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PDM’s economic year in review


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PDM’s economic year in review

The collapsing economy is likely to bury the House of Sharif with it, at least for the foreseeable future.

Uzair M. Younus
April 9, 2023

When historians write about causes that led to the French Revolution, they frequently point out that King Louis XVI’s weakness, indecisiveness, and lack of political insight played a critical role in bringing about the downfall of the House of Bourbon in France.

While perusing over the events that led to the Reign of Terror in France, one reads about the indecisiveness of Louis XVI, the failure to implement economic reforms, a shortage of essential food products, especially wheat, an elite that refused to pay its fair share of taxes, and even a scandal referred to as the “Affair of the Diamond Necklace”, which discredited the royal family and dented its popularity beyond repair.

In so many ways, today’s Pakistan seems awfully similar to the Ancien Régime. As we mark the one-year anniversary of the return of “purana Pakistan”, as Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari famously put it during his speech on the floor of Parliament, Pakistan is undergoing seismic and earth-shattering upheaval. And much like all upheavals, the worst affected are ordinary citizens who are experiencing emotional and economic trauma that will take generations to recover from.

So what exactly are the causes behind this economic crisis? And why is it that things have become so bleak in such a small period of time?

Indecisiveness and infighting

The obvious answer, as this author has reiterated in many analyses, is the unviability of Pakistan’s political economy, which has become captured by a parasitic kleptocracy that is now devouring its own kind for survival.

But this in and of itself does not explain the sharp decline in Pakistan’s economic prospects over the last 12 months. The crisis that began with a disastrous — and I would argue criminal — decision to lay an economic minefield through a petroleum subsidy by the PTI government was not unmanageable when Shehbaz Sharif donned his sherwani to become the 23rd Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme was indeed off-track at the time and yes, Pakistan had lost any and all credibility with the lender. But a new government, one that entered power with the stated desire to rescue the republic and the economy, was capable of turning things around at the time.

The delay in rolling back the petrol subsidies was an early signal that the prime minister and his cabinet were woefully unprepared to act decisively. It took Shehbaz Sharif over six weeks to do what he should have done on the first day of assuming power — end the subsidy and signal that his government meant business.

The dithering was not just limited to raising petroleum prices — months before they came to power, the PML-N’s “economic think tank” was engaging with experts to understand what it needed to do to rescue the economy. So it was not as if the likes of Miftah Ismail, Musadik Malik, and Ahsan Iqbal were not aware of what they should be doing.

But it turned out that the prime minister himself was on the fence, not only about what he needed to do to show intent and action, but also about whether he would remain in power. In a recent interview to Hamid Mir, Shehbaz himself acknowledged that he was ready to announce elections and the decision was not taken only because Imran Khan announced a long march towards Islamabad.

During this period, the prime minister also made it evident that it was not him, but his elder brother, Nawaz Sharif, who was calling the shots — Shehbaz went to London in early May with members of his cabinet to meet the elder brother.

There were other examples of the role that Nawaz and his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, played in determining the government’s policy — Maryam asked Miftah to look into pet food issues and a tax scheme to collect revenue from retailers was reversed after she objected to it — the pressure of course was coming from traders, a core voter bloc of the PML-N.

Despite this indecisiveness, the economy was still not beyond repair as the IMF programme was brought on track with a Staff Level Agreement being reached on July 13, 2022. This was another opportunity to push through meaningful reforms that would not only be good for the economy, but also rebuild Pakistan’s credibility among international creditors.

Dar returns, with a vengeance
But the man responsible for pushing through these actions was facing an insurgency led by a member of his own party. Enjoying a pleasant English summer, Ishaq Dar kept unleashing one strike after another against a member of his own party, leading Ismail to say that “he would be happy to relinquish his position” to pave the way for Dar’s return.

Dar’s return in September 2022 was yet another piece of evidence that the prime minister wasn’t really the one calling the shots, and it was an open secret that Dar was coming to Islamabad to represent the head honcho of the PML-N, Nawaz Sharif. While he did succeed in shouting down the dollar in the first few days of his return — in October, he claimed that the dollar would soon fall below Rs 200 — Dar was less Batman and more like Joker returning to Gotham.

