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Pakistan's "Liberal" Elite Have Exposed Themselves As Frauds


Mar 15, 2023
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I use the term "liberal" really loosely because I've never considered them progressives from day one.

These bored rich kids of Defence like to play progressive liberal and feminist online until daddy's black money is threatened.

This leads to me social media accounts like


The reason why I choose these four is because I've been banned from three of them.

Leftistan has been on a crusade against Imran Khan ever since PDM came to power. They've been called out for their hypocrisy and bias and siding with the system they claimed to vehemently oppose for the past decade. I was banned last week for questioning them after following them since FB way back in 2011!

Aurat March kept completely quiet about the recent protests and violence by the police and military until its own supporters called out Aurat March for being hypocrites. They then released a half assed statement condemning the violence. Yet they've remained oddly quiet too. Last year when IK was ousted they sided with the military lol. Though to their credit I haven't been blocked by AM.

The Patwari Experience is a relatively unknown podcast. I only happened to come across it because Tariq Ali was invited on a few years ago. The host pretends to be a progressive liberal, but oddly is "neutral" NOW all of a sudden...his entire mantra centres around the theory that Imran Khan is no better than Nawaz Sharif and that he's more worse because he has a cult. Meanwhile, the two other political parties have entire family generations controlling the party and yet that's apparently not a cult. He's also tried to link PTI with the Nazis. Guy is an absolute bum. He blocked me a few days ago when I called him a fraud.

Propergaanda is basically the above too.

What's the common denominator in all 4 of these groups?

1. The public figures are all privileged with elite level education and lifestyles.

2. They care not for what the average Pakistani thinks or cares about since they all live in gated communities / elitist bubbles

3. They only play the act of progressive liberal online until daddy's black money is threatened.

This is why a lot of rich folks hate Imran Khan. Most of the parents of these kids attained wealth and privilege during the reigns of PMLN and PPP in the 90s where rampant tax evasion, financial crimes and thuggary could be gotten away with.

So why would any of their unfortunate offspring support a person threatening to destroy that system?

These clowns aren't liberals. They're the Establishment boot licking Anglopakis.....no different than the brown Sahebs who used to lick the feet of the British, the same folks are now licking the feet of the Establishment.

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