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Partitioning of Afghanistan and the creation of Pashtunistan: Ex-US War Adviser


Feb 9, 2010
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Ex-US War Adviser Robert Blackwell says current strategy is expensive and bound to be unsuccessful. He advocates partitioning Afghanistan by handing the control of Pashtun areas to the Afghan Taliban, creating Pashtunistan, and maintaining long-term US troops presence in the non-Pashtun areas in Afghanistan. He acknowledges there could be a danger of this fueling the secession of KP (i.e. the break-up of Pakistan), and that it will be the problem of Pakistan Army to deal with, as they are the ones encouraging the Taliban resistance currently. Also, he says more of the Al-Qaida is in Pakistan than in Afghanistan and that it is the Pakistani Taliban that poses the danger and terror threat to the outside world like Al-Qaida, not the Afghan Taliban.

Anyone think this strategy will be implemented? And is there any remote possibility of the opposite taking place: the Afghan Pashtun areas deciding to join as a province of Pakistan, becoming merged with KP instead of wanting the accession of KP?

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We can use a new province .......Nothing going out of Pakistan thats for sure....I wonder if Karzai is ready to let go 40% of his country.....
No way why would anybody consider those back stabbing,non grateful criminals to be a part of Pakistan.Our Pashtuns are good people extremely loyal to Pakistan but the same cannot be said about their cousins in Afghanistan who are only loyal to money.
I just finished the video......BabaG is just out of his mind.....Sitting in US and trying to talk as he knows everything.....

In other words....BabaG sathiya gaye ney....
And then other tribes also wants different country / regions on their names...after that they will start fighting for small part of land on their border..
To fight they need weapons and "expertise" .. USA will get more customers for only remaining big industry in country... Wow.... it is called business strategy...
The Uzbek and the Hazaras wont have it at any cost..
plus our dealings with Afghanistan have bought us nothing but devastation and destruction.. and our establishment in its foolish need for strategic depth has literally destroyed the very foundations this country was built on.
Maybe if they had tried Iran instead of Afghanistan for strategic depth it would have been better.. and had thought of using the VAST area of Balochistan as strategic depth.. inducing development there so that by now there would be a vast network of roads and rail in Baluchistan.. multiple cities and garrisons.. you have all the strategic depth you need.
Even if a large swath of Punjab was lost to an onslaught.. there would have been a large area to regroup in.. and Id be damned if any Indian ever made it past the attock bridge alive.. they would be slaughtered in the terrain.. it doesn't favor Invading armies.
Yet..we are blessed with plentiful idiots in our nations.. and somehow its always the idiots taking the decisions at every level.

Instead of doing the deal with the devil in Baluchistan and keeping quiet early on with the Sardar's.. we could have now had a very developed section in that area..
No way why would anybody consider those back stabbing,non grateful criminals to be a part of Pakistan.Our Pashtuns are good people extremely loyal to Pakistan but the same cannot be said about their cousins in Afghanistan who are only loyal to money.

the Pashtuns in Afghanistan have no representation at all.....it sure doesn't help when the people REALLY calling the shots at this time choose to ignore this reality

apart from pure nationalism and being adament to foreign boots on their soil, it seems that the Pashtuns who do go to taleban do it simply for representation. This is just human nature.

you CANNOT have a stable Afghanistan when there is such an environment of graft; when the Pashtuns who represent half the population have no say --and in fact feel that there is some kind of witch-hunt against them. That is why the majority NON-PASHTUN ''national army'' has such a high failure rate in areas dominated by Pashtuns.

Similar to how the foreign forces completely alienated Baathists in Iraq (civilian & military) --I feel a similar mistake was made in Afghanistan. It would have made more sense from the very beginning to push for reforms that bind the nation together....''de-factionalizing'' and holding the drug/warlords accountable for their anti-social behaviour

the creation of a seperate Pashtun state wouldnt even accomplish anything....the issues wouldnt go away. It's better (and from a business standpoint --desirable) to have Afghanistan remain intact.

However, it is obvious that they need better leaders (like Pakistan). An aide of Karzai was heard on wiretap accepting bribes during recent Afghan elections; he was reprimanded and jailed and Karzai personally intervened to have him released; Karzai's own brother is involved in the drug trade.