On his watch, common sense economics was abandoned for gimmickry. The result was that the IMF programme went off track once more, Pakistan’s benefactors hit the pause button, and the slide accelerated. Dar’s visit to Washington for the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF were not fruitful, despite his many pronouncements that significant progress had been made.

During these trips, Pakistan’s leaders were also seeking increased assistance in the aftermath of the catastrophic floods that had affected over 30 million people, and while the world did step up to provide some immediate support — pledging $9 billion in assistance — the IMF was unwilling to go easy on the country.

An important member of the cabinet told me at this time that Pakistan had lost all credibility with the IMF and that Dar had angered the IMF by doing exactly what the government had promised the lender it would not do.

In the months that followed, the government continued to harm both its credibility among international lenders and its popularity at home. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif seemed lost at sea, delegating the management of the economy to a man who seemed to have little understanding of the economy and was more interested in political gimmickry.

Dar’s belief that somehow the price of a commodity — the US dollar — was reflective of economic vibrancy and success added fuel to the fire. The infamous Dar Peg led to a yawning gap in the formal and informal exchange rate of the rupee, leading to declining formal flows of much-needed foreign currency into the economy.

Remittances shifted to the informal market, exports declined, and recognising that Dar was taking a bet he could not win, market participants began buying dollars to safeguard their wealth.

Rather than let the currency depreciate, import curbs were placed to save scarce foreign currency — these measures began prior to Dar’s return but took on a life of their own towards the end of 2022. As a result, supply-chains began to grind to a halt, leading to shortages of necessities such as medicines, price hikes of food commodities including chicken and flour, and shutdown of business operations across the country.

The Dar Peg did finally break and the dollar rose in value — but this was too little, too late. By the time the rupee found its true market value, those with means had already dollarised. They had lost faith in Shehbaz, Dar, and the economic capacity of the PDM government. Every other conversation was about where the dollar was headed and whether one should buy gold, silver, or some other dollar-denominated assets.

For ordinary citizens, things could not get worse: inflation was rising by the day and on a trip to Karachi in February 2023, this author experienced what could basically be described as unanchored inflation expectations.

Where do we go from here?

Much like the House of Bourbon in the run up to the French Revolution, the House of Sharif is facing a disaster. It may well be for this very reason that they are trying to delay elections in Punjab, even if it means violating the Constitution.

But given the way in which the Sharif-led government has governed over the last year, odds are that they will be unable to rescue both the economy and their own political prospects.

Inflation today stands at over 35 per cent — the highest ever recorded — and is showing no signs of slowing down. Interest rates are at 21pc — negative in terms of real rates. The central bank has been cajoled once more into functioning as an extension of the finance ministry. And Pakistan’s most talented citizens are running for the exits, promising to never look back.

Over the coming days, some funding from Saudi Arabia may materialise, which combined with the recent support from China may help reach a Staff Level Agreement (SLA) with the IMF; this may happen despite the government’s best efforts to derail the programme through announcements like the petrol subsidy plan unveiled a few weeks ago.

These much-needed inflows of foreign currency will ease the crisis in the immediate term, but the situation will only marginally improve, and only for the next three to four months. This gets the PDM to elections (if they are held at all), where the hope might be that a populist and expansionary budget would help them build a narrative that they have averted default and saved the country from disaster.

But this simply would not be true because the ongoing economic crisis in Pakistan — a crisis that has become a multi-headed hydra on the PDM’s watch — is going to last for quite a long period of time.

At the end of the day, the collapsing economy is likely to bury the House of Sharif with it, at least for the foreseeable future. But this rubble will also continue to bury millions of ordinary citizens — some four million have fallen below the poverty line already — and their successive generations. Rescuing these citizens and rebuilding their lives will take years, if not decades, of prudent economic policies paired with a complete overhaul of the country’s political economy.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, there is not a single leader, political party, or institution in the country that fully understands the nature of the crisis today and what it would take to build a more equitable, sustainable economy that works for the many, not just the few.

