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Pakistani singer Adnan Sami is now officially an Indian citizen

like the way he ended his statement with .." jai Hind".
Its free world . Let him stay in India for his material gain and wait for moments untill these hinduvata give fatwa to him to move to Pakistan just like happening with others Bollywood Muslims stars but i guess he is good in appeasing such people

You know well known traitor Mir jaffar? His great grandsom iskandar mirza was Army general and first president of Pakistan

you know who is PCB chairman sharyaar khan? He is the son of abida sultan

Abida sultan was eldest daughter of Hamidullah khan last ruling nawab of Bhopal and Iftihar ali khan patudi was the 8th nawab of Patudi married with 2nd daughter of hamidullah khan, sajida sultan and this same Iftihar ali khan was the grand father of saif ali khan .

Major General Sher ali khan Patudi was great soldier of Pakistan who won first hilal e jurat of Pakistan in 1947 kashmir war and saif ali khan is his great nephew. See how loyalty of same family divided ?

what had Adnan Sami done to warrant such a frustrated rant?
Aamir Khan is an idiot and publicity whore,Adnan probably enjoys life in Mumbai rather than Lahore/Karachi,whats wrong with that man?
Its free world . Let him stay in India for his material gain and wait for moments untill these hinduvata give fatwa to him to move to Pakistan just like happening with others Bollywood Muslims stars but i guess he is good in appeasing such people

You know well known traitor Mir jaffar? His great grandsom iskandar mirza was Army general and first president of Pakistan

you know who is PCB chairman sharyaar khan? He is the son of abida sultan

Abida sultan was eldest daughter of Hamidullah khan last ruling nawab of Bhopal and Iftihar ali khan patudi was the 8th nawab of Patudi married with 2nd daughter of hamidullah khan, sajida sultan and this same Iftihar ali khan was the grand father of saif ali khan .

Major General Sher ali khan Patudi was great soldier of Pakistan who won first hilal e jurat of Pakistan in 1947 kashmir war and saif ali khan is his great nephew. See how loyalty of same family divided ?
Fatwa? I think its only given by mullahs..!!! Here nobody in hindu religion can issue fatwas. because the religion itself is by choice and not by force or fate..!!!

good news we can feed 15 people now on his food . he is only good for eating . only one hit song in his whole damn life was lift kara de :p:

He seems to have lost lot of weight..!!! :) i guess poverty in pakistan have reduced many folds by his indian citizen ship :P ha ha ha.. its perfect case of how a person can go from a talented singer to a untalented idiot in one single moment..!!1 just change the color of his passport :)
What a shame , Father a Fighter pilot of PAF and son traitor of the same country . His father Arshad Sami khan was from a military background thats why he also joined the PAF , He served as the ADC of 3 former presidents , after retiring from the PAF he became the diplomatic ambassador of Pakistan to 14 countries . During his time in the air force He became the national hero and was awarded sitara e Jurat . He was also a famous author .
His awards :

  • Sitara -e-Jurat
  • Sitara-e-Imtiaz (posthumous; 2012)
  • Best Fighter Pilot's Trophy
  • Military Medal of Honour from King of Jordan
  • Military Medal of Honour from the Shah of Iran
  • Military Medal of Honour from Turkey
  • Special Medal for Services to Humanity from the United Nations
His father was a Veteran and he loved Pakistan more than any thing and his son Adnan sami khan doesnt even want to live in the country his father fought for ...:mad:

Members correct me if i have written something wrong , If not like

Traitor ?
You remember Sania Mirza ? She is still representing India even though she married a Pakistani.
You pakistanis are not broad-minded and realistic like us Indians.
i dont understand the heartburn of pdf Pakistanis,,,,this kinda news isnt somthng new...
even Dina wadia, Jinnahs daughter, preferred the Indian passport.
if mighty Qaid e azams daughter can do it,,anyone can,bas thora hosla chahiye:D
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I hope Adnan Sami enjoys rest of his life in his new home.
enjoy him his life when ever he will give milk Indian will enjoy him but when he stop the supply of milk they will declare him as a spy of ISI very soon.
Buddy we are better off without this talentless pot of noise making skills

i dont understand the heartburn of pdf Pakistanis,,,,this kinda news isnt somthng new...
even Dina wadia, Jinnahs daughter, preferred the Indian passport.
if mighty Qaid e azams daughter can do it,,anyone can,bas thora hosla chahiye:D

His main grief in Pakistan is that he was never really famous..execpt for this two medicore songs nothing took off for him....He is completely insignificant to Pakistani music industry but for indian populist press it is some kind of a move of triumph in talent grabbing...

In reality he has picked up feud with some Punjab land lords eventually leading to his beating up...escape to India and subsequent Indian citizenship is his struggle at life security..
I remember when Adnam Sami's Song "Lift Karaade" became a huge hit while I was in college
One of our Engineering professors gave us an assignment to find out How much force it will take to lift Adnam Sami
Add to that we were just given his Height and circumference of his pants
Rest of the calculations we had to do ourselves
In reality he has picked up feud with some Punjab land lords eventually leading to his beating up...escape to India and subsequent Indian citizenship is his struggle at life security..
thn tht settles it,,,,singer son of a decorated PAF pilot escapes Pakistan n saves his life frm pendu gangs,,settles in India(his maternal home),,eventually becomes Indian citizen:D
I remember when Adnam Sami's Song "Lift Karaade" became a huge hit while I was in college
One of our Engineering professors gave us an assignment to find out How much force it will take to lift Adnam Sami
Add to that we were just given his Height and circumference of his pants
Rest of the calculations we had to do ourselves

Thats not really an assignment because you can google and find out his weight...simple..

thn tht settles it,,,,singer son of a decorated PAF pilot escapes Pakistan n saves his life frm pendu gangs,,settles in India(his maternal home),,eventually becomes Indian citizen:D

We have another 5 Million Altafis we will be very glad to send...plus that terror genda operating from London..please take him back as well...Indian will never take back these filthy Altafis because it knows they will only infest the country with more crime..racketeering..Pan..Chalia..Ghutka..extortion and murder culture...
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