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Partition of india and the Hindu Right


Mar 18, 2006
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Tuesday, May 02, 2006javascript:; http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/print.asp?page=2006\05\02\story_2-5-2006_pg3_2
COMMENT: The partition of India and the Hindu Right —Ishtiaq Ahmed
Individual Hindus as well as Muslims had talked of separate nationhood since the late 19th century but the first notable demand for the division of India on a religious basis was made by Hindus in the Punjab in the 1920s. Among prominent Muslims the first to demand a separate Muslim state was Allama Iqbal

Historians and social scientists continue to debate the causes that led to the partition of India. Not surprisingly, the blame game has focused upon the two main antagonists — the Indian National Congress and the All-India Muslim League. A clash-of-personalities theory has also been offered by scholars emphasising the ambitions of Nehru and Jinnah coupled with Gandhi’s inability to take a clear stand on important issues as the core reasons for the subcontinent’s division. Some other writers identify the British imperial policy of divide-and-rule as the crucial factor behind the partition. In this article, I shall assess the role the Hindu Right played in deepening divisions between Hindus and Muslims, thus setting the stage for the partition drama.

It is impossible to fix a particular date when the Hindu Right made its political debut, but it surely began to organise in reaction to Gandhi’s support of the Khilafat Movement, which the Indian Muslims had launched to protest the dismemberment of the Ottoman Caliphate after World War I.

In 1923 the Hindu Mahasabha (founded 1915) leader Vinayak Damodar Sarvarkar threw up the idea of “Hindutva” — an ethno-cultural concept purporting to bring all Hindus into a “communitarian” fold. Non-Hindu Indians were urged to accept a Hindu cultural identity and declare that their prime loyalty was to India.

Individual Hindus as well as Muslims had talked of separate nationhood since the late 19th century but the first notable demand for the division of India on a religious basis was made by Hindus in the Punjab in the 1920s. Among prominent Muslims the first to demand a separate Muslim state was Allama Iqbal, who took up the issue at the annual session of the Muslim League in Allahabad in 1930. Only a year earlier, the Indian National Congress at Lahore had demanded independence for an undivided India.

It is important to point out that until the mid-1930s separatist ideas from both Hindu and Muslim sources remained marginal and nobody took much notice of them. The 1930 (Allahabad) session of the Muslim League, for example, was so poorly attended that the organisers had to run around town to bring people to meet the quorum requirement (75) to adopt the resolutions.

The stage for broad-based electoral politics was set by the Government of India Act of 1935. The 1936 elections resulted in a victory for Congress in six provinces and for regional parties elsewhere. The Muslim League did very poorly in the Muslim-majority provinces. The Congress then blundered by not extending a generous hand towards the Muslim League.

It was in these circumstances that Madhav Saashiv Gowalkar, the leader of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS, founded in 1925) made a most provocative statement in 1938: “The foreign races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language — [they] must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no ideas but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture... or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment not — even citizen’s rights (We. Our Nationhood Defined, Delhi, 1993, pp 55-56).

The RSS adopted a semi-military style of organisation to instil “martial arts” among Hindus. Both the Hindu Mahasabha and RSS looked upon Muslims as the main threat to Indian unity. Conversions to Islam — as well as Christianity — were viewed with dismay. The Hindu Right held in admiration Hilter’s Nazi ideology and particularly liked the idea of purging Germany of Jews. It wanted to similarly rid India of the Muslim and Christian menace. Gowalkar writes:

“To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races — the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by.” (Ibid, p 43)

Fascistic ideas gained ground among some Muslim groups too. Military drill and strict discipline were introduced by the militant Khaksar movement founded in the Punjab by Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashraqi in 1931. Ideologically, the Khaksars wanted to establish an Islamic state all over India. In practice, they remained anti-British rather than anti-Hindu or -Sikh.

Another radical Islamic movement, the Majlis-e-Ahrar, founded in 1929 in the Punjab was loudly anti-British and a close ally of the Congress. It had a fairly large membership throughout the Punjab. The Ahrar never supported the division of India. Also, the Deoband ulema remained loyal to the Congress.

The Muslim League’s demand for a separate state assumed a mass character only in 1940 when the Lahore resolution was passed in an open public meeting. Thereafter the march towards a separate state became the main goal of the Muslim League which till 1936 had been no more than a party of the Muslim gentry seeking protection of their interests in a decentralised but united India.

The only party that remained committed to a secular, democratic and united India was the Congress. When India did break up finally in mid-August 1947 the Hindu Right started blaming not only the Muslims but also Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru for the “vivisection of the motherland”. It wanted to drive all Muslims out of India. The near anarchy prevailing in those days made possible a genocide or ethnic cleansing of the Muslim minority in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and southern India where their presence was limited to very small numbers.

At that historical juncture, Gandhi, Nehru and other decent leaders of the Congress and the Communist Party became a bulwark against the Hindu fascists so that the latter’s wish to inflict on the Muslims of India the fate Hitler had imposed on the Jews did not materialise. During the partition riots the RSS was complicit in terrorism against Muslims all over India.