PDM’s economic year in review

The collapsing economy is likely to bury the House of Sharif with it, at least for the foreseeable future.

Uzair M. Younus
April 9, 2023

When historians write about causes that led to the French Revolution, they frequently point out that King Louis XVI’s weakness, indecisiveness, and lack of political insight played a critical role in bringing about the downfall of the House of Bourbon in France.

While perusing over the events that led to the Reign of Terror in France, one reads about the indecisiveness of Louis XVI, the failure to implement economic reforms, a shortage of essential food products, especially wheat, an elite that refused to pay its fair share of taxes, and even a scandal referred to as the “Affair of the Diamond Necklace”, which discredited the royal family and dented its popularity beyond repair.

In so many ways, today’s Pakistan seems awfully similar to the Ancien Régime. As we mark the one-year anniversary of the return of “purana Pakistan”, as Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari famously put it during his speech on the floor of Parliament, Pakistan is undergoing seismic and earth-shattering upheaval. And much like all upheavals, the worst affected are ordinary citizens who are experiencing emotional and economic trauma that will take generations to recover from.

So what exactly are the causes behind this economic crisis? And why is it that things have become so bleak in such a small period of time?

Indecisiveness and infighting
The obvious answer, as this author has reiterated in many analyses, is the unviability of Pakistan’s political economy, which has become captured by a parasitic kleptocracy that is now devouring its own kind for survival.

But this in and of itself does not explain the sharp decline in Pakistan’s economic prospects over the last 12 months. The crisis that began with a disastrous — and I would argue criminal — decision to lay an economic minefield through a petroleum subsidy by the PTI government was not unmanageable when Shehbaz Sharif donned his sherwani to become the 23rd Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme was indeed off-track at the time and yes, Pakistan had lost any and all credibility with the lender. But a new government, one that entered power with the stated desire to rescue the republic and the economy, was capable of turning things around at the time.

The delay in rolling back the petrol subsidies was an early signal that the prime minister and his cabinet were woefully unprepared to act decisively. It took Shehbaz Sharif over six weeks to do what he should have done on the first day of assuming power — end the subsidy and signal that his government meant business.

The dithering was not just limited to raising petroleum prices — months before they came to power, the PML-N’s “economic think tank” was engaging with experts to understand what it needed to do to rescue the economy. So it was not as if the likes of Miftah Ismail, Musadik Malik, and Ahsan Iqbal were not aware of what they should be doing.

But it turned out that the prime minister himself was on the fence, not only about what he needed to do to show intent and action, but also about whether he would remain in power. In a recent interview to Hamid Mir, Shehbaz himself acknowledged that he was ready to announce elections and the decision was not taken only because Imran Khan announced a long march towards Islamabad.

During this period, the prime minister also made it evident that it was not him, but his elder brother, Nawaz Sharif, who was calling the shots — Shehbaz went to London in early May with members of his cabinet to meet the elder brother.

There were other examples of the role that Nawaz and his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, played in determining the government’s policy — Maryam asked Miftah to look into pet food issues and a tax scheme to collect revenue from retailers was reversed after she objected to it — the pressure of course was coming from traders, a core voter bloc of the PML-N.

Despite this indecisiveness, the economy was still not beyond repair as the IMF programme was brought on track with a Staff Level Agreement being reached on July 13, 2022. This was another opportunity to push through meaningful reforms that would not only be good for the economy, but also rebuild Pakistan’s credibility among international creditors.

Dar returns, with a vengeance
But the man responsible for pushing through these actions was facing an insurgency led by a member of his own party. Enjoying a pleasant English summer, Ishaq Dar kept unleashing one strike after another against a member of his own party, leading Ismail to say that “he would be happy to relinquish his position” to pave the way for Dar’s return.

Dar’s return in September 2022 was yet another piece of evidence that the prime minister wasn’t really the one calling the shots, and it was an open secret that Dar was coming to Islamabad to represent the head honcho of the PML-N, Nawaz Sharif. While he did succeed in shouting down the dollar in the first few days of his return — in October, he claimed that the dollar would soon fall below Rs 200 — Dar was less Batman and more like Joker returning to Gotham.

