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Pathetic Indian Police- FBI analysis of 26/11

Even though I agree with some of the guys here that our police men were under armed compared to terrorists so they could not take them on I still feel that this is not a good enuf reason to run away from ur sense of duty. How did they think the UNARMED civilians were gonna tackle the terrorists when the police left the civilians at the mercy of the terrorists

May be it is easier to just type sitting on a computer but I feel that I will prefer death to leaving my fellow country men in distress. and I get my inspiration from our own history .remember the battle of saragarhi where 21 Indian soldiers took on 10000 afghans and battle of longowal etc. Even though one is army and one is police ,the common thing between them is the overwhelming odds that they stood against to save our nation from disgrace.
@ Joe Shearer


I am a very young guy..almost a third of your age..my intention was not of hurting anyones sentiments..but couldnt control the frustrations i have with the police force.

I have not done anything worthy enough to be respected and i didnt brag about my defence background.

I know i have taken it too far and cannot be pardoned..but i still sincerely apologize and knowing that you are so aged...i m really regreting what i said...afterall i am nothing in front of your knowledge and experience.

This is a forum sir..that too on the net.People always dont reply in the right manner...so i request you to not take anything so seriously.

Again i apologise sir..i know you wont pardon me but it will lower the burden on my heart.
Dear Sir,

Thank you for sticking to your stand. It was unfortunate that an impression was created earlier that only one of us was making immature and silly comments on the performance of people whose position they were not able to judge through personal experience.

Even though I agree with some of the guys here that our police men were under armed compared to terrorists so they could not take them on I still feel that this is not a good enuf reason to run away from ur sense of duty. How did they think the UNARMED civilians were gonna tackle the terrorists when the police left the civilians at the mercy of the terrorists

Since it is apparent that you do not know the difference, a policeman is an unarmed civilian.

Under the regulations under which they operate, you will be further interested to know, they are not permitted to carry firearms except as per the express order of the DG & IGP of their state, or of the equivalent Commissioner of Police.

Very specific numbers of policemen are allowed to bear arms, under express authority only.

They are not permitted to open fire except under the orders of a Magistrate. That is why the City Commissioner and a few, a very few other officers are designated JP; they are IPS, JP, because that gives them the authority to order firing without waiting for a magistrate's order. This has subsequently changed; I understand that by ordinance, the Commissioner is now allowed to exercise an Executive Magistrate's authority.

Neither a traffic policeman nor a beat policeman receives even rudimentary arms training; that is restricted to the Crime Branch, to the CID. Besides these, there are armed police battalions which are on standby, never on duty on normal days. That was the horrifying part of the Bombay attack: it happened to a perfectly peaceful, unprepared city which had no inkling of terror in the offing.

It is difficult to decide which to applaud more, your ignorance or your condescension.

May be it is easier to just type sitting on a computer

The dilemma is resolved; we are to applaud your brilliant selection of words over both your ignorance and your condescension.

but I feel that I will prefer death to leaving my fellow country men in distress. and I get my inspiration from our own history .remember the battle of saragarhi where 21 Indian soldiers took on 10000 afghans and battle of longowal etc.

Please remind me: what is the distance between Toronto and Saragarhi?

I made the mistake thirty years ago, when I was a pup which knew how to piss but nothing much more, of criticising a Punjabi steel scrap trader for something which in my opinion could have been done better. His answer will live with me forever, and I present it to you for your education, gratis: He had engaged a companion for the night, and was dissatisfied with her performance, and made the mistake of saying so. Her response was to say, "Phir thalle aake hilke dikha de."

Even though one is army and one is police ,the common thing between them is the overwhelming odds that they stood against to save our nation from disgrace.

It is truly appalling to see these criticisms made by those who cannot even make their own present environment safe for India.

Before criticising policemen on duty for their failures against overwhelming odds, could you share with us, briefly, listing only the top 500 items so that it does not tire you, what contributions you have made either to the defence of India, or to the civil defence of India in the last twenty years?


'Joe S.'

