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Pakistan's Defense Minister and the Strategic Dilemma Facing Pakistan


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
The referenced article below is Pakistan's biggest strategic problem, which arises from economic problems, which arise from political stability, but since the Russia-Ukraine war, Pakistan's ambivalence between China and USA are getting less and less impatience from the two Superpowers.

In a way, Pakistan is back to the 1950s where the economically very fragile new country of Pakistan had to choose the USSR vs USA and Pakistan, wisely chose the USA then. The same choice is being faced by Pakistan again and, like in the early 1950s, Pakistan's economy is in shambles. The wrongly-cursed Establishment in Pakistan, unlike the fake revolutionaries like Imran Khan or the old corrupt order, know that a choice--a VERY difficult choice--is being thrust upon Pakistan. And the Russia-Ukraine war is making it imperative for Pakistan to be prepared for a choice in the rapidly-changing geopolitical situation around Pakistan. The Eurasian Continent has been the engine of human progress and destruction and it remains so and Pakistan is, fortunately or unfortunately, an integral part of that region.

With this backdrop, this interview of the veteran Pakistani politician and the current Defense Minister Khwaja Asif is very important. Look at this, combined with the recent statement of the Finance Minister Ishaq Dar about the geopolitics around the IMF loan talks and a picture emerges: Pakistan is being asked to make tough choices. [Yeah, such an 'Imported Government'!!]

BTW, Kh. Asif also bluntly worded his views about ties with America in spring 2022 when the then sitting stupid PM of Pakistan Mr. Imran Khan was raising anti-American slogans: Mr. Asif's words were something like 'Beggars can't be choosers' to which he added words like 'when we are strong enough we can be more independent'. But PTI fanbois are often blind to the larger picture. A bunch of 'burgers' and expats led by a moron Mr. Imran Khan whose own kids sit in the West while he calls others to literally die for 'freedom' would not understand the hypocrisy and dangerous opportunism of Imran Khan.

But I digressed!

Here is Mr. Asif's views and I believe they reflect the Pakistani Establishment's views.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif has said Islamabad does “not have any problem” with the United States developing ties with India, provided that it did not come at Pakistan’s cost.

He expressed these views during an interview with News Week published today (Saturday) where he was asked about India expanding its relationship with the US, as well as ties between Islamabad and New Delhi, particularly in context of the Kashmir issue.

“I think we do not have any problem with the United States developing a partnership with India if it is not at the cost of Pakistan,” he said, adding that Pakistan wanted good relationships with its neighbours and regional partners.

“We have common borders with China, we have common borders with Afghanistan, Iran, India. We would like to improve our relationships with them if the relationship is not good. We want to live in peace. If there is no peace there, we will never be able to restore our economy the way we want to restore it,” he said.

In this connection, he also mentioned that Pakistan’s was a “vulnerable economy” and not a very big one.

“All we have is a geographical location, which is strategic, which attracts, I would say, not all the good things, it sometimes attracts some things which really make us even more vulnerable.”

Asif went on to say, “I personally feel that some appreciation is required in Washington about our situation, and we should not be pushed into a situation where we have to make some very hard choices”.

“Our relationship with America for us is very valuable. It has its history. It has some disappointments, some huge disappointments, but still we value our relationship with the United States and we want that relationship to flourish.”

“We are big trade partners, we have a very large Pakistani diaspora in the United States and Pakistani interests over there. So, their business interests are also, considering our size, they are quite attractive and large,” Asif said. “This is something which we have to balance and, under the circumstances, under economic pressures, we are finding it difficult, but we survive.”

The defence minister’s comments come ahead of US State Secretary Antony Blinken’s upcoming visit of Beijing on June 18 and 19 and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Washington days later.

In recent times, US President Joe Biden has made deepening ties with India a cornerstone of his efforts to contain China’s expanding influence, with his administration also hoping to persuade India to buy US military drones.

US President Joe Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan recently said the US expects a “transformational moment” in India ties during Modi’s trip while one of Blinken’s objectives in China will be to manage escalation to ensure that the world’s two biggest military powers do not “veer in to conflict”.

Regarding Blinken’s China visit, Asif expressed hope that affairs might improve between the two countries.