On his watch, common sense economics was abandoned for gimmickry. The result was that the IMF programme went off track once more, Pakistan’s benefactors hit the pause button, and the slide accelerated. Dar’s visit to Washington for the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF were not fruitful, despite his many pronouncements that significant progress had been made.

During these trips, Pakistan’s leaders were also seeking increased assistance in the aftermath of the catastrophic floods that had affected over 30 million people, and while the world did step up to provide some immediate support — pledging $9 billion in assistance — the IMF was unwilling to go easy on the country.

An important member of the cabinet told me at this time that Pakistan had lost all credibility with the IMF and that Dar had angered the IMF by doing exactly what the government had promised the lender it would not do.

In the months that followed, the government continued to harm both its credibility among international lenders and its popularity at home. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif seemed lost at sea, delegating the management of the economy to a man who seemed to have little understanding of the economy and was more interested in political gimmickry.

Dar’s belief that somehow the price of a commodity — the US dollar — was reflective of economic vibrancy and success added fuel to the fire. The infamous Dar Peg led to a yawning gap in the formal and informal exchange rate of the rupee, leading to declining formal flows of much-needed foreign currency into the economy.

Remittances shifted to the informal market, exports declined, and recognising that Dar was taking a bet he could not win, market participants began buying dollars to safeguard their wealth.

Rather than let the currency depreciate, import curbs were placed to save scarce foreign currency — these measures began prior to Dar’s return but took on a life of their own towards the end of 2022. As a result, supply-chains began to grind to a halt, leading to shortages of necessities such as medicines, price hikes of food commodities including chicken and flour, and shutdown of business operations across the country.

The Dar Peg did finally break and the dollar rose in value — but this was too little, too late. By the time the rupee found its true market value, those with means had already dollarised. They had lost faith in Shehbaz, Dar, and the economic capacity of the PDM government. Every other conversation was about where the dollar was headed and whether one should buy gold, silver, or some other dollar-denominated assets.

For ordinary citizens, things could not get worse: inflation was rising by the day and on a trip to Karachi in February 2023, this author experienced what could basically be described as unanchored inflation expectations.

Where do we go from here?
Much like the House of Bourbon in the run up to the French Revolution, the House of Sharif is facing a disaster. It may well be for this very reason that they are trying to delay elections in Punjab, even if it means violating the Constitution.

But given the way in which the Sharif-led government has governed over the last year, odds are that they will be unable to rescue both the economy and their own political prospects.

Inflation today stands at over 35 per cent — the highest ever recorded — and is showing no signs of slowing down. Interest rates are at 21pc — negative in terms of real rates. The central bank has been cajoled once more into functioning as an extension of the finance ministry. And Pakistan’s most talented citizens are running for the exits, promising to never look back.

Over the coming days, some funding from Saudi Arabia may materialise, which combined with the recent support from China may help reach a Staff Level Agreement (SLA) with the IMF; this may happen despite the government’s best efforts to derail the programme through announcements like the petrol subsidy plan unveiled a few weeks ago.

These much-needed inflows of foreign currency will ease the crisis in the immediate term, but the situation will only marginally improve, and only for the next three to four months. This gets the PDM to elections (if they are held at all), where the hope might be that a populist and expansionary budget would help them build a narrative that they have averted default and saved the country from disaster.

But this simply would not be true because the ongoing economic crisis in Pakistan — a crisis that has become a multi-headed hydra on the PDM’s watch — is going to last for quite a long period of time.

At the end of the day, the collapsing economy is likely to bury the House of Sharif with it, at least for the foreseeable future. But this rubble will also continue to bury millions of ordinary citizens — some four million have fallen below the poverty line already — and their successive generations. Rescuing these citizens and rebuilding their lives will take years, if not decades, of prudent economic policies paired with a complete overhaul of the country’s political economy.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, there is not a single leader, political party, or institution in the country that fully understands the nature of the crisis today and what it would take to build a more equitable, sustainable economy that works for the many, not just the few.

