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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

I think the best cure for this extremism is economic development and jobs. I don't see that happening to a greater extent unless WoT starts winding down and/or stops. Fortunately, WoT IS expected to start winding down this summer in which case our economic growth should pick up rapidly.
Plz wake up and smell the coffee. This killer is one of our own people.

Well , its really hard

a) We did not had any issue untill you know who showed up at our borders
b) We did not had any issues untill American embassy decided to open their offices in Pakistan
c) Religious fanatics worship the holy quran why would they bomb a mosque ? Unless they are christian soldiers working for CIA

K so a politician died but who is to blame ? Local people why ? Because they are sick of the war going on in border and abusive drone strikes in name of security ?

Sure the ellites of Pakistan may love to have dinner but average person in Pakistan we want the Afghanistan to cleared out of all elements causing problems in Pakistan which is why I say we need to enter Afghanistan and occupy it like Syria did with Lebnoon and protect it

To be perfectly honest , we had no issue untill 70's when then US had issues with Russia , its not a item that just did not get created over night ....

I think its time we opened eyes and Pakistan and Kicked out American Embassy out of Pakistan for illegal activites

a) Like bombing mosques
b) Planning attacks on politicians and blaming it on other elements
c) Funneling cash to mercenaries
d) Supporting balouchi rebels around Iran borders
e) Drone strikes

How would you feel if tomorrow some SUV belonging to "CONTRACTORS" for CIA ran over your relatives in road in karachi ? or tomorrow a drone strike falls on some house 5 houses away form home in Karachi ...

Libral talk is great but ONE SIDED LIBERALISM is none sense why should our society be focused on liberalism while western societies are banning Muslim liberties ?

CIA has had history of creating political turmoil in other nations etc like King Faisal's assasination , the appointment of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt with American blessing or the era of Zia Ul Haq in Pakistan a clear attempt to kill democracy in Pakistan.
Incredible, and we talk of appeasement, of apathy, we wonder how attitudes that lead to discrimination and violence exist in society -- yet we continue to have this character as a forum member - we neither reprimand nor demand appropriate behavior, we tolerate those who refuse to tolerate the rest of us.

That you I might for your wonderful post but the point remains that banning such people from on internet forum will not eliminate them from the real world and the real Pakistan.

The point remains that people with such rabid views are more than just a handful in today's Pakistan.
That you I might for your wonderful post but the point remains that banning such people from on internet forum will not eliminate them from the real world and the real Pakistan.

The point remains that people with such rabid views are more than just a handful in today's Pakistan.
Told you to stay out of this. But..You just never get it. =)) No wonder you are an.....=))
Then come up with something better that rejects whatever I am doing or whatever I have said. With full references.

ain't the contradiction & double standard clear, but you will continue to ignore it & call it faith...

And I will accept it. And for Talibans, I do support the ones fighting in Afghanistan, none other. They are the true Jihadists. Who are fighting in the name of GOD And are doing the best thing a man can do. I openly support them.

seriously, you really think that Taliban with their craziness & barbarity represent Islam, it is just simply disgusting how militant Pakistanis as a whole are....
I am pretty much sure God would have been disgusted at the deeds they are doing in his name.

PS: I thought we had zero tolerance Policy for the Terrorism Supporters

The others doing sh!t in pakistan are kafirs

Its just so easy to declare everyone a Kafir & stand by your self righteous & violent POV for the sake of GOd...
Taliban Fighting in Afghanistan & Pakistan are in no way different from each other.ISAF loosing in Afghanistan will not be good for Pakistan, an anarchic Afghanistan which has anti Pakistan Elements motivated by religious extremism with badges of victory over its shoulder is a simple disaster for Pakistan.These people want a total Talibani Shariah in the Whole world, if they tasted the blood of victory against the the most advanced armed forces their morale will be sky high & they will not stop just in Afghanistan BUT it might be another thing if you want Pakistan to become a God's new A-stan
Fazl says misuse of blasphemy law can be discussed

ISLAMABAD: Amid sound and fury in the National Assembly that saw Interior Minister Rehman Malik rejecting calls for his resignation over the assassination of Minorities Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a ray of hope shone with JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman saying, in an apparent climbdown, that a perceived misuse of the blasphemy law could be discussed.