He said it was difficult for Pakistan in the last few decades to maintain the “balancing act between our relationship with the United States of America and with the regional powers like China, our friends in the Arabian Gulf, Iran, and, of course, the Russian Federation also”.

Further, the defence minister said: “The international geopolitical situation sometimes becomes very difficult for us to balance between different interest groups, or different groups which are jockeying for power and international influence. And Pakistan being a vulnerable country, both economically and strategically, it becomes difficult for us.

“I think I’ll come back to my answer to your original question: once we have economic stability in our country, I think we will really be in a better position to handle this situation. Our vulnerability, economic vulnerability, actually exposes us to so many problems, which sometimes we are unable to tackle.”
You deserve what is coming at you. Your master USA isn't willing to assist Pakistan in any shape or form. They are looking on safely from a distance and empowering India both militarily and economically AT YOUR EXPENSE.
You deserve what is coming at you. Your master USA isn't willing to assist Pakistan in any shape or form. They are looking on safely from a distance and empowering India both militarily and economically AT YOUR EXPENSE.

You are correct that America, which supposedly toppled the prosperous, happy Pakistan under Imran Khan--a country of 220+ million people, in a very strategic location and with 100+ nukes, is not helping Pakistan unless Pakistan takes significant anti-China stance.

So much so for the 'Imported Government'!! What other falsehoods Imran Khan sold to people??
You are correct that America, which supposedly toppled the prosperous, happy Pakistan under Imran Khan--a country of 220+ million people, in a very strategic location and with 100+ nukes, is not helping Pakistan unless Pakistan takes significant anti-China stance.

So much so for the 'Imported Government'!! What other falsehoods Imran Khan sold to people??

So why hasn't your master USA come forward and assisted Pakistan in time of need? 🤔

LOL The headlines that I am reading are very enjoyable. India is being fed with an American spoon. India is enjoying economic advantages bestowed by Uncle Sam. Preferential trade with Hindustan. No such thing for Pakistan. In fact not a single penny. Biden is showcasing and even pushing India to buy American made weapons. Pakistani generals don't even get US made weapons when they get on their knees in the White House.

You are getting it in full and you deserve it. In fact wait a little more because this is only the beginning. I will be sitting with my popcorn in the front row.
So why hasn't your master USA come forward and assisted Pakistan in time of need? 🤔

LOL The headlines that I am reading are very enjoyable. India is being fed with an American spoon. India is enjoying economic advantages bestowed by Uncle Sam. Preferential trade with Hindustan. No such thing for Pakistan. In fact not a single penny. Biden is showcasing and even pushing India to buy American made weapons. Pakistani generals don't even get US made weapons when they get on their knees in the White House.

You are getting it in full and you deserve it. In fact wait a little more because this is only the beginning. I will be sitting with my popcorn in the front row.

I think you and I are in basic agreement: This was never an 'Imported Government' and there was never a 'Regime Change' engineered by America in April 2022.
Why is that important understand that? One: The 'Sadiq aur Ameen' leader of the Riyasat e Medina is a pathological liar. Second: Even educated Pakistanis are just as gullible as an lesser educated Sindhi Haaari (peasant).
I think you and I are in basic agreement: This was never an 'Imported Government' and there was never a 'Regime Change' engineered by America in April 2022.
Why is that important understand that? One: The 'Sadiq aur Ameen' leader of the Riyasat e Medina is a pathological liar. Second: Even educated Pakistanis are just as gullible as an lesser educated Sindhi Haaari (peasant).

At least during Imran Khan's rule expats weren't boycotting Pakistan. Remittances were being sent and increasing exponentially. Even multinational companies entered Pakistan. Pakistan was economically stable. The foreign reserves were stable. It was crafting an independent foreign policy. Despite certain shortcomings Pakistan was finally after a long while relatively stable.

What happened suddenly within a year after PDM got imported into power? 🤔 You know exactly what happened because everything is unfolding before our eyes.

The Pakistani generals are responsible for this mess.
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America doesn’t need to give a penny to Pakistan to get it to join the US against China.

The criminal generals and politicians have ruined Pakistan’s economy and all their interests are in the West. Their families, their bank accounts, their retirement plans, their weapons, their trade.

Pakistan had decades to build up its economy and diversify its defense systems and trade relations, but the criminal generals and politicians never did it. Now Pakistan is bankrupt and has little choice.