At the end of the day, the collapsing economy is likely to bury the House of Sharif with it,

Why not also bury the house of Zadari/Bhutto aswell ??????
When you have iblees reincarnates at the helm you know whats coming.

Garbage in Garbage out.
This guy used to be a cheerleader for Sharif dynasty. What happened?

This guy used to be a cheerleader for Sharif dynasty. What happened?
Establishment will sell Pakistanis each one for a dollar to shore up reserves.

Pakistan’s textile exports plunge 22.6% in March

  • Sector's exports clock in at $1.26bn, says PBS
  • Data shows exports in first nine months of FY23 decrease by 12.4% to $12.48bn
BR Web Desk
April 18, 2023

Exports of Pakistan’s textile sector witnessed a significant decline of 22.6%, clocking in at $1.26 billion in March 2023 compared to $1.63 billion recorded in the same month of the previous year, showed latest data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).

Data showed textile exports in the first nine months of FY23 decreased by 12.4% to $12.48 billion, declining from $14.24 billion a year earlier.

The decrease in the key textile exports is concerning for the South Asian economy, which is dealing with low foreign exchange reserves.

Forex reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) are currently at $4.04 billion, barely enough for a month of essential imports.

Textile exports may fall by $3bn this year, warns APTMA

On a month-on-month basis, textile exports registered an increase of 6.6%, as compared to $1.18 billion recorded in February.

“Increase is indicative of an MoM recovery in global textile demand. Textile manufacturers of Pakistan have seen improved orders from Europe and USA for value-added segment,” said Nasheed Malik, an analyst at Topline Securities in a report on Tuesday.

The brokerage house said that a drop in demand from major export markets and recent hike in tariffs are key challenges going forward. “However, order clarity exists till Jun-2023 and tariff hikes are currently at a previous stay position till the end of FY23 as per our channel checks,” it said.

“We expect textile exports to clock in at a range of $16-17 billion in FY23 as compared to APTMA’s targets of $25 billion and last year’s FY22 textile exports of $19 billion,” it added.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s exports during July-March (2022-23) were recorded at $21.046 billion against the exports of $23.350 billion in July-March of 2021-22, showing a decline of nearly 10%, according to the trade data released by PBS earlier this month.

Big industries contract by 12% in February​

Reeling from supply-chain disruptions, high costs, economic slowdown

Shahbaz Rana
April 18, 2023

The pace of contraction in Pakistan’s major industries sharpened to nearly 12% in February over a year ago, as the industries reel under pressure from supply-chain disruptions, high fuel costs, policy uncertainty and an economic slowdown.

Large-Scale Manufacturing (LSM) industries recorded an 11.6% lower production rate in February over a year ago, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) said on Monday. The contraction was steeper than the market expectations but is in line with the expectation of overall negative growth in the industrial sector during the current fiscal year.

Pakistan’s factories are shutting down one after another because of restrictions imposed on imports that have caused a shortage of imported raw material. The steep currency devaluation has also made raw material expensive and business models unviable.

Dwindling foreign exchange reserves, standing at only $4 billion, administrative import controls, flood-related supply-chain disruptions, high fuel costs, policy uncertainty, and the slowdown in domestic and global demand have affected the industry and service sector activity, according to a recent report by the World Bank.

The World Bank has projected negative growth in both industrial and agriculture sectors during the current fiscal year with overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate at only 0.4%. Business and consumer confidence have continued to plummet, suggesting continued suppressed activity over the coming months.

The government is allowing imports equal to monthly inflows on account of exports and remittances – a strategy that has proven too costly for industries. The government has compressed imports to a range between $2 billion and $2.5 billion per month, causing supply shortages.

“Our foreign exchange position is very tight and we are giving preference to the import of food and medicines,” said Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif while speaking on the floor of the National Assembly on Monday.

The government has been waiting for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) deal to materialise before it starts normalising imports.

Earlier this month, the central bank also increased its interest rates to 21% – the highest in Pakistan’s history – in hopes of cinching a staff level agreement with the IMF. Still, there is uncertainty, as the lender had initially demanded around 7% increase in the interest rates.