The author is an associate professor of political science at Stockholm University. He is the author of two books. His email address is Ishtiaq.Ahmed@statsvet.su.se
I think its a pretty balanced editorial. This confirms the two-nation theory and proves the need for a separate nation state for the 150 million moslems of HINDUStan who remain under the constant threat of genocide by the fanatic extremist hindus (RSS).
RAPTOR said:
I think its a pretty balanced editorial. This confirms the two-nation theory and proves the need for a separate nation state for the 150 million moslems of HINDUStan who remain under the constant threat of genocide by the fanatic extremist hindus (RSS).
That separate nation was created in the form of Pakistan in 1947, incase you were not aware of this fact.
sword9 said:
That separate nation was created in the form of Pakistan in 1947, incase you were not aware of this fact.

Sword we are well aware its time for you to accept the fact and this separate nation created in 1947 as a reality.
Jana said:
Sword we are well aware its time for you to accept the fact and this separate nation created in 1947 as a reality.
I have no problems with reality. My comments were for Raptor's remark. The Partition in 1947 created a separate nation for the sub-continental muslims. Period.
Those who (muslims) remained back in India for whatever reason, have to live in the secular society so created in India (inspite of its short comings). If they are unhappy, they are free to change their decision and migrate to Pakistan that was created for their welfare. They have the choice of a Bengali nation in the east or an urdu speaking nation in the west, or they can migrate to the west (as most of them including many sub-continentals do).
sword9 said:
I have no problems with reality. My comments were for Raptor's remark. The Partition in 1947 created a separate nation for the sub-continental muslims. Period.
Those who (muslims) remained back in India for whatever reason, have to live in the secular society so created in India (inspite of its short comings). If they are unhappy, they are free to change their decision and migrate to Pakistan that was created for their welfare. They have the choice of a Bengali nation in the east or an urdu speaking nation in the west, or they can migrate to the west (as most of them including many sub-continentals do).

That was 60 years ago...this is NOW! The moslems and sikhs need a separate state to call their own. They are being targeted by extremist fanatic hindus every other day. It time to make a demand for a Moslem State in the western part of HINDUStan stretching from Kashmir to Gujrat for the 190 million Moslems and Sikhs stuck in a dangerous HINDUStan.
Modi tried to raze Gujarat mini-Babri
- By Deepal Trevedie

Ahmedabad, May 2: The Baroda Municipal Corporation did not heed a compromise formula offered by the caretakers of the dargah of Sufi saint Syed Rashiuddin Chisti and simply went ahead with the demolition of the structure because the local BJP leaders were keen to see this "mini-Babri Masjid" completely destroyed.
Mr Gani Qureshi, the BJP’s only prominent Muslim face in Baroda who also heads its minority cell, admitted in an exclusive interview to this newspaper that "the demolition of this dargah is a very well planned conspiracy. The municipal corporation authorities had promised us that it would not be demolished. We were working upon a compromise formula, but they backed out and simply razed it." Though the Baroda Municipal Corporation maintains that the dargah, which Muslims believe is of the Sufi saint Syed Rashiuddin Chisti, was razed just because it was an encroachment, Mr Qureshi said "this is untrue".
Baroda mayor Sunil Solanki claimed this dargah was "nothing special. It was just an encroachment, like many others. We have also razed 18 Hindu religious structures. There were protests even then. However, when the dargah was razed, the protest turned violent."
However, while the civic authority says the dargah was an encroachment, evidence proves that it was registered in 1912 in the first city survey carried out by Sayajirao Maharaj in Baroda.
"Though this dargah is on record only since 1912, it was at least 385 years old. There was no trust involved. It was a public thing. Of late, the Karim Mansuri Samaj used to give funds. This was not just a Muslim thing. The daily diya and daily expenditure were borne by Hindus. The Ranchhodbhai Masala family has been pouring in funds for at least 75 years, generation after generation. I don’t understand how the municipal corporation calls it a plain encroachment," Mr Qureshi said.
The dargah was considered a mini-Babri Masjid and the BJP had designs on this structure for a long time, said eminent human rights activist Prof. J.S. Bandukwala. "The encroachment angle is unpalatable. The demolition has plain political reasons. This was a move to excite Muslims. As the dargah was demolished, BJP leaders cheered the corporation staffers and shouted slogans. This is a curtain-raiser to the 2007 Assembly elections in Gujarat," Prof. Bandukwala told this newspaper.
A BJP MLA in Baroda known to be in the anti-Modi camp claimed that "though Mr Modi has been trying hard, he cannot win the elections on the development plank. This will serve him as handy. Polarisation of votes has begun in Gujarat. Mr Modi wants to repeat Godhra."
Almost every eminent citizen of Baroda swears that the dargah has always been there "ever since our birth". However, mayor Sunil Solanki claims there are no records that prove the dargah is as old as believed. "If they claim that the dargah is 385 years old, why is it not a heritage monument? Why were no representations ever made to include it in the heritage category?"
Mr Gani Qureshi argued that the dargah was very much part of Baroda and its culture. Prof. Bandukwala said that ever since the 1969 riots attempts were made by Hindu fundamentalists to demolish this dargah.
Mr Qureshi admits that stray attacks were made in every communal riot to damage the dargah, but the damage was always insignificant. "However. this time they took the unfortunate decision of simply razing it without heeding our sentiments."
Mr Sunil Solanki claims the Baroda Municipal Corporation made very "generous offers" to shift the dargah, but the community leaders were adamant. "We served them notice and gave them three days. The demolition is a part of our development scheme. It has no communal undertones," Mr Solanki said.
However, Mr Gani Qureshi, who said he is in a tight spot since he happens to be a Muslim and with the BJP, stressed that "a dargah is not like a Hindu structure. We bury people there. How is shifting possible?" Prof. Bandukwala agreed that the corporation always wanted to demolish this dargah and was not really open to any compromise. "The community leaders were even ready to cut down the size of the dargah by half. And, more importantly, why were no negotiations initiated in this regard," Prof. Bandukwala said, adding, "This was a mini-Babri Masjid. And they demolished it."

