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Palestinian Hamas glorifies the Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hamas supports Syria against Israeli attacks​


Sep 15, 2022
Hamas movement follows up on the dangerous developments in the region that may affect the Palestinian people and their just cause, including normalizing ties with the Israeli occupation and the attempts to integrate the Israeli occupation that works hard to control the resources and steal the wealth of the region through creating disputes among the peoples of the region, and targeting the influential parties that reject normalization with the Israeli occupation.
This is happening amid an escalating Israeli aggressive policy against the Palestinian people, land, and Islamic and Christian holy places, especially in Jerusalem which is subjected to the Israeli occupation's plans to Judaize it, displace its residents, and divide its blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque spatially and temporally. Additionally, these violations take place in light of growing colonial settlement expansion and the continued Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, turning its back on the Palestinian people’s rights and trying to liquidate the Palestinian cause in favor of its colonial project.

The movement is also concerned about the continued Israeli attacks on the brotherly country of Syria, including bombardment, killing, and plans to divide the country and abolish its historical responsibility toward the Palestinian cause. As Syria has been supporting the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance factions for decades, we should side with it amid the continued Israeli aggression.

We, in Hamas movement, state the following:
1- Hamas condemns the repeated Israeli offensives against Syria, especially Damascus and Aleppo airports and confirms its support for Syria in the face of the Israeli aggression.
2- We appreciate the Syrian leadership and people for supporting the Palestinian people and their just cause. We look forward to the day when Syria restores its leading position in the Arab and Islamic Ummah. Hamas supports all sincere efforts aimed to achieve peace, stability, and prosperity in Syria.
3- Hamas reiterates its position toward the unity of Syria, and rejects any effort that would divide the country.
4- We support our Ummah in the face of the Israeli malicious plans intended to divide the country and steal its resources. We, at the national, Arab, and Islamic levels, are united in the face of the Israeli schemes against Syria.
5- Hamas calls for ending the disputes in the Ummah and achieving reconciliation among the nations and countries, thus serving the collective interests of the Ummah.
6- Hamas confirms its unwavering stance about building up strong ties with the Arab and Islamic Ummah and all supporters of the Palestinian cause. Hamas confirms that it goes ahead with its decision to restore ties with the Syrian Arab Republic to serve the interest of the Arab and Islamic Ummah, above all the Palestinian cause, especially in light of the escalating regional and international developments concerning the Palestinian cause.

So do I get this right? 10 years ago, it was like this:


And now, suddenly, out of nowhere, Syria under Bashar Al-Assad is the leader of the Arab and Islamic Ummah!!!!!

Isn't this nice?!!

Isn't this beautiful?!!!

Hamas supports Syria against Israeli attacks​


Sep 15, 2022
Hamas movement follows up on the dangerous developments in the region that may affect the Palestinian people and their just cause, including normalizing ties with the Israeli occupation and the attempts to integrate the Israeli occupation that works hard to control the resources and steal the wealth of the region through creating disputes among the peoples of the region, and targeting the influential parties that reject normalization with the Israeli occupation.
This is happening amid an escalating Israeli aggressive policy against the Palestinian people, land, and Islamic and Christian holy places, especially in Jerusalem which is subjected to the Israeli occupation's plans to Judaize it, displace its residents, and divide its blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque spatially and temporally. Additionally, these violations take place in light of growing colonial settlement expansion and the continued Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, turning its back on the Palestinian people’s rights and trying to liquidate the Palestinian cause in favor of its colonial project.

The movement is also concerned about the continued Israeli attacks on the brotherly country of Syria, including bombardment, killing, and plans to divide the country and abolish its historical responsibility toward the Palestinian cause. As Syria has been supporting the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance factions for decades, we should side with it amid the continued Israeli aggression.