The LSM trend indicates that this year the overall GDP growth rate may remain below 1% due to the shutdown of industries and adverse impact of the devastating floods on the agriculture sector, according to estimates from the finance ministry, IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank. The government had targeted economic growth of 5.1% in the current fiscal year.

Overall, LSM output shrank 5.6% in the July-February period of fiscal year 2022-23, the PBS reported.

The big industries faced broad-based contraction, with 18 of the 22 sectors witnessing lower production during the first eight months (July-February) compared to a year ago. Only clothing, leather products, furniture, and other manufacturing sectors saw an increase in production during the first eight months.

Since large industries contribute heavily to revenue collection and job creation, any change in their growth impacts the government and business sentiment across the board. The LSM sector contributes nearly one-tenth to total national output, however, a constant decline in the share and growth of LSM may cause a lot of problems for the government already struggling to create new jobs.

The main contributors towards overall the negative growth of 5.6% include the food sector that shrank by 2% and the tobacco industry which contracted by one-fifth. Similarly, the textile sector’s output also dropped by over 14%. Petroleum products and cement production also dipped significantly during the first eight months of the fiscal year.

The two sectors hit hardest by the ban on imports were pharmaceuticals and automobiles, both of which witnessed significant contraction during the first eight months of the current fiscal year.

Production was also lower in the chemicals sector, non-metallic mineral products, machinery and equipment and transport equipment.

Pak Suzuki Motor Company records highest ever quarterly loss of Rs12.9bn

  • Experts attribute loss to plunge in sales and currency depreciation..

Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited (PSMC) recorded its highest-ever quarterly loss of Rs12.9 billion in the first three months of 2023 owing to decrease in sales and high finance cost. The car manufacturing firm had booked a loss of Rs460.227 million in the same period last year.

As per PSMC’s latest financial results for Q1 2023 (Jan-March), the automaker posted a loss after taxation of Rs12.915 billion, according to a notice sent to Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX).
PDM’s economic year in review

The collapsing economy is likely to bury the House of Sharif with it, at least for the foreseeable future.

Uzair M. Younus
April 9, 2023

When historians write about causes that led to the French Revolution, they frequently point out that King Louis XVI’s weakness, indecisiveness, and lack of political insight played a critical role in bringing about the downfall of the House of Bourbon in France.

While perusing over the events that led to the Reign of Terror in France, one reads about the indecisiveness of Louis XVI, the failure to implement economic reforms, a shortage of essential food products, especially wheat, an elite that refused to pay its fair share of taxes, and even a scandal referred to as the “Affair of the Diamond Necklace”, which discredited the royal family and dented its popularity beyond repair.

In so many ways, today’s Pakistan seems awfully similar to the Ancien Régime. As we mark the one-year anniversary of the return of “purana Pakistan”, as Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari famously put it during his speech on the floor of Parliament, Pakistan is undergoing seismic and earth-shattering upheaval. And much like all upheavals, the worst affected are ordinary citizens who are experiencing emotional and economic trauma that will take generations to recover from.

So what exactly are the causes behind this economic crisis? And why is it that things have become so bleak in such a small period of time?

Indecisiveness and infighting
The obvious answer, as this author has reiterated in many analyses, is the unviability of Pakistan’s political economy, which has become captured by a parasitic kleptocracy that is now devouring its own kind for survival.

But this in and of itself does not explain the sharp decline in Pakistan’s economic prospects over the last 12 months. The crisis that began with a disastrous — and I would argue criminal — decision to lay an economic minefield through a petroleum subsidy by the PTI government was not unmanageable when Shehbaz Sharif donned his sherwani to become the 23rd Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme was indeed off-track at the time and yes, Pakistan had lost any and all credibility with the lender. But a new government, one that entered power with the stated desire to rescue the republic and the economy, was capable of turning things around at the time.

The delay in rolling back the petrol subsidies was an early signal that the prime minister and his cabinet were woefully unprepared to act decisively. It took Shehbaz Sharif over six weeks to do what he should have done on the first day of assuming power — end the subsidy and signal that his government meant business.

