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PDF Errors 2016

Sir @WebMaster ,

I am having server error messages. i had completed a lengthy write up to a thread in the Senior's section, and by the time i 'posted', i was met with an error message. Its all gone now. It was my mistake that i did not write it out first in microsoft word. :(

I have confidence in your ability to fix this, Sir.

Sir @WebMaster ,

I am having server error messages. i had completed a lengthy write up to a thread in the Senior's section, and by the time i 'posted', i was met with an error message. Its all gone now. It was my mistake that i did not write it out first in microsoft word. :(

I have confidence in your ability to fix this, Sir.


Yah I can confirm I was getting this some minutes back too.
Sir @WebMaster ,

I am having server error messages. i had completed a lengthy write up to a thread in the Senior's section, and by the time i 'posted', i was met with an error message. Its all gone now. It was my mistake that i did not write it out first in microsoft word. :(

I have confidence in your ability to fix this, Sir.


In order for me to troubleshoot the error, i need the error code/message/screenshot.
i think it's the NSA cloud , google has got image scanning technology , they can scan images for clues , faces , words , keywords etc. , google image search is just a tool to fool

Sir the live post page in my browser has gone weird. when i cleaned the history/cookies it's working well, but again it happens when i sign in to PDF.

i m trying to upload a photo but it's showing me error.
it shows

The following error occurred
There was a problem uploading your file.

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