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Pakistan's Role in stoping the Bosnian Genocide.


Sep 9, 2006
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I wanted to know what role if any pakistan play in helping out the Bosnian muslims during the genocide that took place there. I am specially interested if we sent any ISI guys there to help those guys out.
If anyone can contribute please do.
I wanted to know what role if any pakistan play in helping out the Bosnian muslims during the genocide that took place there. I am specially interested if we sent any ISI guys there to help those guys out.
If anyone can contribute please do.

ISI officers were involved, however the GoP essentially made the commitment a volunteer-basis one for obvious reasons (people went on their own with tacit GoP approval at the request of the Bosnians)...I personally know someone in a very senior rank [(now late (May God reward him generously for his efforts) but a general ranking offr, ex SSG, very competent] who went to Bosnia and advised the fledgling Bosnian Army. There were others as well. The Defence industry also pitched in very decently.
I wanted to know what role if any pakistan play in helping out the Bosnian muslims during the genocide that took place there. I am specially interested if we sent any ISI guys there to help those guys out.
If anyone can contribute please do.


I have a friend from Bosnia who came as a refugee in the 90s. Anyway, i asked him and he told me that his grandfather who was an active soldier during the war said that pakistan sent a container ship to Bosnia with small arms (AKs, grenades, anti tank weaponry and so on) but the thing was, since Bosnia just have a small strip of coastline, the ship had to dock into Croatia, and they took about 2\3 of the cargo and the rest went to Bosnia. There were also many mujahedin who formerly fought the sovjets in Afghanistan, many of these where from pakistan. So i do not know if this is true, but this is what i have heard.

I have a friend from Bosnia who came as a refugee in the 90s. Anyway, i asked him and he told me that his grandfather who was an active soldier during the war said that pakistan sent a container ship to Bosnia with small arms (AKs, grenades, anti tank weaponry and so on) but the thing was, since Bosnia just have a small strip of coastline, the ship had to dock into Croatia, and they took about 2\3 of the cargo and the rest went to Bosnia. There were also many mujahedin who formerly fought the sovjets in Afghanistan, many of these where from pakistan. So i do not know if this is true, but this is what i have heard.

I watched a documentary once i think it was on channel 4 late night,But they said the same things you said that pakistan container ship to Bosnia with weapons and 2/3 where taken by the croatians.

A former ISI chief Lt Gen Javed Nasir said that that Pakistan defied the United Nations ban on supply of arms to Bosnia and pakistan supplied sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles to the bosnian govt that were air lifted to them by the ISI.
He said that despite the UN ban on supply of arms to the besieged Bosnians, he successfully air lifted sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles which turned the tide in favour of Bosnian Muslims and forced the Serbs to lift the siege, much to the annoyance of the US.
The US threatened Pakistan that it would be declared as a terrorist state, if it did not remove Lt Gen Javed Nasir from the post of the ISI chief.
It was therefore at the behest of the US government's official demand that he was prematurely compulsorily retired from service by the caretaker government of Mir Balkh Sher Mazari on 13 May, 1993.

Pakistan writes off Bosnia's wartime debt
June 16, 2005

Text of report by Bosnia-Hercegovina public radio on 16 June

[Presenter] The one-time affair over Pakistan's loan finally has its denouement. Namely, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has written off its wartime loan to our country to the tune of 20m dollars. This loan, which the public has been unaware of for a long time, was spent on the defence of Bosnia-Hercegovina, former Foreign Minister Haris Silajdzic says. Sanija Saljihi has the report:

[Reporter Saljihi] This is a loan worth 20m dollars which Bosnia-Hercegovina was supposed to give back in 1995. The problem with the Pakistani loan is that nothing was officially known about it until three years ago when that country's ambassador in Sarajevo asked the then members of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency what the chances were that this loan, which the Pakistani government had unilaterally rescheduled, would be returned. Both the state leadership and the public were surprised by the Pakistani loan, signed by the then Foreign Minister Haris Silajdzic.