After several lawmakers from both the opposition and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) demanded that he step down and some others said he was doing well, Mr Malik said he would continue his job and “my mission” to rout Taliban militants, whom he called Pakistan’s enemies, even at the risk of his life.

But, winding up a two-day debate over Wednesday’s shooting down of Mr Bhatti by four gunmen near the home of his mother in Islamabad apparently because of his views over the application of the Zia-era blasphemy law, the minister said he would be ready to resign if a judicial commission or a parliamentary committee found him wanting in carrying out his responsibilities.

Mr Malik also rejected suggestions that the minorities affairs minister, a Christian, was not provided adequate security, saying Mr Bhatti had made it a practice to go to his mother’s house, about a furlong from his own, to live their for the night without a 15- to 16-strong guard provided to him, thinking that in this way he would distract those who threatened his life. But, he said, the absence of Mr Bhatti’s guards when he was returning from his mother’s home made him the victim of the gunmen who, according to police, escaped in a white car after the shooting in the I-8/4 sector.

During heated arguments from both sides over the security situation in Islamabad and the rest of the country before the house was prorogued after a 12-day session, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI) leader Maulana Fazl touched on the blasphemy law — while most others hesitated — although he disagreed with the general view linking Mr Bhatti’s murder with the controversy over that law or with the Jan 4 assassination of then Punjab governor Salman Taseer by one of his own police guards.

The Maulana said he thought Mr Bhatti’s murder could have been inspired by what he called “a lobby opposed to religious circles” to put them under a new pressure on the pretext of the blasphemy law.

In what seemed to be a gesture and a change in a previous hard line, the JUI chief said although attacking procedures often reflected an intent to block the application of a law, “if a law is being misused against minorities we are ready to discuss this (matter)”.

Recalling that after the government’s assurances it did not intend to make any amendment to the blasphemy law, the JUI-F and some other religious parties had terminated a ‘Tahafuz Namoos-i-Risalat’ campaign launched last year, he said: “Such acts (of violence now) amount to taking the law and Constitution in one’s own hands.”

And he asked the government to “accept its responsibilities” to maintain law and order and said that “law should come into action”.

The interior minister did not refer to Maulana Fazl’s apparent offer to discuss fears about the misuse of the blasphemy law often voiced by minority communities and human rights organisations and there was no indication in the JUI-F leader’s remarks if he would himself raise the matter with the government.

It was also without referring to his remarks that PML-N lawmaker Ayaz Amir, in a strong speech afterwards in which he called for building “a dam against bigotry and fanaticism”, noted that both the late Salman Taseer and Shahbaz Bhatti only wanted procedural safeguards against the misuse of the blasphemy law and did not want to change the definition of blasphemy or the punishment of death for those who committed the offence.

Those who demanded the interior minister’s resignation, mostly in the first sitting of the day, included PML-Q parliamentary leader Faisal Saleh Hayat, some other members of both the PML-N and PML-Q and a vocal PPP back-bencher, Jamshed Dasti.But in what appeared to be the result of some public relations work during a break for Friday prayers, several others from the PPP, government-allied MQM and at least one from the PML-Q, jumped to the minister’s defence, calling for an end to what he and some of his supporters called a “blame game”.

Mr Malik asked why nobody from the PML-N-led Punjab government resigned when governor Taseer was killed by a member of the provincial police or when other deadly attacks, including some on military officers and religious leaders, were made in the province and why members of the same party were asking for his resignation now?