We, in Hamas movement, state the following:
1- Hamas condemns the repeated Israeli offensives against Syria, especially Damascus and Aleppo airports and confirms its support for Syria in the face of the Israeli aggression.
2- We appreciate the Syrian leadership and people for supporting the Palestinian people and their just cause. We look forward to the day when Syria restores its leading position in the Arab and Islamic Ummah. Hamas supports all sincere efforts aimed to achieve peace, stability, and prosperity in Syria.
3- Hamas reiterates its position toward the unity of Syria, and rejects any effort that would divide the country.
4- We support our Ummah in the face of the Israeli malicious plans intended to divide the country and steal its resources. We, at the national, Arab, and Islamic levels, are united in the face of the Israeli schemes against Syria.
5- Hamas calls for ending the disputes in the Ummah and achieving reconciliation among the nations and countries, thus serving the collective interests of the Ummah.
6- Hamas confirms its unwavering stance about building up strong ties with the Arab and Islamic Ummah and all supporters of the Palestinian cause. Hamas confirms that it goes ahead with its decision to restore ties with the Syrian Arab Republic to serve the interest of the Arab and Islamic Ummah, above all the Palestinian cause, especially in light of the escalating regional and international developments concerning the Palestinian cause.

So do I get this right? 10 years ago, it was like this:


And now, suddenly, out of nowhere, Syria under Bashar Al-Assad is the leader of the Arab and Islamic Ummah!!!!!

Isn't this nice?!!

Isn't this beautiful?!!!

This proves one thing, these Islamic groups are not loyal to Islam but to themselves and dunya. Syria always supported Palestine but when these groups thought Syrian government will be defeated they joined the opposition to support their removal. Now Hamas and co are getting cold shoulder from Saudi, Egypt etc so they're changing sides again. Who would be naive to sacrifice their country/army for these people. I feel disappointed.

If they're with you then it's for Islam and If they go against you its for Islam, they keep playing dirty politics but use Islam as a political weapon, same way some nations use freedom, human rights to wage wars on others.
Lol, so called saviors of Palestinians and fighters against Israeli occupation supporting a Alawite regime killing sunnis. Make up your mind folks, these guys dont morally care about who they ally with. Why should we?
This proves one thing, these Islamic groups are not loyal to Islam but to themselves and dunya. Syria always supported Palestine but when these groups thought Syrian government will be defeated they joined the opposition to support their removal. Now Hamas and co are getting cold shoulder from Saudi, Egypt etc so they're changing sides again. Who would be naive to sacrifice their country/army for these people. I feel disappointed.

If they're with you then it's for Islam and If they go against you its for Islam, they keep playing dirty politics but use Islam as a political weapon, same way some nations use freedom, human rights to wage wars on others.
Hamas is incredibly hypocritical and scummy. Never forget that Israel used Hamas to get rid of PLO(Palestinian Liberation Organization).
LOL , Hamas, more like leech
as if people ever forget what they did

Palestinian political analyst Naji Sharab described the Hamas statement that expressed support for Syria as a “clear and frank apology” to the Assad regime.

“The statement represents a clear retreat by Hamas from its previous position and even from the general stance of the Muslim Brotherhood organization,” Sharab told the Palestinian newspaper Al-Quds.

Isn't this nice?!!

A Palestinian Authority official claimed that the Hamas decision to restore its ties with the Assad regime was taken under pressure from Iran.

“The Iranians threatened to halt funding to Hamas,” the official said.

I don't understand this. Why is Hamas afraid to lose Irans support?! Is it because they know that they are nothing without Iran, that everything, absolutely everything they are, can and have is because of Iranian Support?! Is it because Hamas knows that without Iran they will go back to throwing stones and rocks at Israelis?!
Whomever delivers me Homajon's location and address shall have 5 concubines.

Bring him to me alive and you'll get 10.

Didn't Hamas look up to this guy? And didn't this guy heavily curse the hero Assad, Iran, Hezbollah and all the Shiites?

This must be a heavy loss for Hamas....I deeply, deeply feel their pain right now, I resonate with their pain....my heart is broken!!!

Didn't Hamas look up to this guy? And didn't this guy heavily curse the hero Assad, Iran, Hezbollah and all the Shiites?