People speculated for a long time on what had really happened to the goods purchased with the loan, including some 60 expensive Toyota four-wheel-drive vehicles. Some said that an important role in the case was played by Silajdzic's sister Sadzida, the then Bosnia-Hercegovina ambassador to Pakistan. Silajdzic says that the goods that arrived in Bosnia-Hercegovina were pivotal in determining the course of the war.

[Silajdzic] These funds helped us defend ourselves. Sarajevo was defended when it was under attack. When it was supposed to be cut in half by tanks, we received anti-tank rockets that stopped this. The same happened in Bihac when it came under tank attack.

The question now is: who is unhappy about Sarajevo succeeding in defending itself, and about the character of the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina being changed? I don't know that.

[Reporter] Silajdzic sees the writing off of the debt as moral satisfaction and a noble gesture by the Pakistani government and people.

[Silajdzic] The Pakistani people and government demonstrated exceptional nobleness and generosity in those difficult times for Bosnia-Hercegovina. They were our friends. Likewise, now, when they have written off that debt, the government has again demonstrated its nobleness. As far as I'm concerned, I will never forget that.

[Reporter] This should finally wrap up the story about the famous Pakistani loan. But it remains unclear why the Bosnia-Hercegovina authorities have never disclosed precise information on how this loan was spent. Sanija Saljihi reporting for BH Radio 1.

Source: BBC Monitoring / BH Radio 1, Sarajevo


I would also like to add that a lot muslims from the UK went to bosnia,theres a documentary somewhere about it
The two countries that helped out Bosnia the most were Iran and Turkey, and then smaller scale Saudi and Pakistan. The only nation that helped the serbs with their genocide against Bosnians were the greek.
None of you know what you're talking about. I've served with UNPROFOR and there were alot of rumours, alot of it unsubstantiated, and if Pakistan was involved, it was very indirectly. There was no Pak contingent in Bosnia though I cannot speak for mercs but I do know there were no Pak Captains in command of any Bosnian Muslim companies, Pak or otherwise. I cannot speak for platoon level and below but then who cares? The only foreign force known in support of what limited support there was were 3 Iranian RG battalions and they were held back in support.

As for supporting the Serbs, Russia did more than their share as did the Bulgarians ... hell the Slavs gave moral support left, right, and centre. I will say this, the Croats helped the Bosnian Muslims more than all the Muslim countries combined.
None of you know what you're talking about. I've served with UNPROFOR and there were alot of rumours, alot of it unsubstantiated, and if Pakistan was involved, it was very indirectly. There was no Pak contingent in Bosnia though I cannot speak for mercs but I do know there were no Pak Captains in command of any Bosnian Muslim companies, Pak or otherwise. I cannot speak for platoon level and below but then who cares? The only foreign force known in support of what limited support there was were 3 Iranian RG battalions and they were held back in support.

As for supporting the Serbs, Russia did more than their share as did the Bulgarians ... hell the Slavs gave moral support left, right, and centre. I will say this, the Croats helped the Bosnian Muslims more than all the Muslim countries combined.

Bro i am sure that during the bosnian war a large amount of pakistanis went to bosnia to fight,a few where pak army who had shed there uniforms and taken on the roll of mujahdeen.
In 1993, the ISI diverted part of the HUM and the HUJI to Bosnia to assist the Muslims there in their fight against the Serbs. The transfer to Bosnia was funded by the Saudi Intelligence, the arms and ammunition were given by the Iranian Intelligence and the leadership and motivation were provided by serving and retired officers of the ISI and the Turkish intelligence.
Omar Sheikh, the guy arrested for the kidnapping of Daniel Pearl fought in the jihad in bosnia.
Two members of my family served in bosnia with the UN,one was training bosnian mujahdeen....in secret.
The decisive blow against Greater Serbia was delivered by the Bosnian Army's 5th Corps at Bihac, under its commander Gen. Atif Dudakovic.
You are correct when you say that croatia helped more then all the muslim nations put together,thats what my uncle said.
I am just repeating what my uncle told me and i am no expert.