@ Joe Shearer


I am a very young guy..almost a third of your age..my intention was not of hurting anyones sentiments..but couldnt control the frustrations i have with the police force.

I have not done anything worthy enough to be respected and i didnt brag about my defence background.

I know i have taken it too far and cannot be pardoned..but i still sincerely apologize and knowing that you are so aged...i m really regreting what i said...afterall i am nothing in front of your knowledge and experience.

This is a forum sir..that too on the net.People always dont reply in the right manner...so i request you to not take anything so seriously.

Again i apologise sir..i know you wont pardon me but it will lower the burden on my heart.


Dear Sir,

You will understand as you get older and wiser, and undoubtedly you will do so, that old people can be as foolish and prone to losses of temper as young people. You were right to say that in a democratic society, there is something called free speech, and you are entitled to exercise it. Perhaps it would be better if I draw back and submit my criticism and objections in a properly argued form, rather than allowing my personal hurt to overwhelm me and let me pass on that hurt to you.

My apologies for the excessive reaction.

Let us debate the matter calmly; you have said a little more than you might have, I have said much more than I might have. Let us go forward to address the problem: how do we tackle highly armed, high-tech terrorists in a low-tech environment like a South Asian city?

well our poltical baboons get Z plus security but you know what these bloody idiotictic baboons never think of upgrading our police forces. if the common police person was equipped in accordance to 21st century standard 26/11 would have been a different story
@ Joe Shearer

Its completely all right SIR.

I have a question too...Mumbai now has Force 1 and NSG too...so i wanted to know incase of a terrorist attack who will go to the scene first and what is the need of both Force 1 and NSG in the same city??
@ Joe Shearer

Its completely all right SIR.

I have a question too...Mumbai now has Force 1 and NSG too...so i wanted to know incase of a terrorist attack who will go to the scene first and what is the need of both Force 1 and NSG in the same city??

A bloody good question.
Dear Sir,

Thank you for sticking to your stand. It was unfortunate that an impression was created earlier that only one of us was making immature and silly comments on the performance of people whose position they were not able to judge through personal experience.

Since it is apparent that you do not know the difference, a policeman is an unarmed civilian.

Under the regulations under which they operate, you will be further interested to know, they are not permitted to carry firearms except as per the express order of the DG & IGP of their state, or of the equivalent Commissioner of Police.

Very specific numbers of policemen are allowed to bear arms, under express authority only.

They are not permitted to open fire except under the orders of a Magistrate. That is why the City Commissioner and a few, a very few other officers are designated JP; they are IPS, JP, because that gives them the authority to order firing without waiting for a magistrate's order. This has subsequently changed; I understand that by ordinance, the Commissioner is now allowed to exercise an Executive Magistrate's authority.

Neither a traffic policeman nor a beat policeman receives even rudimentary arms training; that is restricted to the Crime Branch, to the CID. Besides these, there are armed police battalions which are on standby, never on duty on normal days. That was the horrifying part of the Bombay attack: it happened to a perfectly peaceful, unprepared city which had no inkling of terror in the offing.

It is difficult to decide which to applaud more, your ignorance or your condescension.

The dilemma is resolved; we are to applaud your brilliant selection of words over both your ignorance and your condescension.

Please remind me: what is the distance between Toronto and Saragarhi?

I made the mistake thirty years ago, when I was a pup which knew how to piss but nothing much more, of criticising a Punjabi steel scrap trader for something which in my opinion could have been done better. His answer will live with me forever, and I present it to you for your education, gratis: He had engaged a companion for the night, and was dissatisfied with her performance, and made the mistake of saying so. Her response was to say, "Phir thalle aake hilke dikha de."

It is truly appalling to see these criticisms made by those who cannot even make their own present environment safe for India.

Before criticising policemen on duty for their failures against overwhelming odds, could you share with us, briefly, listing only the top 500 items so that it does not tire you, what contributions you have made either to the defence of India, or to the civil defence of India in the last twenty years?


'Joe S.'


