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Pathetic state of the Indian Army

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Nov 4, 2009
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After reading Gen Kapoor's comment about his two war fiasco, this is a real embarrassment.


NEW DELHI: While the Indians celebrate 62nd Army Day, country’s Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor, just after a couple of weeks of announcing a new war doctrine of Indian army to eliminate Pakistan and China in matter of hours even if it has to fight on simultaneous fronts, outrageously admitted Indian Army’s Armoured debacle and expressed concern about the force's 'night blindness' in the area of Armoured Corps and mechanized infantry.

'My major concern is that night blindness of the army is removed so we are able to fight in the night as in the day,' Kapoor said at New Delhi, an admission that stunned the world in the backdrop of his two weeks old remarks.

The situation also forced Indian Defence Minister Antony to chew his own buts as he had been endorsing and projecting General Kapoor’s announcement regarding the new war doctrine for Pakistan and China.

Earlier, when his attention was brought to the fact that the Indian Army's tanks have a night vision capability of 20 percent, Pakistan's have 80 percent while China has 100 percent, General Deepak Kapoor admitted this outrageous military debacle by saying: 'You are right.'

'Projects are already in the pipeline to ensure that we have the night vision capability that our adversaries have. It may take three-four years,' Kapoor added. The lack of night vision capability of the Indian Army has affected its fighting capability during the night. The deficiency has been persistent since the Kargil conflict.

On a query about the obsolete artillery of the Indian Army, the army chief said that successive bans have delayed acquisition of new guns for long. 'Artillery is a cause for concern. We need to have better guns. Trials for towed guns are underway. Because of bans the process got delayed. We are now acquiring ultra light guns through FMS (Foreign Military Sales) route from the US,' Kapoor added.

A British daily investigations into the matter reveal that despite a numerical strength of tanks over Pakistan, Indian army otherwise armoured and infantry capabilities are even below average if compared with Pakistan Army.

According to these findings, Indian armoured corps comprises around 4, 059 tanks with a backup of 1, 133 as reserve while Pakistan Army’s Tank strength is 2,401 with a backup of 270 as reserves.

However this numerical supremacy of Indian army is outraged with the fact that Indian armoured corps relies mainly on its Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun, which emerged as a big failure while Pakistan Army’s armoured corps’ main strength has become Al-Khalid MBT which is a great success story, endorsed across the world.


Indian army doesn’t posses ability to fight in night: Army chief - GEO.tv :victory:
pls post it in the india defence section!
mods pls move!!!!
But doesn't the sun always shine on India ? Ahh well if our army fails us we still have our magical vedic mantras to chant which will chase our enemies away. And if that fails we can take solace in the fact that India is in such a horrible condition that neither the Chinese nor the Pakistanis nor the Bangladeshis want to rule our failure of a nation so we can sleep safe at night knowing that we will not be invaded :D
am feeling scared... what if pakistan attacks india :cry:

Well that settles it then, does it not. And now you do not need to worry about Cold Start etc.

Their one = ten thinking just won't change.......
Well that settles it then, does it not. And now you do not need to worry about Cold Start etc.

Their one = ten thinking just won't change.......

look this 1 is equal to 10 thinking well won't change what do you think pakistanis will accept one day that india is bigger stronger powerful and we are not even half your size! my friend i am sorry but we will never accept you as the "BIG BROTHER" we are eye ball to eye ball with you a nation 6 times our size for more than 60 years that my friend is our achievement! you might subdue nepal,bhutan & bangladesh but pakistan is just not and will not ever recognize india as the big boy of south asia!

as for your army chief well this is his way to wake up his government and make them get scared & provide funds to the army! which currently are all going towards the indian airforce! in terms of AWACS,DRONES & FIGHTERS!!!
look this 1 is equal to 10 thinking well won't change what do you think pakistanis will accept one day that india is bigger stronger powerful and we are not even half your size! my friend i am sorry but we will never accept you as the "BIG BROTHER" we are eye ball to eye ball with you a nation 6 times our size for more than 60 years that my friend is our achievement! you might subdue nepal,bhutan & bangladesh but pakistan is just not and will not ever recognize india as the big boy of south asia!

as for your army chief well this is his way to wake up his government and make them get scared & provide funds to the army! which currently are all going towards the indian airforce! in terms of AWACS,DRONES & FIGHTERS!!!

Mate the bolded part is not an achievement but a failure from both our countries :disagree:
am feeling scared... what if pakistan attacks india :cry:


four rolf smiles use for hide shame that your drunk ac can say any thing rubbish.i am sorry better india make an ac a mojor but not mr. kapoor.:)
hahahahha india is blind at night good to hear it after a booming economy india is stilll blind at night buying trillions of dollars SAMS, AC, DESTROYERS, FIGHTER JETS but stilll blind at night time hahahahhahahah heads of to think tank of pakistan army that they have covered all the aspects of land warefare.
hahahahha india is blind at night good to hear it after a booming economy india is stilll blind at night buying trillions of dollars SAMS, AC, DESTROYERS, FIGHTER JETS but stilll blind at night time hahahahhahahah heads of to think tank of pakistan army that they have covered all the aspects of land warefare.

Dont be so sure mate..its another tactics of our general to get more funds..earlier our Airforce chief and Navy chief did the same thing too ..
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