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Patokh Chodiev: the importance of Japan in becoming a billionaire


Jun 25, 2016
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It is virtually impossible to not fall in love with Japan. This country inspires everyone with its history, traditions, very restrained and polite locals. Tourists come to the land of the rising sun to find harmony, enjoy the local beauties and just plunge into a real fairy tale.

Kazakh businessman Patokh Chodiev is one of those people whose consciousness has changed since their stay in Japan. He became a completely different person - calm, organized, wise. Patokh was before that a man who strove to improve and achieve his goals, but after Japan, he finally came to a full vision of how to realize his plan and apply all his knowledge.

How the ancient Japanese wisdom helped a simple Kazakhstani guy become a respected person in many countries and get the title of a billionaire? More details in the material.

The main shareholder of Eurasian Resources Group and Eurasian Bank thanks Japan in almost every interview. Long years of life in this country formed the businessman as a person. As long-standing Japanese wisdom says: “The sun does not know the right. The sun does not know the wrong. The sun shines without the goal of warming someone. He who has found himself is like the sun.” The businessman is one of those who have found their way thanks to Japan. Now Patokh Chodiev expresses his boundless gratitude by doing things that really matter. For example, he arranges and finances tours for Japanese artists, helps preserve the masterpieces of Japanese museums.

Patokh Chodiev: the life of a Kazakhstani businessman in Japan

After graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Patokh Chodiev moved to Japan. The Kazakhstani businessman from childhood raved about this place. He fell in love with the culture, art, and history of the country when he simply read about Japan in school books. It was then that Chodiev set himself the goal - to learn Japanese and eventually go to the country of his dreams.

“Japan beckons with its traditions, cultural heritage, sets new trends in the modern world. It never loses its relevance and importance,” Patokh Chodiev said in an interview.

In Japan, Fattah Chodiev got a prestigious job, where he gained valuable experience and important acquaintances. The title of Advisor to the USSR Trade Representative and the duty of maintaining and improving the Soviet-Japanese relations placed great responsibility on the still inexperienced Chodiev, but he managed to cope with everything. For many years he showed his professionalism and became just like a local in Japan. The businessman repeatedly told the press that the Japanese could not distinguish him from a local resident by telephone. Chodiev speaks Japanese without an accent.

One of the founders of ERG is sure that the study of Japanese can change the psychology of a person because together with the language they can absorb the culture of Japan. So, this culture involuntarily begins to form a higher level of consciousness in a person.

“The effect is especially noticeable if a person loves what he or she is doing. The main thing is to strive to learn something new. This penetrates them and shapes their habits and attitudes to many things. I noticed this for myself when I became interested in Japan. In the student years, when classes at the university ended, everyone hurried to the library to prepare for seminars. Personally, I gave myself Japanese lessons throughout the year, even without waiting for seminars! This was the way that I spent 3 hours a day at my favorite pastime,” says Fattah Chodiev.

What makes Japan truly special: the businessman Fattah Chodiev’s opinion

The Japanese world outlook is not only special but also powerful. The businessman Fattah Chodiev’s full immersion in the state of the rising sun helped him to become the businessman with a worldwide reputation and build his own business empire. He managed not only to develop himself in business projects but also to create a strong family and to establish a charity fund that has been helping millions for almost 25 years.

Japanese wisdom from Fattah Chodiev:

1. Do not forget about courtesy. It is important to cultivate a sense of gratitude. Residents of Japan are almost the most polite people in the world. The businessman admits that every evening he thanks the life and himself out loud - for all that he has. Also, he thinks that this is not even one of the weirdest form of gratitude in Japan.
2. Look to the prospects. When just starting his own business empire, Chodiev always relied on one Japanese wisdom: "The sea is so great because it does not disdain small rivers." Therefore, the Kazakhstani always opted for small, but very promising projects. It is worth noting that he was able to grow large and competitive companies out of them.
3. Panic is something to forget about. Faced with difficult challenges, Patokh Chodiev never gave up and did not panic. The businessman remembered: "No one stumbles while lying in bed." The Japanese believe that only the one who does nothing knows about the trials. The path of a great man is always thorny.
This is such an inspiring and lovely article! I really want to visit Japan after reading this.
I have myself been very fond of Ninjas, Samurais, the famous Katana, the architecture and music!
Since when Webmaster start posting threads ? :o:

Japanese are extremely hard working people, one of my cousin did the business dealing with them and as per him they are extremely focus and to the time kinda people ..

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