RAPTOR said:
That was 60 years ago...this is NOW! The moslems and sikhs need a separate state to call their own. They are being targeted by extremist fanatic hindus every other day.
Leave the Sikhs out, as they will never be part of your game plan. The days of the Bhindranwale gangs are over and done with. You know very little of Sikh culture and religion and hence you make that statement.
It time to make a demand for a Moslem State in the western part of HINDUStan stretching from Kashmir to Gujrat for the 190 million Moslems and Sikhs stuck in a dangerous HINDUStan.
That is an untenable demand. If the muslims want a muslim country then the have to migrate to Pakistan that was created for this purpose.
FYI, if the Sikhs try to establish the erstwhile Khalsa empire then you should be very worried. The Khalsa empire included most of today's Pakistani Punjab and Kashmir. Map - http://orbat.com/site/maps/india/india/ranjit_singh.jpg
RAPTOR said:
That was 60 years ago...this is NOW! The moslems and sikhs need a separate state to call their own. They are being targeted by extremist fanatic hindus every other day. It time to make a demand for a Moslem State in the western part of HINDUStan stretching from Kashmir to Gujrat for the 190 million Moslems and Sikhs stuck in a dangerous HINDUStan.

Why are you not inviting them to your land? after all you are so bothered and caring.
Violence flares anew in western India town hit by religious rioting

3 May 2006

AHMADABAD, India - Violence flared again on Wednesday in a western Indian town as another death pushed the death toll in three days of rioting between Hindus and Muslims to seven, media reports said.
Mobs surrounded a car and set it on fire overnight, killing a man in Vadodara town in Gujarat state while at least two other men were injured when rioters pelted rival groups with stones, state-run All India Radio said Wednesday.
The charred remains of the man were retrieved by the police early Wednesday, the radio station said.
The federal government on Wednesday announced that it was sending additional paramilitary troops to control the violence that erupted in Vadodara on Monday after authorities tried to demolish a small Muslim shrine.
The shrine, which was torn down, was destroyed as part of a drive to remove religious structures - be they Hindu or Muslim - that obstruct the flow of traffic, officials have said.
Four people died after being shot by police trying to stop the violence, and two others died from stab wounds sustained during the rioting that broke out when municipal teams reached the site to start the demolition.
Police re-imposed curfew in at least six neighborhoods of the city early Wednesday after mobs of Hindus and Muslims were spotted on the streets, the radio station said.
Vadodara and other Gujarat towns witnessed intense religious riots in 2002 in which some 1,000 Muslims were killed. The state government, headed by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, was widely accused of looking the other way and doing little to prevent the rioting.
RAPTOR said:
The shrine, which was torn down, was destroyed as part of a drive to remove religious structures - be they Hindu or Muslim - that obstruct the flow of traffic, officials have said..

Exaclty, and the death on the first day was not due to hindu - muslim rioting but bcoz of police firing.
RAPTOR said:
That was 60 years ago...this is NOW! The moslems and sikhs need a separate state to call their own. They are being targeted by extremist fanatic hindus every other day. It time to make a demand for a Moslem State in the western part of HINDUStan stretching from Kashmir to Gujrat for the 190 million Moslems and Sikhs stuck in a dangerous HINDUStan.

I'm sure India would be more than glad to send them over to PAKIstan...;)

Admin Edit: Cut the crap, if he has a low level of maturity to discuss that doesn't mean you go down to his level.
JSK said:
I'm sure India would be more than glad to send them over to PAKIstan...;)
That is an incorrect assumption, I refuse to allow the muslim chefs/cooks to leave India.;)
sword9 said:
I have no problems with reality. My comments were for Raptor's remark. The Partition in 1947 created a separate nation for the sub-continental muslims. Period.
Those who (muslims) remained back in India for whatever reason, have to live in the secular society so created in India (inspite of its short comings). If they are unhappy, they are free to change their decision and migrate to Pakistan that was created for their welfare. They have the choice of a Bengali nation in the east or an urdu speaking nation in the west, or they can migrate to the west (as most of them including many sub-continentals do).
Are you the an advisor to Modi ?? ... :bunny:
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