant and I have been with too many international people with various accents and grammatical problems!

Looks like you lack comprehension skills. He admitted that those weren't his work.

Let's just say people saw you as a jealous bitch ...

Or I prevented a saved the company from making a bad hire.

Again if he was as bad as you claim he wouldnt have been recognized! Quit your propaganda! An accomplished person is not going to troll on PDF or downgrade another fellow scientist! You have no moral ethics! MIND IT!

There are about 200 + tenured professors in analytical sciences in US alone and about 50+ who are his peers. He is on a career path of being a permanent post doc.

Maybe just maybe the hiring manager realized what a bitch you are! And probably in the long term you just slaughtered yourself! After all you are an factory worker who isnt even a Chemist and worse yet cant even formulate a proper sentence for an assumed candidate (assuming your story was right that is)!

That hiring manager is no longer in the department and is doing customer service related work. Draw your won conclusions.

So I assume you have not heard of META-ANALYSIS? None of them do any work themselves and rely on produced work! I am not saying he is one I am saying it is accepted in Science...Grow a pair and worry about your own insecurities please!

Meta analysis, a study of studies to eliminate bias from conclusions, is common practice in clinical studies. Never sun across one in analytical sciences. This tells me that you don't have a clue about career path in physical sciences and in particular chemical sciences.

Together with the fact that you ignored/hid the information that the hiring manager was Indian, tell me that you are here to defend that guy because he is from Pak.

Bottom line, top 40 in any scientific field would not be without a permanent job when are in their late 30's.
NUST and IST are better than UeTs in some aspects
Yes, I agree ..they have some specialities ....same goes for LUMS that excels in management and a few other fields while QAU is generally good in Physics
a study of studies to eliminate bias from conclusions, is common practice in clinical studies.
It is COMMON practice but NOT ONLY practiced in clinical studies! Glad you had to look it up! My guess is you either clean glassware in Thermofisher or are 1 of the 1000 insignificant bsc . biotech hired!

Just for laughs let me show you WHERE Meta-analysis can be used:

Botany: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.7b01049
Education: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1747938X16300628
Psychiatry: https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201744
Agriculture: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1462-2920.13692
Environmental science: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2018/en/c8en00486b

Never sun across one in analytical sciences.
Child, this is not even even a tense of the word "see"..Kindly get your parent on so we can do something about you trolling!

I also notice your command of the English language is close to useless!

I had given Meta analysis as an example of people using other data to deduce and publish....A STUDY....As an example SUCH things DO happen in Science...But since you cant differentiate your mouth from your rare nor make a proper sentence of English ...You are def nothing above a troll!

Together with the fact that you ignored/hid the information that the hiring manager was Indian, tell me that you are here to defend that guy because he is from Pak.
ANY SANE person would defend the guy from an insecure indian....You even mentioned the hiring manager wasnt happy with YOU for asking the question!

The hiring manager who invited him (an Indian, BTW) got all mad at me about my pointed questions.
I think he was embarrassed you were present and asked in such broken English and ashamed all indians!

Bottom line, top 40 in any scientific field would not be without a permanent job when are in their late 30's.
YET he is and you arent! I am sure it burns and hence your attempt to BS!
Lol Pakistani.

Mr. Farooq is an American, researching working there. They contribute zilch to Pakistan.

We seriously need to come out of our complexes and see the real world as it is. Should'nt jump with joy when we see a familiar name like Azam or Kareembuksh or Khan in a british paper.
It is COMMON practice but NOT ONLY practiced in clinical studies! Glad you had to look it up! My guess is you either clean glassware in Thermofisher or are 1 of the 1000 insignificant bsc . biotech hired!

Just for laughs let me show you WHERE Meta-analysis can be used:

Botany: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.7b01049
Education: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1747938X16300628
Psychiatry: https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201744
Agriculture: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1462-2920.13692
Environmental science: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2018/en/c8en00486b

Child, this is not even even a tense of the word "see"..Kindly get your parent on so we can do something about you trolling!

