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pakistani police


Feb 24, 2008
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how is your intaraction with pakistani police?

are they doing there job?

how they can improve ?

A very guud thread!
Well i must say our Police is guud and bad equally.
They get the things right when they want to or when throttled from the above but at the same they also have created many problems.

i personally feel that to get them right is a uphill task, but it can be done. Motorway Police is a classic example.

P.S. Well i had a 'fight' with them on quite a few occasions. If you want i can narrate a few incidents
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Right now I do not live in Pakistan, but what i read and see in the papers and on many forums, I see a very discontented public about police in Pakistan.

Many think that police is involve in criminal activities, from snatching phone to home invasion to not caring about ordinary citizen and his concerns and complaints.

How can that be improved, by showing concern for each and every complain, by working hard to finding car thieves, home invasion thugs and by entering reports of all incidents even if they do not like it, if a citizen comes to police station with complain enter it in the registry. with respect and concern.

Like in recent past their was a war going on in Karachi and police was no where to be seen. They should a task force for these reasons and if they have to bring tanks so be it, but must stop the killing right away and not wait for weeks.
You're basically comparing one "Random Image" from Pakistan's various police forces with Western and European police? It's not just shallow and degrading, but also quite immature. I can find tons of "Provocative" pictures from U.S, German, and britian police that reflects them as an incompetent force. but does that sum up the entire force?

If you want to discuss Pakistan's police, give us your opinion. And give us a chance to discuss. But that stupid avatar is not necessary.
yes motor way police is good example becuase they inducted qualified and educated lot and some of them have done courses abroad.there tarining is good and given more resources thats why there result is better.
but other than moterway police ,there is a mark difference.i think we need to correct the typical thana culture ,becuase its the main root cause of corruption , misuse of political influnce and cause of frustaration
junoon25pk hey man i think we should also dedicate something to Pak police because they poor fellows are also dying and also they are not getting any recognition in this so called war on terror they are first target of any aggression like bomb blast and suicide attacks what you say
Maybe if we gave the police the same benefits that the army-politicians enjoy they would be better.
I must say though that every time i have been to pakistan the police has got better.
There is also a lot of pressure on the police from influential people to follow there line on who gets released and arrested.
I can tell you that the german police looks totally different, yur pic refers to a special team!

Maybe if we gave the police the same benefits that the army-politicians enjoy they would be better.
Name me a country where their Police's benefits and perks are better than those given to their military forces.
Pakistan is given the military and the the police what it can afford.
Now that is a separate story that if a country spends more money on their police force then the total budget of Pakistan
I must say though that every time i have been to Pakistan the police has got better.
There is also a lot of pressure on the police from influential people to follow there line on who gets released and arrested.

A very guud and pertinent point!
Our police is influenced by many!
They are bounded and have to do certain things against their will.
Influence or no influence, if as police officer political or other pressures cannot be handled than one should not join the police.

It is necessary specially for the police to handle any pressure as they are suppose to work under lots of pressure.

In my opinion we lack god leadership be in politics or be in police. And that is why we are in trouble internally and externally.

We are Islamic Republic Of Pakistan and there fore we must act, work and think as good Muslim, meaning working with least resources, living on limited income and still act as a good Muslim.
Pakistan Police do a commendable job, considering the circumstances. The sipahis are dying like flies, combatting dacoits, terrorists, yet they do not get the recognition and respect they deserve.

As for education, well the officers are highly educated, actually the brightest people in Pakistan. Only top CSS qualifiers get a Police Service posting, and we all know how tough that is.

Maybe the ordinary sipahi should get more training with regards to people liaison.

There is however, so much prejudice against police officers in society, that they sometimes end up acting like what they are accused of. A police officer told me, no matter what we do, the public will berate us, we get no encouragement or respect.

Maybe if we raised our own expectations of our Police SErvice, then they might end up delivering more.
We don't want police to say " no matter what we do". all we want is catch criminals, go to the crime scene and do not allow criminal run for days like what happened in Karachi, a week of gun fire and killings, police no where to be seen.

Ordinary folks are being robed from their homes, cars and from streets,where is police and how come they cannot catch these criminals.

Killings, thuggery, stealing and traffic chaos is the norm in Pakistanis daily lives, why?
Yes you are right; police can play a vital role to stop crimes. Not all but unfortunately majority of police men are involved in crimes. Not once not twice I have seen number of cases of police involvement .let me give you one example. Recently my friend was robbed in Gujranwalan. They also snatched his mobile. He had contacts so when they checked the record of mobile phone .first call was made after snatching, to respective SHO of same area. When he complained about this Police returned his purse, mobile and money and no case was file due to police influence.
Every interaction i have had with a policeman they have been very nice and helpful. the only time i had a little confrontation with them when i was late for jummah prayer and i had my school bag with me so he stopped me to check the bag because he that it was a boom and i couldnt perform my prayers. but after wards he explained his position that he was doing his job and if i were a real bomber the policeman would have been the first one to die so i understand his position but i do believe that given the circumstances they do a great job and they should be appreciated for it.
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