This must be a heavy loss for Hamas....I deeply, deeply feel their pain right now, I resonate with their pain....my heart is broken!!!
I think the only one in pain is you. You've been waiting for years for Hamas's downfall and instead they lobbed a 130 rockets on Tel Aviv in one going. While Hezbollah and Iran rats scared to fire one missile at Israel, lol.
I think the only one in pain is you. You've been waiting for years for Hamas's downfall and instead they lobbed a 130 rockets on Tel Aviv in one going. While Hezbollah and Iran rats scared to fire one missile at Israel, lol.
So what's your take on Hamas restoring ties with Assad's Syria?
Whomever delivers me Homajon's location and address shall have 5 concubines.

Bring him to me alive and you'll get 10.

two very important question left out .
they will be Arab Concubine or American concubine ?
what's your address to deliver him to you :police::sniper: ?

lol its not iranian free as IRIB have reporters and branches there .
Its not zionist free as whenever their commondo like they enter and kill some palestinian and their air force use it as trainng ground for young cadetes

I think the only one in pain is you. You've been waiting for years for Hamas's downfall and instead they lobbed a 130 rockets on Tel Aviv in one going. While Hezbollah and Iran rats scared to fire one missile at Israel, lol.
the last time i checked they left islamic Jihad alone to fend Gaza and they themselves crept into some ??? hole

So what's your take on Hamas restoring ties with Assad's Syria?
they ran out of money as the Persian gulf arab brothers left them to dry again.
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lol its not iranian free as IRIB have reporters and branches there .
Local reporters.
Its not zionist free as whenever their commondo like they enter and kill some palestinian and their air force use it as trainng ground for young cadetes
Yeah, no, it's Druze Arabs who got in when Palestinian authority took over Gaza border crossings as part of reconcilation deal. We killed and expelled those commandos and took back control of border crossings.

In Iran you actually have much bigger problem with that. They are regularly openly operating there.
the last time i checked they left islamic Jihad alone to fend Gaza and they themselves crept into some ??? hole
You are dumb, Islamic Jihad is one who asked Hamas not to get involved in early stages of battle. Hamas was involved behind the scenes. It was good live exercise for Islamic Jihad members to test of their revamped commutations and coordination network. And to justify to Palestinian public it's existence as a military organization. While managing to not get Gaza dragged into all out conflict.

Not to mention they get from us complete permission to respond to Israeli violations in West Bank , despite us knowing they are not capable of dealing the enemy blows. It's much better than how your Shia proxies can't even get permission to fire one rocket at Israel.

All while Israel triggered the conflict likely to strike Hamas strategic project in making which will enable much more efficient fire power in coming round(which you won't be part of , once again, just looking up to Holy Hamas while claiming to be some courageous descendants of Ahyul AlBayt):

The channel said that "the step aims to launch hundreds of rockets into the interior daily for a whole month," noting that "Hamas movement owns 10,000 rockets, and it is expected that half of them will be placed in the aforementioned area."

She pointed out that "the missile belt is located in an open area in which it is easy to operate, far from the population, along the entire Gaza Strip from north to south, and the missiles are controlled remotely," noting that "one of the reasons why Hamas did not enter the last military confrontation early last week, The movement is not finished with this belt."

they ran out of money as the Persian gulf arab brothers left them to dry again.
Yeah, no, we hardly get any funds from you. Relationship is political in nature. And all funds to Gaza go straight to UN and internationally led development projects in which Hamas has no access to. Hamas's military budget is 90% from local taxation and popular support. The ones that ran out of money is Iran and asked US to unfreeze some assets and asked UAE, India , and China for investments. We can say you are money slaves with your childish thinking.

You are dryed up at the moment so back and get some cash from daddy USA :

Iran Wants Money, Not Exchange of Prisoners With US, Sources Say​

So what's your take on Hamas restoring ties with Assad's Syria?
You're asking me for my personal take on the Syrian conflict or about Hamas restoring ties with Assad regime? What you want for Syria is different than what I want. You just have to accept that. So no point of even discussing with you.
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