“It is time not to have a blame game, it is time to sit together to work out a strategy (to fight terrorists),” he said while defending his role in what he described as a transformation to comparative peace from a critical situation when the present government took office, when, he said, parents were not ready to send their children to school and when the Taliban rebels based in Swat had reached up to Haripur, across Islamabad’s Margalla hills.

“I am proud of my government and my men,” he said and claimed improvement of the situation in Balochistan where he accused unspecified “foreign powers” of involvement.

“We should unite on two things — security and foreign policy,” the minister said and asked the house to decide whether to set up a judicial commission or a parliamentary committee to probe the security situation.

Fazl says misuse of blasphemy law can be discussed | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
why to i have a feeling that target killing of minorities is being staged in pakistan to use as a smoke screen to tackle down mainstream islam proper and replace it with a highly state manipulated peer and molana sanctioned version of islam..a tactics propogated by the ottomans as well?? So it becomes easier to control the country by secular forces and destroy its spirtual identity. Something which is suspicious that all these assasins under the shadow of blahsmephy do not stem from Taliban proper but some new age gangs only gone popular since the regime of PPP..like TTP and few others who incited Mumtaq qadri!
ain't the contradiction & double standard clear, but you will continue to ignore it & call it faith...

seriously, you really think that Taliban with their craziness & barbarity represent Islam, it is just simply disgusting how militant Pakistanis as a whole are....
I am pretty much sure God would have been disgusted at the deeds they are doing in his name.

PS: I thought we had zero tolerance Policy for the Terrorism Supporters

Its just so easy to declare everyone a Kafir & stand by your self righteous & violent POV for the sake of GOd...
Taliban Fighting in Afghanistan & Pakistan are in no way different from each other.ISAF loosing in Afghanistan will not be good for Pakistan, an anarchic Afghanistan which has anti Pakistan Elements motivated by religious extremism with badges of victory over its shoulder is a simple disaster for Pakistan.These people want a total Talibani Shariah in the Whole world, if they tasted the blood of victory against the the most advanced armed forces their morale will be sky high & they will not stop just in Afghanistan BUT it might be another thing if you want Pakistan to become a God's new A-stan

Taliban are just on a jihad to protect the people of Afghanistan from Barbaric American and Nato forces who have no problem killing and raping those people, literally. Muslims have always went to war against such barbarians. But the only difference here is that our own people call OUR people barbaric, instead of the attackers. But if you think American and Nato forces are doing a good thing, then you will never ever accept anything I saw. Because people who are western chamchas will never understand till their own family members gets killed and raped by those barbaric american and nato forces. And I cleared the point about the contradictions and double meanings. But you ignored it. And dont you dare say what GOD will do about those who are fighting in HIS name when you dont even give a rat's about muslims getting killed in the Afghanistan by those american and nato kafirs. If you cant do anything to help them, then at least dont criticise those who are fighting to help free those muslims. Anyway. I am done. "They are blind, deaf. We have put a seal on their hearts. They will never understand whatever you say to them". -summarized- Gotta go. I aint coming back here. :) You guys have a nice time. It was good to know your opinions.
ain't the contradiction & double standard clear, but you will continue to ignore it & call it faith...

seriously, you really think that Taliban with their craziness & barbarity represent Islam, it is just simply disgusting how militant Pakistanis as a whole are....
I am pretty much sure God would have been disgusted at the deeds they are doing in his name.

PS: I thought we had zero tolerance Policy for the Terrorism Supporters

Its just so easy to declare everyone a Kafir & stand by your self righteous & violent POV for the sake of GOd...
Taliban Fighting in Afghanistan & Pakistan are in no way different from each other.ISAF loosing in Afghanistan will not be good for Pakistan, an anarchic Afghanistan which has anti Pakistan Elements motivated by religious extremism with badges of victory over its shoulder is a simple disaster for Pakistan.These people want a total Talibani Shariah in the Whole world, if they tasted the blood of victory against the the most advanced armed forces their morale will be sky high & they will not stop just in Afghanistan BUT it might be another thing if you want Pakistan to become a God's new A-stan