Things like this make one shudder; Pakistan being a stake-holder in this problem need to clearly state its objectives and goals. A prosperous and stable Afghanistan is in our interests --keeping in mind that the use of Afghan soil to wage anti-Pakistani operations is not only unacceptable --it is not at all an advisable strategy and would lead to undesired repercussions.
The Uzbek and the Hazaras wont have it at any cost..

U mean the Northern alliance? try a new non pushtun country for N.A..Its not them the pushtuns wont have it at any cost.They consider Afghanistan to be there rightful country and N.A people are considered...

plus our dealings with Afghanistan have bought us nothing but devastation and destruction..


and our establishment in its foolish need for strategic depth has literally destroyed the very foundations this country was built on.

Kindly understand wat stategic depth is then coment about it..... By stategeic depth = A PRO PAKISTAN AFGHANISTAN! A friendly country just like china which may even have a lil bit of influence...its not foolishness its intell... but the tide turned after US invasion tht we had never expected.

Maybe if they had tried Iran instead of Afghanistan for strategic depth it would have been better..

Again...understand wat stategic depth really is.
and had thought of using the VAST area of Balochistan as strategic depth.. inducing development there so that by now there would be a vast network of roads and rail in Baluchistan.. multiple cities and garrisons.. you have all the strategic depth you need.

The term stategic depth cant be applied to ones own province.
Though ur correct abt the development.

Even if a large swath of Punjab was lost to an onslaught.. there would have been a large area to regroup in..

And id be damned to hell for eternal life if tht happens.

and Id be damned if any Indian ever made it past the attock bridge alive.. they would be slaughtered in the terrain.. it doesn't favor Invading armies.
In tht sence i doubt if anyone can capture kalar kahar or pothohar plateu.

Yet..we are blessed with plentiful idiots in our nations.. and somehow its always the idiots taking the decisions at every level.
Instead of doing the deal with the devil in Baluchistan and keeping quiet early on with the Sardar's.. we could have now had a very developed section in that area..

No way man. This is pathetic. Stupid old man gets to the conclusion so fast, "Partition of Afghanistan and creation of Pahstunistan."

And as for Pakistani Pashtuns, we are better off with Pakistan, heck no we don't want to go back to stone age. No Thanks.
I don’t know where I heard all about it but I heard it a while back about this move, now they are urging to do it. If I am wrong please correct me, If any of respectable member can recall a new world map leaked out from US Naval War College in last decades.... as per that map this region was planned though what they are conspiring now. The change in name of NWFP into Pakhtoonkhwa name is an attempt to confuse the people on behalf of ethnicity.... They are weeding the seed of ethnicity into people to divide them. History of Peshawar (Capital City of KPK) is more than 5000years old. The people living use to speak Hindko then migrated tribes from certain regions and from Afghanistan penetrated into capital city and main business hub of the region and they overcome the actual population of Peshawar. This is how Pushto become the a major language of Peshawar and other major cities “Haripur, Abbotabad, Kohat.
Something very bad is cooking inside and from long time, But may God with us

Long Live Pakistan

Pakistan Zindabad

U mean the Northern alliance? try a new non pushtun country for N.A..Its not them the pushtuns wont have it at any cost.They consider Afghanistan to be there rightful country and N.A people are considered...


Kindly understand wat stategic depth is then coment about it..... By stategeic depth = A PRO PAKISTAN AFGHANISTAN! A friendly country just like china which may even have a lil bit of influence...its not foolishness its intell... but the tide turned after US invasion tht we had never expected.

Again...understand wat stategic depth really is.

The term stategic depth cant be applied to ones own province.
Though ur correct abt the development.

And id be damned to hell for eternal life if tht happens.

In tht sence i doubt if anyone can capture kalar kahar or pothohar plateu.



kindly read about strategic blunders.. then comment about my post.
I think the strategy is workable with the cooperation of Iran. Nothing can be taken out of Pakistan that’s for sure. What we can have by this is the Afghan Pashtun areas which should be the part of Pakistan. Let Iran deal with the Persian speaking population of Afghanistan

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