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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

Yes those small yields can be used for strategic locations but we need higher yeild and 6-10 Mirved Missiles!!!! India has a few layers of defence which could intercept our single warhead missiles.

Pakistan already has them and has more than enough counter measures to ANY Indian ABM system. Indian military high command knows this only too well. That's why they were powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 even though they are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege :azn:
Only 85-90% protection against Hamas homemade dogey fireworks???????......That's rubbish!!!!!!!. They are however highly effective at killing small innocent Palestinian babies and disabled elderly though.

A competent professional military (like Pakistan) could potentially produce cost-effective countermeasures to those systems though.
Thats the widely reported percentage, some rockets do get past the defense check it out on youtube.... however the intercept rate is still very good... Israel main defence for missiles is the arrow system....

Pakistan already has them and has more than enough counter measures to ANY Indian ABM system. Indian military high command knows this only too well. That's why they were powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 even though they are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege :azn:
None of our nukes have MIRV currently, I guess it only takes 130 low yield nukes to keep India in check!!!:yahoo:
Thats the widely reported percentage, some rockets do get past the defense check it out on youtube.... however the intercept rate is still very good... Israel main defence for missiles is the arrow system....

Which have only been tested against dogey homemade fireworks....lol. I can even throw a ball more faster than those things.....lol. And you base everything on that..... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Nice try trolling false flagger......lol

@Oscar @waz @Zaki

Thats the widely reported percentage, some rockets do get past the defense check it out on youtube.... however the intercept rate is still very good... Israel main defence for missiles is the arrow system....

None of our nukes have MIRV currently, I guess it only takes 130 low yield nukes to keep India in check!!!:yahoo:

That's what you think....lol. But then again wasn't the same said about Pakistan's nuke capability too? Come out of your she'll now! Poor attempt at your false flag charade
Which have only been tested against dogey homemade fireworks....lol. I can even throw a ball more faster than those things.....lol. And you base everything on that..... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Nice try trolling false flagger......lol

@Oscar @waz @Zaki

Not trolling and I ain't a false flagger either can't deal with critism?

That's what you think....lol. But then again wasn't the same said about Pakistan's nuke capability too? Come out of your she'll now! Poor attempt at your false flag charade
Your unfounded claim has no basis...
We don't have enough nukes or powerful nukes to wipe Israel fully out and Israel won't be able to cause as much damage to us as we can inflict upon them.... But Israel will have 4 or 5 layers of defense to intercept our missiles...

Don't talk about things you don't know.

Here's a hint: Pakistani nuclear warheads are designed to create "irreversible" damage on indian targets.

Targets such as indias largest industrial city (Mumbai with 20 million population) or indias capital region (with almost 46m population)--our nuclear weapons are designed to form deterrence against india. You don't do that by having just 35kt warheads.


Ps, a mere 50kt warhead would utterly decimate Tel Aviv and surrounding regions. Just four multiple 35kt warheads would make Israel to cease as a viable state. And 35kt is a smaller warhead used by likes of Babur cruise missile---not out "one ton" warhead that Shaheen IIs and IIIs can deliver
Don't talk about things you don't know.

Here's a hint: Pakistani nuclear warheads are designed to create "irreversible" damage on indian targets.

Targets such as indias largest industrial city (Mumbai with 20 million population) or indias capital region (with almost 46m population)--our nuclear weapons are designed to form deterrence against india. You don't do that by having just 35kt warheads.


Ps, a mere 50kt warhead would utterly decimate Tel Aviv and surrounding regions. Just four multiple 35kt warheads would make Israel to cease as a viable state. And 35kt is a smaller warhead used by likes of Babur cruise missile---not out "one ton" warhead that Shaheen IIs and IIIs can deliver
On Nuke map I've tested it we can do a lot of damage to Israel but for that we need Mirv thermonuclear fission missiles we have currently atomic nukes not hydrogen nukes....we don't have higher yeilding thermonuclear weapons we have low yeilding tactical nukes.... The largest yeild we tested was 45KT which is good but not for India.... our largest testing Nuke on Delhi can kill 367,900 people with 1.25M injuries and Thermal radiation/3rd degree burns for 3KM radius..... India has much larger mass area hence it will require much more nukes and power to cause as much damage as they can to us on percentage basis....
On Nuke map I've tested it we can do a lot of damage to Israel but for that we need Mirv thermonuclear fission missiles we have currently atomic nukes not hydrogen nukes....we don't have higher yeilding thermonuclear weapons we have low yeilding tactical nukes.... The largest yeild we tested was 45KT which is good but not for India.... our largest testing Nuke on Delhi can kill 367,900 people with 1.25M injuries and Thermal radiation/3rd degree burns for 3KM radius..... India has much larger mass area hence it will require much more nukes and power to cause as much damage as they can to us on percentage basis....

Tests are just that. Tests.

Our actual warheads don't have to be exact same yield as what we tested.

Anyways, not talking about this anymore..

Keep having fun with websites and calculations. They are fun to play with! :)
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