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Pakistani scientist sets two world records in solar cell technology

Joke aside. I really wanted to know.
Man. You are really on my case but no hard feelings that **** scientist is probably a South Korean by now that is my best guess. You just don't get a high-end job on a work permit that too in South Korea.
How am I attacking him all I am saying is being Pakistani does not give him Hilal e Imtiaz. he achieved this breakthrough because he was provided with the right environment whilst Pakistanis are masturbating over his nationality. He is not handing over the R&D to Pakistan just because he is a Pakistani and neither should some folks portray him to the contrary of said above.

What is more saddening than seeing fellow countrymen being successful elsewhere than at their birthplace. yet some people take pride in it. A confused nation at best.

If he wasn't before he is now. bet ya top dollar for it.

Why can't we just be happy for other people?

Your reading too much into something that isn't there. We aren't laying national claim to his achievements.

It's especially nice when one of our succeeds.
Why can't we just be happy for other people?

Your reading too much into something that isn't there. We aren't laying national claim to his achievements.

It's especially nice when one of our succeeds.
Agreed. The world celebrates “indian” CEOs and the indians own them. We are too cynical on most matters and all the time.
well Indians are dumb as rock and I laugh at them for doing this..
It's not really. It's a carefully crafted strategy by them to present thier people in a positive light as part of their national image.

The worst thing to happen to India's international PR was the pajeet getting internet access and expressing themselves on social media. 15-20 years ago they'd carefully crafted themselves a positive image on the backs of people who'd done most of their achievements thanks to the opportunities afforded to them by moving away from India. Even the Indian trolls on forums were of a high calibre, mostly people you could have a debate with.

Our country is an environment which is toxic to success, those who achieve success in Pakistan are miracles. When our people achieve success outside of Pakistan, I do feel happy for them, partly because they are my countrymen, but mostly because it's the human thing to do. Celebrate people's successes, whoever they are.

My local chippy is owned by Greek cypriots, nice people they have a VERY successful business and they've established a brand. When i see queues out of the door on a Friday, i feel happy for them - i know the hardwork they've put in to achieving that success.
He’s a Pakistani scientist who succeeded in South Korea. We’re proud of him because he’s one of us, he’s Pakistani origin. It’s true this new discovery will benefit South Korea and is South Korean discovery but we’re happy a Pakistani is succeeding.
You mean South Korean scientists. It's not going to benefit us it is rightfully South Korean R&D property. Stop this nationalising fiesta.
But google CEO is an indian …hain na ?

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