The dithering was not just limited to raising petroleum prices — months before they came to power, the PML-N’s “economic think tank” was engaging with experts to understand what it needed to do to rescue the economy. So it was not as if the likes of Miftah Ismail, Musadik Malik, and Ahsan Iqbal were not aware of what they should be doing.

But it turned out that the prime minister himself was on the fence, not only about what he needed to do to show intent and action, but also about whether he would remain in power. In a recent interview to Hamid Mir, Shehbaz himself acknowledged that he was ready to announce elections and the decision was not taken only because Imran Khan announced a long march towards Islamabad.

During this period, the prime minister also made it evident that it was not him, but his elder brother, Nawaz Sharif, who was calling the shots — Shehbaz went to London in early May with members of his cabinet to meet the elder brother.

There were other examples of the role that Nawaz and his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, played in determining the government’s policy — Maryam asked Miftah to look into pet food issues and a tax scheme to collect revenue from retailers was reversed after she objected to it — the pressure of course was coming from traders, a core voter bloc of the PML-N.

Despite this indecisiveness, the economy was still not beyond repair as the IMF programme was brought on track with a Staff Level Agreement being reached on July 13, 2022. This was another opportunity to push through meaningful reforms that would not only be good for the economy, but also rebuild Pakistan’s credibility among international creditors.

Dar returns, with a vengeance
But the man responsible for pushing through these actions was facing an insurgency led by a member of his own party. Enjoying a pleasant English summer, Ishaq Dar kept unleashing one strike after another against a member of his own party, leading Ismail to say that “he would be happy to relinquish his position” to pave the way for Dar’s return.

Dar’s return in September 2022 was yet another piece of evidence that the prime minister wasn’t really the one calling the shots, and it was an open secret that Dar was coming to Islamabad to represent the head honcho of the PML-N, Nawaz Sharif. While he did succeed in shouting down the dollar in the first few days of his return — in October, he claimed that the dollar would soon fall below Rs 200 — Dar was less Batman and more like Joker returning to Gotham.

On his watch, common sense economics was abandoned for gimmickry. The result was that the IMF programme went off track once more, Pakistan’s benefactors hit the pause button, and the slide accelerated. Dar’s visit to Washington for the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF were not fruitful, despite his many pronouncements that significant progress had been made.

During these trips, Pakistan’s leaders were also seeking increased assistance in the aftermath of the catastrophic floods that had affected over 30 million people, and while the world did step up to provide some immediate support — pledging $9 billion in assistance — the IMF was unwilling to go easy on the country.

An important member of the cabinet told me at this time that Pakistan had lost all credibility with the IMF and that Dar had angered the IMF by doing exactly what the government had promised the lender it would not do.

In the months that followed, the government continued to harm both its credibility among international lenders and its popularity at home. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif seemed lost at sea, delegating the management of the economy to a man who seemed to have little understanding of the economy and was more interested in political gimmickry.

Dar’s belief that somehow the price of a commodity — the US dollar — was reflective of economic vibrancy and success added fuel to the fire. The infamous Dar Peg led to a yawning gap in the formal and informal exchange rate of the rupee, leading to declining formal flows of much-needed foreign currency into the economy.

Remittances shifted to the informal market, exports declined, and recognising that Dar was taking a bet he could not win, market participants began buying dollars to safeguard their wealth.

Rather than let the currency depreciate, import curbs were placed to save scarce foreign currency — these measures began prior to Dar’s return but took on a life of their own towards the end of 2022. As a result, supply-chains began to grind to a halt, leading to shortages of necessities such as medicines, price hikes of food commodities including chicken and flour, and shutdown of business operations across the country.

The Dar Peg did finally break and the dollar rose in value — but this was too little, too late. By the time the rupee found its true market value, those with means had already dollarised. They had lost faith in Shehbaz, Dar, and the economic capacity of the PDM government. Every other conversation was about where the dollar was headed and whether one should buy gold, silver, or some other dollar-denominated assets.

For ordinary citizens, things could not get worse: inflation was rising by the day and on a trip to Karachi in February 2023, this author experienced what could basically be described as unanchored inflation expectations.