Dear Sir,

You will understand as you get older and wiser, and undoubtedly you will do so, that old people can be as foolish and prone to losses of temper as young people. You were right to say that in a democratic society, there is something called free speech, and you are entitled to exercise it. Perhaps it would be better if I draw back and submit my criticism and objections in a properly argued form, rather than allowing my personal hurt to overwhelm me and let me pass on that hurt to you.

My apologies for the excessive reaction.

Let us debate the matter calmly; you have said a little more than you might have, I have said much more than I might have. Let us go forward to address the problem: how do we tackle highly armed, high-tech terrorists in a low-tech environment like a South Asian city?

u ask me what contribution I have made for the defense of India ,I m sorry to say but the only contribution I have made is to pay my tax (every single penny of it) honestly for the past 10 years. I cannot pick up a weapon and start fighting ,for it is not my job.

Also when u mention that the policeman who bear arms but have to take permission to fire, I m aware of the procedures. But my question to u is if a terrorist is opening fire and killing innocent civilians ,a policeman whose duty is to protect people runs away ,U r saying that the policeman did the right thing?
Tell me sir/other people on this forum if ur own family was at that train station ,will u still defend that policeman? there were other constables who actually performed their duties like the guy who captured Kasab and we should all honor him for his bravery.He was also one of the mumbai police (with similar training). but I CANNOT applaud an act of sheer cowardness.

Also other people ,who feel proud of our police forces kindly read this article. there are some cowards/undeserving people in our police and we cannot applaud them for the same

Policemen were among anti-Sikh rioters in 1984: Witness
PTI, Jul 12, 2010, 08.02pm IST

Tags:police|cops|Sajjan Kumar|Rioters|1984

NEW DELHI: A woman, who lost five of her family members in 1984 anti-Sikh riots, today claimed before a Delhi court trying Congress leader Sajjan Kumar and others that she did not go to the police station after the incident as policemen were among the rioters.

"I did not want to go the police station because the police officials were among the rioters," Jagdish Kaur told Additional Sessions Judge Sunita Gupta.

Recording her statement before the court, she said "I had lost faith in everybody and therefore I did not approach the Chief Minister, Home Minister or any other Minister in Punjab or any other authority."

To a question posed by counsel S A Hashmi, appearing for accused Balwan Khokhar, nephew of Sajjan Kumar, the 69-year-old witness said she came to know about CBI only when they approached her for recording her statement.

The witness, during her cross examination, claimed she saw the mob on the fateful day killing and burning alive of her three brothers Narender Pal, Raghuvinder Singh and Kuldeep Singh, which she had not recorded in her affidavit before different Commissions.

Earlier, before the court could resume proceedings relating to cross examination of witness, senior advocate R S Cheema, appearing for CBI, contended the affidavits and statements filed by the witnesses before Commissions set up under the Commission of Inquiry Act, 1952, could not be used for the purpose of contradicting the testimony of the witnesses.

The arguments of CBI's advocate Cheema was opposed by the counsel for the accused who argued that the statements made before Nanawati and Rangnath Mishra Commissions formed the very basis for registration of the FIR and CBI had relied on those versions.

The court is conducting the trial against Kumar and others on a day-to-day basis.

Kaur had on July 3 identified Kumar and his nephew Khokkar, and other accused Girdhari Lal and Captain Bhagmal as accomplices who had allegedly instigated mobs during the 1984 carnage.

Kaur's family members were killed in the riots that had followed the assassination of Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984.

The cross examination of Kaur remained inconclusive and would resume on July 15.

CBI had filed two chargesheets against Kumar and others on January 13 in the riots cases registered in 2005 on the recommendation of Justice G T Nanavati Commission which inquired into the sequence of events leading to the riots.
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Before calling his comment idiotic try to understand what he is saying .He is saying that if the police deployed in CST behaved in the same way as the constable OMBLe did the situation would have been better .And before talking about the comparison b/w 303 and Ak-47 think about if OMBLE thinks like u we would not have captured KASAb alive .

Yeah kid, I didn't 'understand' what he is trying to say!! But before advocating for others, next time I will advise you to read my post first and then try to understand. lol

Talking about training and equipments is one thing and calling them pathetic and attitude/morality is another thing.