Officers of Enggs is a retired Canadian Colonel with Canadian Enggs. He served in Bosnia as a colonel, which is quite high-ranking. You might send him a PM on your Uncle, he might know him.
None of you know what you're talking about. I've served with UNPROFOR and there were alot of rumours, alot of it unsubstantiated, and if Pakistan was involved, it was very indirectly. There was no Pak contingent in Bosnia though I cannot speak for mercs but I do know there were no Pak Captains in command of any Bosnian Muslim companies, Pak or otherwise. I cannot speak for platoon level and below but then who cares? The only foreign force known in support of what limited support there was were 3 Iranian RG battalions and they were held back in support.

As for supporting the Serbs, Russia did more than their share as did the Bulgarians ... hell the Slavs gave moral support left, right, and centre. I will say this, the Croats helped the Bosnian Muslims more than all the Muslim countries combined.

You are wrong. First of all there was a large Pakistani military contingent comprising 5000 men.
There was also a large group of foriegn Mujahideen with Islamic flag during one of the parades of Bosnian army just after end of the war and US warned Bosnian Muslim govt to remove them and there flag. There were thousands of Arab, Pak and Afghan Mujahideen let alone Iranians, who fought alongside the Bosnian Muslims and gave them a decisive strength, which resulted in hastby West in stopping the war. If you remember perfectly it was the same time when Muslim army had surrounded the Bosnian Serb headquarter of "Pale". Also this was the war in which the Netherland contingent, a part of the UNPROFOR assisted the Bosnian Serbs during the massacre of Serbrenica. As long as the Croats are concerned they also played a big part in massacring muslims. It was the near end of the war when due to the compulsion of UN muslims agreed to share the remaining part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, otherwise I can give you many examples, including city of Mostar.
Care to show us some pictures of the parade

I don't know any picture but it was myself who was listening to the BBC English Service when it was happening there in Bosnia in front of the BBC reporter.
However I have seen many videos of those mujahideen parading and fighting and singing Islamic song in many videos of Bosnian war on some ISlamic websites, I remember one name:
they can be labelled Propaganda and has good chance of being one.
According to most I know, there was never a Pakistani contigent in bosnia, we have UN Lt.Col from canada, and i rather take his word
You are wrong. First of all there was a large Pakistani military contingent comprising 5000 men.
There was also a large group of foriegn Mujahideen with Islamic flag during one of the parades of Bosnian army just after end of the war and US warned Bosnian Muslim govt to remove them and there flag. There were thousands of Arab, Pak and Afghan Mujahideen let alone Iranians, who fought alongside the Bosnian Muslims and gave them a decisive strength, which resulted in hastby West in stopping the war. If you remember perfectly it was the same time when Muslim army had surrounded the Bosnian Serb headquarter of "Pale". Also this was the war in which the Netherland contingent, a part of the UNPROFOR assisted the Bosnian Serbs during the massacre of Serbrenica. As long as the Croats are concerned they also played a big part in massacring muslims. It was the near end of the war when due to the compulsion of UN muslims agreed to share the remaining part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, otherwise I can give you many examples, including city of Mostar.
What comic book are you reading?
I am just repeating what my uncle told me and i am no expert.
I don't doubt there was Pak involvement. The few SAGGER-Ts we found were from Pakistan ... whether they were cheap on the black arms market or someone in Islamabad let some slipped through, I don't know. The question is of what level and what effectiveness. As I stated, I know of no Pak Captains leading combat companies in Bosnia. We have pretty well identified all the major combatant formations at company level and above (there were no 5000 Pak contingent, that's just pure BS).
Honestly I have no clue why this bangladeshi has such facination for Pak forces in very extreme kind of way.

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