Taliban are just on a jihad to protect the people of Afghanistan from Barbaric American and Nato forces who have no problem killing and raping those people, literally. Muslims have always went to war against such barbarians. But the only difference here is that our own people call OUR people barbaric, instead of the attackers. But if you think American and Nato forces are doing a good thing, then you will never ever accept anything I saw. Because people who are western chamchas will never understand till their own family members gets killed and raped by those barbaric american and nato forces. And I cleared the point about the contradictions and double meanings. But you ignored it. And dont you dare say what GOD will do about those who are fighting in HIS name when you dont even give a rat's about muslims getting killed in the Afghanistan by those american and nato kafirs. If you cant do anything to help them, then at least dont criticise those who are fighting to help free those muslims. Anyway. I am done. "They are blind, deaf. We have put a seal on their hearts. They will never understand whatever you say to them". -summarized- Gotta go. I aint coming back here. :) You guys have a nice time. It was good to know your opinions.
Taliban are just on a jihad to protect the people of Afghanistan from Barbaric American and Nato forces who have no problem killing and raping those people, literally. Muslims have always went to war against such barbarians. But the only difference here is that our own people call OUR people barbaric, instead of the attackers. But if you think American and Nato forces are doing a good thing, then you will never ever accept anything I saw. Because people who are western chamchas will never understand till their own family members gets killed and raped by those barbaric american and nato forces. And I cleared the point about the contradictions and double meanings. But you ignored it. And dont you dare say what GOD will do about those who are fighting in HIS name when you dont even give a rat's about muslims getting killed in the Afghanistan by those american and nato kafirs. If you cant do anything to help them, then at least dont criticise those who are fighting to help free those muslims. Anyway. I am done. "They are blind, deaf. We have put a seal on their hearts. They will never understand whatever you say to them". -summarized- Gotta go. I aint coming back here. :) You guys have a nice time. It was good to know your opinions.

Thanks for the sympathy with the people of afghanistan, but you need to know that it is the taliban who are killing around 60-70% of the civilians, they just did the same thing before 2001. if you do really care about your muslim brothers in Afghanistan, pray for a stable and united afghanistan rather than a Talibani afghanistan. if we get talibani afghanistan, trust me that fire will burn you in pakistan too, as matter of fact that fire has already spread into your country, so before you become emotional, think with a cool head.
Pope lauds Bhatti's 'sacrifice' for religious freedom​

VATICAN CITY: Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday expressed “great concern” over the crises in several African and Asian countries, mentioning Pakistan and Libya in particular.

Speaking after the weekly Angelus prayer in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican, the head of the Roman Catholic Church urged that the “moving sacrifice” of Pakistan’s murdered Catholic minorities minister, inspire “courage and commitment to strive for religious freedom for all men.”
Shahbaz Bhatti, a vocal opponent of Pakistan’s Islamic blasphemy law and promoter of interfaith dialogue, was shot dead in broad daylight in Islamabad on Wednesday.

Bhatti had defied death threats after the assassination of another political moderate who wanted to reform the legislation, which critics say is often misused to settle personal scores against vulnerable minorities.

“I follow with great concern the tensions in several countries in Africa and Asia in these days,” the pope said in Italian.
Benedict then sent his thoughts and prayers to those caught up in the crisis in Libya, “where recent clashes have caused numerous deaths and a growing humanitarian crisis.”

In his first official reaction to the crisis since the uprising against Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi began, the pontiff said: “To all the victims and those who find themselves in distressing situations I send my prayers.”

“I ask for help and aid for the affected peoples,” Benedict said.
On Wednesday, the pope expressed his concern over the crisis to the head of the World Food Programme in a private audience at the Vatican, after WFP head Josette Sheeran warned him of the growing numbers of refugees fleeing violence.

Pope lauds Bhatti’s ‘sacrifice’ for religious freedom – The Express Tribune

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