I also notice your command of the English language is close to useless!

I had given Meta analysis as an example of people using other data to deduce and publish....A STUDY....As an example SUCH things DO happen in Science...But since you cant differentiate your mouth from your rare nor make a proper sentence of English ...You are def nothing above a troll!

ANY SANE person would defend the guy from an insecure indian....You even mentioned the hiring manager wasnt happy with YOU for asking the question!

I think he was embarrassed you were present and asked in such broken English and ashamed all indians!

YET he is and you arent! I am sure it burns and hence your attempt to BS!

1) every single one you quoted sounds like a clinical study and lot less than work on analytical/physical sciences.

Sounds like you got taken in by the journal they were published in, rather than their content. Doesn't surprise me though.

2) When you seek a job and use a result/accomplishment as a reason to hire you, it better be yours.

3) that hiring manager was plain pissed that I pricked his balloon and embarrassed him. got a lot kudos from others at the presentation though.

Unfortunately your defense is not helping him much. Smart money says that he will continue to be a glorified post doc. Not good enough to have his own academic career and not good enough to know how to develop a commercial product

Off topic, What is with you paks obsession with command of english?

Lol Pakistani.

Mr. Farooq is an American, researching working there. They contribute zilch to Pakistan.

We seriously need to come out of our complexes and see the real world as it is. Should'nt jump with joy when we see a familiar name like Azam or Kareembuksh or Khan in a british paper.

No, he is not an American. He is a pak citizen.
Maybe you need to fix your hearing or broaden your narrowed thinking!

Just coz you dont know doesnt mean world revolves around you! Grow up child!

Sounds like you got taken in by the journal they were published in,
Apparently you arent just bad with English but dumb as hell! God bless you child! Let me help my neighbour educate their stupid narrow minded ignorant to the extreme population:

taken in by the journal they were published in, rather than their content.

1st journal I put up: Environmental, science and technology:

A baby could have done this basic search: Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) is an authoritative source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The journal combines magazine and research sections and is published both in print and online.

2nd one : Education Research Review: Educational Research Review is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level.

3rd one: Molecular Psychiatry is part of the Nature family Molecular Psychiatry publishes work aimed at elucidating biological mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders and their treatment. The emphasis is on studies at the interface of pre-clinical and clinical research, including studies at the cellular, molecular, integrative, clinical, imaging and psychopharmacology levels. [this is where your limited knowledge ends I guess]

4th one : Environmental Microbiology is devoted to the advancement of our understanding of microbial interactions and microbial processes in the environment, and publishes original research reporting significant advances in or relating to this subject.

SO which journal was I taken by? None of them are the same! Then again a call center indian pretending to know about high level research wouldnt know the difference, right?

When you seek a job and use a result/accomplishment as a reason to hire you, it better be yours.
That is old school....You dont have to do ground breaking research to be seeking jobs, you can BUILD UP on someone else's research all the same!

that hiring manager was plain pissed that I pricked his balloon and embarrassed him.
Yea with your English! Good thing he aint working with you wonder how your colleagues even understand let alone tolerate your level of stupidity among them...unless of course all are in a call center and dreaming of being in research like you!

. Smart money says that he will continue to be a glorified post doc. Not good enough to have his own academic career and not good enough to know how to develop a commercial product
Yet he made it to top 40 which burnt you to hell and back again ;)

Off topic, What is with you paks obsession with command of english?
It is a form of communication and if you cant communicate not sure what you are doing in the call center! PLUS he probably pointed it about you [hence the personal grudge and bitching on an online forum :rofl: ] along with the imaginary line manager! :tup:
Maybe you need to fix your hearing or broaden your narrowed thinking!

Just coz you dont know doesnt mean world revolves around you! Grow up child!

Apparently you arent just bad with English but dumb as hell! God bless you child! Let me help my neighbour educate their stupid narrow minded ignorant to the extreme population:

you know you are losing badly when you resort to personal attacks.