The Americans know they can buy the generals with some visas, so why would they bother to invest in Pakistan or even lend it money?

According to Haider Mehdi, Bajwa did a deal with America to topple Imran Khan, dump China and deliver Pakistan to the American camp. Everything we see is part of that plan, including bankrupting the economy. Asim Munir made two secret trips to America and everything he’s doing is part of the strategy.

America wants Pakistan to submit to India’s dominance and that’s what the generals have agreed to.
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At least during Imran Khan's rule expats weren't boycotting Pakistan. Remittances were being sent and increasing exponentially. Even multinational companies entered Pakistan. Pakistan was economically stable. The foreign reserves were stable. It was crafting an independent foreign policy. Despite certain shortcomings Pakistan was finally after a long while relatively stable.

What happened suddenly within a year after PDM got imported into power? 🤔 You know exactly what happened because everything is unfolding before our eyes.

The Pakistani generals are responsible for this mess.

I always had a different political theory: 'Stability' is needed for economic progress. It was in my Signature here at PDF for years. I have often said that countries which fall or are falling apart are the ones who have not been able to manage peaceful transfers of 'power'.

You are confusing cause and effect: The Instability starting April 2022 is the cause of the economic downfall we are witnessing now. The President of Pakistan would use procedural rules to sit on requests sent to him again and again--just an example! The govt. didn't know if it the Establishment was going to support Imran again or not and the govt--as incompetent as it was--was putting out the fires constantly.

As for the expats--they will start supporting whatever is in power in Pakistan when stability returns---if it returns. It is all about trust in whatever is in Pakistan. Imran is a very small fry for them. It is all about $$.

As for Imran's glorious 3.5 years: The MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION IS: If it was so good under Imran then why would the Establishment overthrow Imran?? I mean they were on 'the same page' where the Generals were raking in money. So why change?? And if the current govt. is an American agent, then where is the American help to support this govt??

This thread is about the stark choices Pakistan is facing --choices which Pakistan can't avoid, especially with the rapidly changing geopolitics due the Russia-Ukraine war.
I always had a different political theory: 'Stability' is needed for economic progress. It was in my Signature here at PDF for years. I have often said that countries which fall or are falling apart are the ones who have not been able to manage peaceful transfers of 'power'.

You are confusing cause and effect: The Instability starting April 2022 is the cause of the economic downfall we are witnessing now. The President of Pakistan would use procedural rules to sit on requests sent to him again and again--just an example! The govt. didn't know if it the Establishment was going to support Imran again or not and the govt--as incompetent as it was--was putting out the fires constantly.

As for the expats--they will start supporting whatever is in power in Pakistan when stability returns---if it returns. It is all about trust in whatever is in Pakistan. Imran is a very small fry for them. It is all about $$.

As for Imran's glorious 3.5 years: The MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION IS: If it was so good under Imran then why would the Establishment overthrow Imran?? I mean they were on 'the same page' where the Generals were raking in money. So why change?? And if the current govt. is an American agent, then where is the American help to support this govt??

This thread is about the stark choices Pakistan is facing --choices which Pakistan can't avoid, especially with the rapidly changing geopolitics due the Russia-Ukraine war.

Pakistan is today in a mess due to political engineering by the generals. No ifs and buts. The expats are NEVER going to support PDM and generals. Never. Pakistan is an economic pariah and it will remain an economic pariah for the unforeseeable future.

Pakistan is also losing on the geopolitical front. The Americans are empowering India in every field. China has cooled down after general Bajwa's pro-West remarks. The Pakistani military is always at the forefront of destroying Pakistan's interests.
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Pakistan is today in a mess due to political engineering by the generals. No ifs and buts. The expats are NEVER going to support PDM and generals. Never. Pakistan is an economic pariah and it will remain an economic pariah for the unforeseeable future.

Pakistan is also losing on the geopolitical front. The Americans are empowering India in every field. China has cooled down after general Bajwa's pro-West remarks. The Pakistani military is always at the forefront of destroying Pakistan's interests.
They don't have to because they don't have the right to vote LOL. Even the governments of countries these expats are living in don't care what happens in Pakistan or to youthias.
America doesn’t need to give a penny to Pakistan to get it to join the US against China.