Where do we go from here?
Much like the House of Bourbon in the run up to the French Revolution, the House of Sharif is facing a disaster. It may well be for this very reason that they are trying to delay elections in Punjab, even if it means violating the Constitution.

But given the way in which the Sharif-led government has governed over the last year, odds are that they will be unable to rescue both the economy and their own political prospects.

Inflation today stands at over 35 per cent — the highest ever recorded — and is showing no signs of slowing down. Interest rates are at 21pc — negative in terms of real rates. The central bank has been cajoled once more into functioning as an extension of the finance ministry. And Pakistan’s most talented citizens are running for the exits, promising to never look back.

Over the coming days, some funding from Saudi Arabia may materialise, which combined with the recent support from China may help reach a Staff Level Agreement (SLA) with the IMF; this may happen despite the government’s best efforts to derail the programme through announcements like the petrol subsidy plan unveiled a few weeks ago.

These much-needed inflows of foreign currency will ease the crisis in the immediate term, but the situation will only marginally improve, and only for the next three to four months. This gets the PDM to elections (if they are held at all), where the hope might be that a populist and expansionary budget would help them build a narrative that they have averted default and saved the country from disaster.

But this simply would not be true because the ongoing economic crisis in Pakistan — a crisis that has become a multi-headed hydra on the PDM’s watch — is going to last for quite a long period of time.

At the end of the day, the collapsing economy is likely to bury the House of Sharif with it, at least for the foreseeable future. But this rubble will also continue to bury millions of ordinary citizens — some four million have fallen below the poverty line already — and their successive generations. Rescuing these citizens and rebuilding their lives will take years, if not decades, of prudent economic policies paired with a complete overhaul of the country’s political economy.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, there is not a single leader, political party, or institution in the country that fully understands the nature of the crisis today and what it would take to build a more equitable, sustainable economy that works for the many, not just the few.

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Pakistan’s textile exports plunge 22.6% in March

  • Sector's exports clock in at $1.26bn, says PBS
  • Data shows exports in first nine months of FY23 decrease by 12.4% to $12.48bn
BR Web Desk
April 18, 2023

Exports of Pakistan’s textile sector witnessed a significant decline of 22.6%, clocking in at $1.26 billion in March 2023 compared to $1.63 billion recorded in the same month of the previous year, showed latest data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).

Data showed textile exports in the first nine months of FY23 decreased by 12.4% to $12.48 billion, declining from $14.24 billion a year earlier.

The decrease in the key textile exports is concerning for the South Asian economy, which is dealing with low foreign exchange reserves.

Forex reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) are currently at $4.04 billion, barely enough for a month of essential imports.

Textile exports may fall by $3bn this year, warns APTMA

On a month-on-month basis, textile exports registered an increase of 6.6%, as compared to $1.18 billion recorded in February.

“Increase is indicative of an MoM recovery in global textile demand. Textile manufacturers of Pakistan have seen improved orders from Europe and USA for value-added segment,” said Nasheed Malik, an analyst at Topline Securities in a report on Tuesday.

The brokerage house said that a drop in demand from major export markets and recent hike in tariffs are key challenges going forward. “However, order clarity exists till Jun-2023 and tariff hikes are currently at a previous stay position till the end of FY23 as per our channel checks,” it said.

“We expect textile exports to clock in at a range of $16-17 billion in FY23 as compared to APTMA’s targets of $25 billion and last year’s FY22 textile exports of $19 billion,” it added.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s exports during July-March (2022-23) were recorded at $21.046 billion against the exports of $23.350 billion in July-March of 2021-22, showing a decline of nearly 10%, according to the trade data released by PBS earlier this month.

Pakistan’s textile exports plunge 22.6% in March

A 22.6 % decrease in exports compared to previous year need to be looked w.r.t the predictable increase in exports planned for this year 2022-2023.

So the net loss is 22.6 + 22.6(plus), looking into this context. And with textile sector importing machineries amounting to several billion USD due to the burgeoning exports last year, the interest on loans and no breakeven achieved, idle production can put many textile firms out of business and into default, foreclosures.
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