There are not only two idiots and also some other idiots and cowards are present who are ashamed of Indian police.
@ Kinetic

I was criticising their attitude and i didnt call them pathetic.

What attitude you are talking about???? US police has great attitude and Indian police has bad attitude, isn't it??? You are not only an idiot but also a coward.

Now talking about attitude...i dare say that some of them lack manners and dont know how to talk with respect...and its a personal experiencs many times ...so keep posting ur crap..i will feel what i have seen in life..

I can see that you are talking about manners and respects... lol how much respects do you show to your country? Do you know that you are the greatest burden in te soil of India? You people live in India but think about US???? Already applied for Visa??

Real life experience? lol When you are settling in US I would like to see your 'experience' about US police.

.not what some loser tells me to believe in pdf.

Like this....

"Sorry dude if i hurt u in any way..btw my dad was in army..he died in kargil. "


They are so corrupt that once i had an accident...the first thing they talk about is money...if they are getting paid peanuts...should i pay them????

Now many stories will come up. Corrupt? What is you doing??? Living in a AC room on parents money??? Good story though.

Some people have bad experience regarding the Army, so our Army also bad?

Some foreigners have bad experience with India, does that mean India is bad???

I dont have respect for people who come in these cateogary...but i salute the people who do their duty inspite of being badly equipped.

idiot, you simply generalise the all. I would like to see you go to US and get some bump on you back from US and then you will understand than foreign bump is not very sweet compared to desi bump.
kinetic...next time before posting mind your language and post...or be prepared..i was not the first to use bad words against you..but would be the last if you start for sure.

Idiot, you are a looser. I know desi cowards like you and how to face them. Get your bag packed and settle in US.
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Dr Sim next time mind your language when you modifying the title and making such comments against Indian forces.
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Dr Sim next time mind your language when you modify the title and make such comments against Indian forces.

sir, did u go thru my last post? After reading it, do u still feel proud of our police?
venting ur anger on other people is not gonna change any ground realities.
sir, did u go thru my last post? After reading it, do u still feel proud of our police?
venting ur anger on other people is not gonna change any ground realities.

I read it but that doesn't allow us to call Indian police 'pathetic'!!! All of them are not good and nor work properly but that is same for all only forces in India including Indian Army and other govt officials. Should we call all of them pathetic?

Isn't there any bad cop among the police forces of US or UK? Does that make all of them bad? Did you see the situation of police in other countries of this region?

If a foreigner had some bad experiences during his visit to India and starts India-bashing, what do you expect us to do? Should we only let him to do that or should we protest?

Listen, Indian police reflects Indian society and people so we can't blame them, they are doing their best. If we choose some corrupted politicians into power, what can we expect from the police? If leadership is good, so be all.
@ Kinetic

I think you have some mental problem or maybe you are getting f**ked in life...no point in trying to provoke me.. Coz i have already apologised and tried to understand the problem.

And how do you know that i am going to the US...hey i didnt tell your gf that last night..i swear!

Regarding my fathers death...you are already showing how much you respect everyone...people like you can talk hiding behind the computer screen...try telling me this face to face and see if i am a coward or not.

People with an IQ of over 100 should only be allowed here...you cant understand what a debate is.
Yeah kid, I didn't 'understand' what he is trying to say!! But before advocating for others, next time I will advise you to read my post first and then try to understand. lol

Talking about training and equipments is one thing and calling them pathetic and attitude/morality is another thing.

There are not only two idiots and also some other idiots and cowards are present who are ashamed of Indian police.

Yeah grandfather please read my comments correctly i was saying that he is blaming the police who have not behaved like the Constable Omble who is also fighting a terrorists who has AK-47 and bcoz of him we caught kasab alive if the police at the CST have not left like that some more people could have been saved that's what i am trying to say and i too have lot of respect for my police and my country .And the reason i supported him is he lost his father in kargil war so i understood that he is talking in anger and his intention is not to criticize our police force
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