1st journal I put up: Environmental, science and technology:

A baby could have done this basic search: Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) is an authoritative source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The journal combines magazine and research sections and is published both in print and online.

2nd one : Education Research Review: Educational Research Review is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level.

3rd one: Molecular Psychiatry is part of the Nature family Molecular Psychiatry publishes work aimed at elucidating biological mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders and their treatment. The emphasis is on studies at the interface of pre-clinical and clinical research, including studies at the cellular, molecular, integrative, clinical, imaging and psychopharmacology levels. [this is where your limited knowledge ends I guess]

4th one : Environmental Microbiology is devoted to the advancement of our understanding of microbial interactions and microbial processes in the environment, and publishes original research reporting significant advances in or relating to this subject.

SO which journal was I taken by? None of them are the same! Then again a call center indian pretending to know about high level research wouldnt know the difference, right?

You were taken in by every single one of them. Having access to al those journals and having read thro' every single one of them, they are all lot closer to a clinal study. I can't help you understand that.

That is old school....You dont have to do ground breaking research to be seeking jobs, you can BUILD UP on someone else's research all the same!

Except, if you are not transparent about it, it goes really badly. Like it did in this case. It is a matter of integrity.

Yea with your English! Good thing he aint working with you wonder how your colleagues even understand let alone tolerate your level of stupidity among them...unless of course all are in a call center and dreaming of being in research like you!

Refer to what I said about personal attacks.

It is a form of communication and if you cant communicate not sure what you are doing in the call center! PLUS he probably pointed it about you [hence the personal grudge and bitching on an online forum :rofl: ] along with the imaginary line manager! :tup:

this obsession and your lack of knowledge of scientific career path in US makes me think you must a Brit Pak.

Let circle back to the topic. the top 40 analytical scientist in the world, 10 years after his Ph.D doesn't have a permanent job and is glorified pot-doc.
you know you are losing badly when you resort to personal attacks.
Asking you to grow up is not personal...YOU know you HAVE lost when you come on a public forum to try and degrade a scientist who just so happens to be recognized on international platform! Talk about being petty :coffee:
You were taken in by every single one of them. Having access to al those journals and having read thro' every single one of them, they are all lot closer to a clinal study. I can't help you understand that.
:rofl: THIS shows you are lying!
Except, if you are not transparent about it, it goes really badly. Like it did in this case. It is a matter of integrity.
And yours also came down with the question in terrible English!

He clarified it so there was no loss of anything except on your part where you showed how bad your command of the English language is!

Refer to what I said about personal attacks.
That isnt personal it is a fact..Your English is bad no one understands you and yet you feel no shame? Now THAT is a matter of integrity!

this obsession and your lack of knowledge of scientific career path in US makes me think you must a Brit Pak.
English man! Where did you learn it? Hinduville? it is "you must be a..."

Let circle back to the topic.
I dont think you even went further than BSc...I mean if you did ...indian education level is TERRIBLE to allow you to advance any further!

the top 40 analytical scientist in the world, 10 years after his Ph.D doesn't have a permanent job and is glorified pot-doc.
Caps "T" when starting a sentence!

It's not 10 years yet...Go burn in some other corner! :tsk:
Asking you to grow up is not personal...YOU know you HAVE lost when you come on a public forum to try and degrade a scientist who just so happens to be recognized on international platform! Talk about being petty :coffee:

:rofl: THIS shows you are lying!

And yours also came down with the question in terrible English!

He clarified it so there was no loss of anything except on your part where you showed how bad your command of the English language is!

That isnt personal it is a fact..Your English is bad no one understands you and yet you feel no shame? Now THAT is a matter of integrity!

English man! Where did you learn it? Hinduville? it is "you must be a..."

I dont think you even went further than BSc...I mean if you did ...indian education level is TERRIBLE to allow you to advance any further!

Caps "T" when starting a sentence!

It's not 10 years yet...Go burn in some other corner! :tsk:

So you are stuck criticizing my typing skills.

Let's check back in a year and see where he is.
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