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Pakistanis on this forum how do you celebrate independance day?

bhola record

Jul 22, 2020
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So independance just about to start .It is the day when hardships and sacrifices of muslims of subcontinent bore fruit and our homeland came on the map from the ashes of partition a resilient nation was born that till today keeps on thriving and brave peope of this lovey resilient country keep on flourishing.I would like to know how do the people on this forum celebrate independence day. I am from rawalpindi so like every pindi boy i go to lal haveli, so what about you?
So independance just about to start .It is the day when hardships and sacrifices of muslims of subcontinent bore fruit and our homeland came on the map from the ashes of partition a resilient nation was born that till today keeps on thriving and brave peope of this lovey resilient country keep on flourishing.I would like to know how do the people on this forum celebrate independence day. I am from rawalpindi so like every pindi boy i go to lal haveli, so what about you?

I begin with Dua.
Ya Allah bless the health and the wealth of the people of Pakistan.
Ya Allah give strength to the armed forces of Pakistan.
So independance just about to start .It is the day when hardships and sacrifices of muslims of subcontinent bore fruit and our homeland came on the map from the ashes of partition a resilient nation was born that till today keeps on thriving and brave peope of this lovey resilient country keep on flourishing.I would like to know how do the people on this forum celebrate independence day. I am from rawalpindi so like every pindi boy i go to lal haveli, so what about you?
By going to office and working hard.
Normally we have Pakistan Day Parade in USA, but this year we do not have it.
I always go for the Parade.
Happy Independence Day

The following quotes of historians and world leaders describe how great a leader was Muhammad Ali Jinnah - the founder of Pakistan.

1. “Jinnah is one of the most extraordinary men in history.”
~ Jawaharlal Nehru

2. “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three”
~ Stanley Wolperpt, Jinnah of Pakistan

3. “There is no man or woman living who imputes anything against his honor or his honesty. He was the most upright person that I know, but throughout it all, he never, as far as I know, for one moment, attempted to deceive anybody, as to what he was aiming at or as to the means he attempted to adopt to get it.”
~ Sir Patrick Spen, the last Chief Justice of United India.

4. “Mr. Jinnah was the recipient of a devotion and loyalty seldom accord to any man.”
~ Harry S Truman, US President.

5. “If Muslim League had 100 Gandhis and 200 Abdul Kalam Azad and Congress had only one Jinnah than India would have never divided”
~ Vijay Laxmi Pandit

6. “Jinnah is Incorruptible and brave.”
~ Gandhi in an interview with Louis Fischer

7. “Jinnah was a historic personality which takes birth once in a Century.” ~ Mussolini

8. “Jinnah never made an agreement by bowing down to anyone but on equal basis.”
~ Lord Mountbatten

9. “Although without Gandhi, Hindustan would still have gained independence and without Lenin and Mao, Russia and China would still have endured Communist revolution, without Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan in 1947.”
~ John Biggs-Davison.

10. “I believe no power can buy Mr. Jinnah.”
~ Gandhi

11. “Good Character and Good Politics were those secrets due to which Jinnah got success”
~ Nehru

12. “Jinnah’s scheme of partition was good, (but) it would take at least 25 years to take shape. But great wars and great men shorten history, and Jinnah was such a man who could alter the history of a nation.”
~ Lord Lothian

13. “Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the only personality of India from whom whole nation has expectations.”
~ Allama Iqbal

14. “If Jinnah was in Sikhs they would worship him.”
~ Sardar Kartar Singh.

15. “Mr. Jinnah was one of the handsomest men I have ever seen; he combined the clear cut, almost Grecian features of the West with oriental grace and movement.”
~ Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India
(1943 – 1947)

16. “In that one decision, combining as it did sagacity, shrewdness, and unequalled political flair, he justified – I am convinced – my claim that he was the most remarkable of all the great statesmen that I have known. It puts him on a level with Bismarck.”
~ Agha Khan

17. “He set a great example to other statesmen to follow by his skill in negotiation, his integrity and his honesty.”
~ Gordon Johnson

18. “Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.”
~ Lord Pethick Lawrence

19. “Mr. Jinnah, was great as a lawyer, once great as a Congressman, great as a leader of Muslims, great as a world politician and diplomat, and greatest of all as a man of action, By Mr. Jinnah’s passing away, the world has lost one of the greatest statesmen and Pakistan its life-giver, philosopher and guide.”
~ Surat Chandra Bose.

20. “I believe no power can buy Mr. Jinnah.”
~ Gandhi.

I’m not Pakistani, but I’m getting into the spirit of the holiday by having cake, and wishing my Pakistani friends a Very happy Independence Day.
I did dua for Pakistan during namaz.

I posted pro Pakistan messages on social media.

I watched the ISPR documentary series about Pakistan with my kids.

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