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Pakistan’s PL-15 Missile Equipped JF-17 Block 3 is a Serious Game Changer - How India Can Respond to

It has a big radar
But at max ranges even for f-22 and f35 AESAs have difficulty to detect/track
R-77 Is more Reliable than Any Chinese AAM Due To Reputation of Vympel NPO Which Making Missiles From 50+ years
Like Raytheon For AIM-120

And what a criteria of Reliability reliability you have:lol::rofl:, Chinese working on Latest 21th century BVR missiles technologies not mid 20th century BVR technologies:rofl::lol:, and you have that reliable technology (R-77) at 27/2/2019, so what happen than:sarcastic:
No, actually not!

Chinese will never get direct involve between India and Pakistan war.

If China will get involve then other players will also get involve as well. However, it totally depends on that time and scenarios but more then 90 % chance is that they will never mess up between India and Pakistan war.
Sir I understand your view but question is can you rely on the view as u shared ? And send most jets to pak ?
150 Block IIIs with PL15s can take care of the Rafales. The exchange rate will be India's favour but the larger number of Block IIIs combined AESA can overwhelm the Rafales in an integrated battle setup. They have no plans to get more after the 36 are delivered. The Block II's can take care all of India's Su30MKIs, Mirages 2000/9, Mig29/Ks as the the JF17 Block out techs all of these planes. IAF will not be a problem for quite some time as PAF checkmated them across muliple lines. This gives time for Azm to come on line..
Sure, Vympel makes missles, whether they make good missiles is another question. The list is about as credible as anybody going and putting together a list
Bro they thinks that any weapons they have or going to have is out of this universe, but i not blame them because they have too much false superiority ego over China and Pakistan they both China and Pakistan has a garbage military technologies but they often forget we are also using same technologies (Russian+western)
Referring back to the N035E (based off the same family anyway), The N035E radar has some interesting features, for example it is capable of detecting a target at extended ranges (350km) if it's only required to scan a small area (about the size of the HUD).
So, whether it can search up to 400km is irrelevant, it will not be very useful. considering it severely limits its search parameters.

That is all i had missed. For everything else, i will copy and paste what i said as it still applies since you have just repeated yourself.

Well, what we DO know about the Block 3 is that it carries a KLJ-7A, a radar that is superior to even the IRBIS-E of the SU-35, we also know the JF-17 Block III will carry a new package of weapons, more than likely including the PL-15, mated with some form of 5th gen HOBS WVRAAM, as of right now, you use the RVV-AE which has a maximum engagement zone of 80km(unlikely to get a kill at such a distance anyway) however, the K-77M you talk of is under development for the SU-57, there is nothing to say that it can be used on legacy platforms, using the example of the MIG-29UPG, it has abysmal radar performance and is outgunned by the JF-17, the Zhuk-ME has a range of 120km for a target with a 5m^2 RCS compared to the KLJ-7 V1's range of 150km in Look-up mode. The best variant of the R-77 would be the K-77ME which is decades away from active service, and, well, we know that Russian export variants of platforms are significantly gimped relative to their domestic variants.

In terms of your Astra, we are looking at a range of 110km, which, once again, is outgunned by the JF-17 block 3. However, that is not even a concern because expecting HAL to pump out 80 production models of the Tejas within 5 years is laughable. The figure you are citing for the Tejas is the Peak production rate of 16 aircraft a year, based off of HAL's performance to date, it is Highly unlikely that HAL will be able to sustain, or even meet said production rate.

Your claim of a M2K variant with meteors is also a joke. MBDA themselves have said this would be unviable.

Sure, the induction of the Rafale would be a significant improvement in terms of capability, however, 36 fighters up against a fleet of potentially 100-150 AESA equipped JF-17's armed with PL-15's significantly tilts the balance in our favour.
HAL itself say we cant do it..
when i was baby i heard a rate of 16 will be achieved now i am old
I don’t see the point, assuming the PL1X has a range of 700 km do you realize the guiding platform AWACS will have to fly at an altitude of 128,000 ft to maintain line of sight to the missile and the target. Any closer (<200 km)and the slow lumbering AWACS will be targeted by the enemy.

Besides I don’t know of any airborne surveillance radar that operates in the X band. If the Chinese have installed a fire control radar in an AWACS I would seriously question their doctrine.

China is also developing its version of global hawk a HALE UAV, now with that capacity available a UCAV is possible with VLR AAM.

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