The criminal generals and politicians have ruined Pakistan’s economy and all their interests are in the West. Their families, their bank accounts, their retirement plans, their weapons, their trade.

Pakistan had decades to build up its economy and diversify its defense systems and trade relations, but the criminal generals and politicians never did it. Now Pakistan is bankrupt and has little choice.

The Americans know they can buy the generals with some visas, so why would they bother to invest in Pakistan or even lend it money?

According to Haider Mehdi, Bajwa did a deal with America to topple Imran Khan, dump China and deliver Pakistan to the American camp. Everything we see is part of that plan, including bankrupting the economy. Asim Munir made two secret trips to America and everything he’s doing is part of the strategy.

America wants Pakistan to submit to India’s dominance and that’s what the generals have agreed to.

There has always been a soft spot for the US among Pakistani army and generals. When we look at history certain generals have literally worshipped the Americans.

The kind of nasty leadership we have witnessed lately is something else. This looks intentionally malicious and by design. Bajwa has set a new trend for polishing American boots. Free of charge and no questions asked.

They don't have to because they don't have the right to vote LOL. Even the governments of countries these expats are living in don't care what happens in Pakistan or to youthias.

Neither are we going to send remittances despite the defence minister begging for money from the expats LOL

As far as we are concerned, Pakistan is dead. We are now waiting for Pakistan to disintegrate which it eventually will. We will return to our cities as free people not ruled by military despots and fuedal thugs.

Your military has a history of creating hurdles and shooting itself in the foot. Just have a good look at the conflicts it is involved within its own borders for many years. From BLA to TTP. From PTM to Sindhudesh. This isn't a coincidence. Every province in Pakistan has some sort of grievance against the powerful rulers of this country. Most want to break away from Pakistan for a reason.
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As far as we are concerned, Pakistan is dead. We are now waiting for Pakistan to disintegrate which it eventually will. We will return to our cities as free people not ruled by military despots and fuedal thugs.

I know emotions are high in PTI supporters but going to this extent? But, 'Absolutely Not', Pakistan is not going to disintegrate.
What's happening has the backing of Pakistan's foreign backers/well wishers.

About the OP article: Question is that is the Defense Minister and the Finance Minister using the same 'geopolitics' card to hide their failures in managing the economy by blaming America like Imran did for his ouster (March 2022 forward) or there really is fork in front of Pakistan after just a few more weeks? As I have been saying here, the Russia-Ukraine war is rapidly changing the global (or at least the Eurasian) geopolitics in which Pakistan will have to play its role to the point of taking a side.
I know emotions are high in PTI supporters but going to this extent? But, 'Absolutely Not', Pakistan is not going to disintegrate.
What's happening has the backing of Pakistan's foreign backers/well wishers.

About the OP article: Question is that is the Defense Minister and the Finance Minister using the same 'geopolitics' card to hide their failures in managing the economy by blaming America like Imran did for his ouster (March 2022 forward) or there really is fork in front of Pakistan after just a few more weeks? As I have been saying here, the Russia-Ukraine war is rapidly changing the global (or at least the Eurasian) geopolitics in which Pakistan will have to play its role to the point of taking a side.
To what extent are they going to? Just because your opinion is that generals are next to prophets or the most intelligent of the generally(pun intended) inept creatures in Pakistan’s ruling elite and political musical chairs doesn’t mean its accurate.

I wholeheartedly agree that IK is a narcissistic pied piper - no other term suits him. However, he did enfranchise the educated middle class who run the country and not the military - and if you cannot see that while sitting in the US for so many years then get out from under the rock and look at how the US economy works.
Pakistan is today in a mess due to political engineering by the generals. No ifs and buts. The expats are NEVER going to support PDM and generals. Never. Pakistan is an economic pariah and it will remain an economic pariah for the unforeseeable future.

Pakistan is also losing on the geopolitical front. The Americans are empowering India in every field. China has cooled down after general Bajwa's pro-West remarks. The Pakistani military is always at the forefront of destroying Pakistan's interests.

India is a sovereign state, Pakistan is not.
If it was so good under Imran then why would the Establishment overthrow Imran?? I mean they were on 'the same page' where the Generals were raking in money. So why change??

You really weren't following politics before this whole mess started were you?
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